Five Billion Rescue Plan
In the main control room at this time,
With the energy system back up and running, the lights in the main control room have been restored.
Under the light of the lights, the technical crew who received the order to repair the communication system in the main control room looked at the messy room and couldn’t help but feel a little astonished.
The current main control room gave them the feeling that a terrifying monster was wreaking havoc in it!
Even though I just learned from Tang Gong’s mouth that the main control room was hit, which led to the current situation.
It can be said that what I saw with my own eyes at the moment is undoubtedly more impactful.
“Captain, is our mission this time to collect these meteorites?”
At this moment, a technical crew member came to an older technical crew member and asked curiously.
From the current point of view, under the bright lights, the fragments of the “Death” asteroids that Tang Zhenli had seen before were like ordinary meteorites, and they were inconspicuous at all.
So naturally some people have doubts.
Seeing someone ask, the older technical crew member glanced at him subconsciously, and then said a little angrily.
“Do whatever you want? Where did you get so much nonsense!”
Saying that, he started by himself first, carefully storing a meteorite in the storage box.
In fact, he didn’t understand the use of these meteorites. They were obviously the same as the meteorites scattered everywhere.
But in the end, he was only executing orders, and as far as he knew, this was an order from Gong Gong himself.
So although he doesn’t understand what these meteorites are for, it still doesn’t prevent him from concentrating on the task.
And the other technical crew members who were sent to collect meteorites saw that their captains had begun to act, so naturally they did not dare to be sloppy, and also began to act, by the way, tidy up the entire main control room.
On the ground, the Longguo Science and Technology Department,
Now the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo has set up a special rescue working group, and Ji Chengtian personally serves as the team leader.
As far as the current situation is concerned, the total number of Dragon Kingdom alone, whether it is a spacecraft that has just been launched or a spacecraft that is already in orbit, has exceeded double digits.
However, this is still a drop in the bucket in such a huge space.
Fortunately, other countries have also started launching spacecraft, and it is stated that all the spacecraft will be mobilized by the rescue team of the Dragon Kingdom.
Obviously, all countries in the world are trying their best to repay the Dragon Kingdom’s favor for saving the world.
They all know that if this favor is not repaid, it will be difficult for them to stand on the international community.
Although interests are the most important thing between countries, at the very least…the moral standard in name must be advertised!
One to two, that is to say, the number of spacecraft that can be deployed by the Dragon Country Rescue Team has reached nearly 100!
You know, this is already all the spacecraft owned by the whole world and all mankind!
At this point, the largest rescue mission in human history organized by various countries officially kicked off!
In the conference room of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo,
The members of the rescue team took their seats on the long table in the conference room.
As the search and rescue work has not yet progressed, everyone has a trace of sadness on their faces.
If they don’t find the ‘Phoenix’ in the end, then they will leave a mark in history to some extent, but notBrilliant stroke…
So at this moment, the atmosphere in the conference room was extremely solidified and solemn.
At this time, Li Wei looked at everyone in the room, and finally couldn’t help but meet Ji Chengdao who was sitting in the first place.
“Ji Bu, I think the most important thing at the moment is to get in touch with the ‘Phoenix’, otherwise the search will be difficult…~¨.”
Hearing this, the expressions of everyone present were also startled, and then there was a look of approval in their eyes.
“I know too, but if it’s so easy to get in touch now, there’s no need to search with such fanfare…”
Ji Chengtian’s face revealed a bit of helplessness.
At this moment, Wang Zhi seemed to have thought of something, hesitation flashed in his eyes, but he finally raised his hand and said.
“Ji Bu, I have an idea!”
As Wang Zhi’s voice fell, the eyes of everyone in the conference room were instantly focused.
Seeing this, Ji Chengtian’s eyelids twitched slightly, then his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said to Wang Zhi.
“Tell me…”
Seeing that Ji Chengtian had spoken, Wang Zhi also revealed the thoughts and ideas that had just popped up in his mind.
“.”Speaking of spacecraft… In fact, the country with the most spacecraft in the world is us…”
Speaking of which, a puzzled look appeared on everyone’s faces, including Ji Chengtian, but looking at Wang Zhi’s appearance, he probably wouldn’t joke about this kind of thing, and he could only continue to listen patiently.
I want to hear Wang Zhi’s thoughts.
Wang Zhi swallowed his saliva and spoke slowly, saying word by word.
“I believe you also know that there are still about fifty unmanned aerial fighters originally reserved for the ‘Phoenix’ in the production line of the ‘Kunpeng’ unmanned aerial vehicle…”
As he spoke, Wang Zhi’s eyes showed a hint of pain.
And hearing this, everyone present thought of something, and their eyes lit up.
In the end, it was Ji Chengtian who stared at him and said Cang.
“What do you mean, put these fifty aerial drones into space to act as fixed-point radars?”
Hearing the words, Wang Zhi nodded with difficulty, and then said affirmatively.
“Yes, this method may greatly increase the progress of our search for the ‘Phoenix’!”
“For now, this is the fastest way…”
As Wang Zhi’s voice fell, Ji Chengtian began to ponder this plan carefully in his mind.
Finally, looking at Wang Zhi who asked the question but didn’t feel happy at all, a subconscious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.
As a wily old fox, he naturally knows what this fellow is worried about…
But no matter what, this is a price that must be paid!

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