Matter on the ‘Death’ asteroid
Seeing this, the female sailor’s expression changed again, and she said with a cry in her tone.
“Sister Qianqian, please don’t…”
“Shh~ don’t be noisy!”
Hearing this, Chu Wenqian’s expression turned solemn, and she said something to her with a solemn tone.
Chu Wenqian did not expect that her courage would be so small…
But I can understand it when I think about it. After all, they are not real soldiers, but only technicians, and they are still so young.
In such a situation, the reaction is not much different from that of a little girl.
Although the female sailor was still very scared when she heard the words, she bravely walked towards the inside of the main control room while grabbing Chu Wenqian’s arm.
As the two women got closer and closer, Tang Zhenli’s heart also moved, and he directly endured the severe pain and whispered “one forty zero”.
“I am here!”
The two women who heard the words reacted instantly,
It’s Tang Gong! Tang Gong is not dead yet!
The female sailor was stunned for a moment, and then she was no longer afraid when she realized it, but instead showed a look of joy.
And when Chu Wenqian heard this voice, her eyes lit up instantly, and an inexplicable excitement and joy emerged in her heart.
Then, he walked slowly towards this side.
After arriving in front of Tang Zhenli, the two women could clearly locate Tang Zhenli’s location.
The moment they saw Tang Zhenli, the two girls shouted in joy.
“Tang Gong!”
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli’s heart was also relieved, and he nodded towards the two women.
Then, Chu Wenqian thought about helping him up.
“do not move!”
Unexpectedly, Xiangdong was interrupted directly by Tang Zhenli, although now Tang Zhenli can only speak with his breath.
But both of them were in front of them, so they could hear clearly.
Just as the two women cast inquiring eyes, Tang Zhenli continued to speak in a calm tone.
“I’m hurt now…”
Hearing this, the expressions of the two women moved, and then their eyes flashed a bit of worry at the same time.
With a lively mind, Chu Wenqian finally said to the female sailor.
“Xiao Xu, you go outside and call someone, I’m here to guard Tang Gong!”
Hearing this, the female sailor known as Xiao Xu was not sloppy and said quickly.
“Okay, I’ll go right now!”
After speaking, he trotted all the way to the door of the main control room.
And Chu Wenqian also squatted down, using the small lamp in his hand to carefully examine Tang Zhenli’s injuries.
She placed her hand lightly on Tang Zhenli’s chest, feeling the moistness, Chu Wenqian’s heart skipped a beat, and then her expression became serious.
so much blood…
Here, Tang Zhenli was slightly uncomfortable seeing this, and then said.
“Don’t look at it, it’s just that a piece of unknown object was inserted into the lung lobe of the right chest, and the left hand was broken…”
Hearing this, Chu Wenqian was stunned for a moment, then a strange look appeared on her face.
At this time, can you still speak out about your injury with such a change of face?
But then there was a subconscious look of anxiety on his face. Judging from the amount of blood loss, this is definitely not the injury that Tang Gong said so lightly.
If it is delayed for a while… the consequences are unimaginable!
Thinking of this, Chu Wenqian felt a little anxious.
But at this moment, besides being anxious, she can only wait…waiting for the arrival of rescue…
On the other side, the female sailor walked out of the door of the main control room and ran all the way to the core cabin.
At a glance, he saw Meng Siyuan who had just come out of the core cabin, and immediately ran towards him in a hurry.
When he came to him, he said breathlessly.
“Chief, the main control room… Tang Gong is injured…”
Hearing this, Meng Siyuan’s eyes glared, and without asking the reason, he immediately turned his head and said loudly to the officers and soldiers behind.
“Notify the medics! The main control room!”
As he spoke, he turned to look at the female sailor.
“You follow us later!”
Hearing this, she also answered loudly.
“Yes! Chief!”
After a short while, since most of the officers and soldiers were in the core cabin, when Meng Siyuan’s voice fell, the medical troops of the Space Strategic Force had already assembled……
Immediately, under the leadership of the female crew members, the group rushed towards the main control room…
In the main control room,
Just when Chu Wenqian and others were a little overwhelmed, the rescue team headed by Meng Siyuan directly opened the door to the main control room under the leadership of the female sailor.
Under the illumination of numerous lights, he immediately walked towards Tang Zhenli at a glance.
Immediately, a bit of joy appeared on Chu Wenqian’s face, and Tang Zhenli’s consciousness relaxed slightly.
After Meng Siyuan and the others approached, they saw Tang Zhenli, who was in a fairly good state of mind. Meng Siyuan’s heart was slightly relieved, at least he didn’t lack arms or legs.Then he said to Chu Wenqian.
“how is the situation?”
“Tang Gong’s lungs and arms are injured, and there is a risk of excessive blood loss!”
Hearing this, Chu Wenqian also said with a very serious expression.
Seeing this, Meng Siyuan’s expression changed, and he said directly to the medical staff behind,
“Hurry up, get on the medical bed, and be careful!”
After finishing speaking, Meng Siyuan and Chu Wenqian hurriedly stepped aside, and the medical staff also gently lifted Tang Zhenli up and placed him on the medical bed.
Then he carefully pushed towards the medical department of the ‘Phoenix’.
Looking at the 4.2 Tang Zhenli who was gradually leaving, Meng Siyuan felt a sense of worry in his heart..
You know, before Tang Zhenli was seconded here, he made a promise…
Looking at the current situation, if I can go back…I’m afraid…
But the next moment, Meng Siyuan directly shook his head, clearing away the distracting thoughts in his mind.
With the current situation, it’s not the time to think about these things.
Although the situation of the “Phoenix” is gradually improving, it is still not out of crisis…
The situation of losing contact with the ground in space alone is already very serious!
Now even he doesn’t know where the ‘Phoenix’ is flying to?

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