Searching for the Lost “Phoenix”
At this time, the “Phoenix” has already left the low-earth orbit, and is gradually moving away in an unknown direction.
Fortunately, the earth and the moon can still be seen at present, which proves that they have not flown beyond the distance between the earth and the moon.
This can be regarded as the only consolation for the entire crew on the ‘Phoenix’.
Fortunately, the current reserves of various resources on the “Phoenix”, such as food, water, etc., are still sufficient, and they can last for about a month.
But that’s the case, everyone on the ‘Phoenix’ is now working overtime to carry out the repair work. If there are no accidents, the ‘Phoenix’ should be completely repaired within a month.
But these are not important. The most important thing at the moment is to repair the communication system and get in touch with the ground as soon as possible.
In the medical room,
After three hours of intensive surgery, the foreign body in Tang Zhenli’s lung was completely removed, and a heavy plaster cast was placed on his left hand.
For now, Tang Zhenli, who was pushed out of the operating table, seems to be in good condition.
According to the chief medical officer of the 17th Space Strategic Force, fortunately it was only a small piece of metal, and it was not pierced too deeply. Otherwise, the situation would not be as optimistic as it is now.
Compared to being sucked out of space, Tang Zhenli’s injuries at this time are actually minor injuries.
So half an hour after the operation, Tang Zhenli woke up leisurely, and then saw a circle of caring people around the hospital bed, including Meng Siyuan, Chu Wenqian, and Wang Shan.
The first time he woke up, Tang Zhenli carefully felt the condition of his body at the moment.
Except for the still inability to move his left hand and a slight pain in breathing, everything else is pretty normal.
Seeing Tang Zhenli wake up, Meng Siyuan said to Tang Zhenli with concern.
“How do you feel? Academician Tang?”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli also had a smile on his face, and after looking around at the people around him, he nodded slightly.
“not bad…”
But at this moment, Tang Zhenli thought of the situation in the main control room again in his mind, his eyelids twitched, and then his expression changed, becoming serious.
“The main control room! When the shock wave came just now, a gap was smashed into the main control room, and many fragments of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid were also involved. According to my guess, this kind of material has never appeared on the earth. ..”
As Tang Zhenli’s words fell, the faces of everyone present changed instantly. Obviously, they did not expect Tang Zhenli to encounter such a dangerous situation.
Although Tang Zhenli’s tone sounded light-hearted, they still felt countless dangers in this short sentence.
Being able to survive in the main control room that was smashed into a big gap…….The danger and crisis in it are not just talking…
Thinking about it, Meng Siyuan’s back was dripping with cold sweat. If Academician Tang really… hiss~ I would be dead!
In this way, academician Tang is only injured, which is a blessing in misfortune!
For a while, everyone looked at Tang Zhenli inexplicably.
She had only narrowly escaped death a few hours ago, yet she is still so calm at this moment…
At this time, Chu Wenqian’s previous evaluation of Tang Zhenli rang out from the female crew member who was also surrounding the hospital bed.
She faintly felt that what Chu Wenqian said was right. Tang Gong sometimes really looked like a robot without emotional fluctuations…
Although I don’t know how Tang Gong survived, if they and Tang Zhenli’s situation were changed, they would definitely not be able to survive!
At this time, Wang Shan began to think about another important point in Tang Zhenli’s words.
In the end, Wang Shan’s expression changed suddenly, and she immediately said to Tang Zhenli.
“Tang Gong, you mean…”
Seeing that only Wang Shan understood what she meant, Tang Zhenli nodded at her, and then said.
“That’s right, we want to collect this kind of substance. According to my observation, this kind of substance is likely to be able to affect space!”
As soon as the voice fell, except for Meng Siyuan who was a little confused, other technicians such as Chu Wenqian and Wang Shan immediately showed shocked expressions on their faces.look.
The matter that can affect space, the energy contained in it, or its constituent matter, how terrifying it must be! ! !
If this substance can be thoroughly researched, it may bring technological changes to human civilization again, so that the development speed of civilization can be raised to a new level!
Taking a step back, the study of this substance can also improve human understanding of the universe!
In the end, this “Death” asteroid crisis may not be as simple as a crisis in the history of human civilization…
This is likely to be another milestone record and leap!
So this is the reason why many technicians present become more and more enthusiastic.
What is the most important key to the development of civilization?
It is nothing more than technological innovation and innovation in physical theory!
140 And the substance brought by the ‘Death’ asteroid is likely to promote the progress of both at the same time!
Seeing that everyone realized the importance of these substances, Tang Zhenli also smiled faintly.
But when he turned his head and looked at Meng Siyuan who was still in a daze, Tang Zhenli was also a little helpless. In the end, he could only give him a popular explanation.
“Commander Meng, you must know that the ‘Death’ asteroid has endured more than 100 nuclear weapons without any damage, so you should be able to understand…”
After speaking, Meng Siyuan showed a shocked expression just like everyone else.
Although he is a soldier, he can understand the most basic things.
If this substance is used as a weapon…his~
The next moment, Meng Siyuan realized the importance of this, and immediately became excited.
“Then Academician Tang, I will arrange for someone to collect the meteorites in the main control room!”
Speaking, without waiting for Tang Zhenli to respond, he hurriedly walked outside.
Everyone was a little helpless when they saw this, but they also knew that this matter was of great importance, and it was right to make arrangements earlier!

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