I have to say that Ji Chengtian is worthy of being the Minister of Science and Technology.
While everyone in the room was still thinking, he understood the specific plan proposed by Wang Zhi.
It is to use the existing fifty ‘Kunpeng’ aerial unmanned fighters to launch directly into the sky, and start a search in all directions towards the direction of the last disappearing signal of the ‘Phoenix’.
Using the airborne radar of the “Kunpeng” unmanned aerial vehicle, fifty unmanned aerial fighters formed an existence similar to a search net to “salvage” the “Phoenix” lost in deep space.
Although the probability of successful ‘salvage’ is still slim, compared to the current situation, the probability of searching is not known to be many times higher.
But one of the biggest problems is loss.
You must know that at the beginning of the design of the ‘Kunpeng’ aerospace unmanned fighter, it had to be used in conjunction with a large-scale aerospace strategic platform such as the ‘Phoenix’.
But now if it is only used for liftoff search, then no matter whether the final result is found or not, the damage rate of these fifty ‘Kunpeng’ aerospace unmanned fighters is very high, and it can even be Said there was no one left.
Because the 140 is placed there for the endurance problem, although the endurance performance of the Suzaku power module equipped with the ‘Kunpeng’ aerospace unmanned fighter is not bad, it is not worth mentioning at all for the huge space.
If all 50 ‘Kunpeng’ aerospace unmanned fighters are damaged in space, according to the cost of one hundred million, this is a fund of 5 billion.
But Ji Chengtian is very clear that these five billion may be an astronomical figure for ordinary people, but the value of the ‘Phoenix’, compared to the value of Tang Zhenli, can be said to be a drop in the bucket!
It’s only five billion, as long as the traces of the ‘Phoenix’ and Tang Zhenli can be found more, what if it is five billion?
But now there is a problem, he didn’t want to understand…. If any one of the people present proposed this plan, he would not be so difficult to understand, but the one who proposed this plan was Wang Zhi, who is famous for the finance department of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Chief!
So at this moment, he looked at Wang Zhi meaningfully, with a smile that was not a smile on his face, Wang Zhi was very uncomfortable looking at him.
Looking at it, Ji Chengtian couldn’t help but say
“Wang Zhi, how did you come up with this…”
As Ji Chengtian’s voice fell, the others present also had a puzzled look.
Hearing this, an ugly smile appeared on Wang Zhi’s face, and he immediately turned towards Ji Chengdao in a difficult tone.
“Ji Department, yesterday’s quarterly funding report for the ‘Kunpeng’ aerospace unmanned fighter…”
When Wang Zhi’s voice fell, everyone present, including Ji Chengtian, showed a clear expression., but still looked at him inexplicably.
However, the facts are not as Wang Zhi said. He has always been very sensitive to such large-scale investment projects, so it is not surprising that he can think of these for a while.
At this moment, Wang Zhi saw that everyone was still looking at him, and subconsciously pulled out a stiff smile to face him.
In fact, although his heart hurts, in general, he still understands the truth.
If the “Phoenix” and Tang Zhenli can be rescued, the future benefits to Long Kingdom will definitely be more than 5 billion, especially for Tang Zhenli. The various thoughts in his mind are worthless!
Because from Tang Zhenli’s first step into the scientific research circle of Longguo until now, as long as it is an idea in his mind, it has been realized step by step in his research and development process!
And his distress at this time is just a habit formed by long-term diligence and thrift.
In layman’s terms, it’s just that I’m used to picking and picking, and my mentality hasn’t changed for a while.
So now everyone in the conference room can’t help but feel a little funny seeing his uncomfortable look.
However, after Wang Zhi proposed this plan, the tone of this meeting has basically been set.
The content of the next meeting is how to make a detailed plan for the launch of the ‘Kunpeng’ air-to-sky unmanned fighter jet.
A few hours later, within ten minutes of the end of the meeting, fifty “Kunpeng” air-space unmanned fighters were directly launched into the sky under the unanimous decision of the rescue team, and rushed towards the vast space, just to find Tang Zhenli !
at the same time,
All the spacecraft that the rescue team could mobilize also took action, heading towards the direction where the ‘Phoenix’ lost signal.
The largest rescue operation in human history is in full swing!
Shanghai Stock Exchange, Jingjiang Hospital,
As one of the best private hospitals in Shanghai and even in Longguo, it has top-notch medical conditions.
And when Tang Lizhe returned home, he was so anxious that he immediately sent his unconscious wife to the hospital.
At this moment, in a large special-needs ward, Chen Xinyao was lying quietly on the central hospital bed, staring at the ceiling absent-mindedly, with strong sadness flashing in her eyes from time to time.
As for Tang Ziyue and Tang Lizhe, they simply lived in the hospital. Anyway, the supporting living measures in the special needs ward are all there is.
The father and daughter looked at their wife (mother), the sadness on their faces was undisguised.
Fortunately, the doctor said that this time Chen Xinyao just passed out due to shortness of breath, and her body was fine, and the current situation was also caused by a knot in her heart.
You don’t need to think about the reason why you can’t get over it.
But you know, you know, but the father and daughter have no solution at all. After all, the situation of Tang Zhenli and even the “Phoenix” is still unknown, life or death is unknown!
At this time, Tang Ziyue, whose eyes were already red and swollen from crying, carefully walked towards the hospital bed holding the nutritious meals provided by the hospital.
When he came to the bedside, even though he was sad in his heart, he forced a smile and said to his mother.
“Mom, it’s time to eat!”
It has to be said that during this incident, Tang Ziyue also grew up a lot, and her previous temper also subsided.
At least for now, I know what to do and what not to do.
Tang Lizhe, who was watching on the other side of the hospital bed, felt relieved and distressed at the same time.

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