Self-help planning and conquest
Under the current situation where Tang Zhenli is still alive or dead,
The emotions of the family of three were undoubtedly unstable, but what Tang Ziyue showed at this moment far exceeded Tang Lizhe’s imagination.
Seeing Chen Xinyao ignoring her, Tang Ziyue in front of the hospital bed felt her nose sore, and her red and swollen eyes filled with tears again, but she still held back her tears.
She knew it was useless to cry now, so after sniffling, she continued to smile and said.
“Mom, if you don’t eat, you won’t be able to recover when brother comes back…”
As for Chen Xinyao on the hospital bed, her expression fluctuated slightly when she heard the words, but then her eyes gradually dimmed, and she still ignored Tang Ziyue.
At this time, Tang Lizhe on the other side of the hospital bed stretched out his hand towards Tang Ziyue, took the bowl in her hand, and said.
“Ziyue, let me come…”
Hearing this, Tang Ziyue couldn’t bear it any longer, and hurried to the balcony of the ward. Not long after, there was a burst of sobbing~.
The crisis of all mankind has passed safely, but the crisis of the Tang family is still-continuing.
For Tang Ziyue, under the premise of losing her own brother, her mother has become like this. It is perfect for her to be able to achieve this step.
But sometimes, she still couldn’t help but think carefully about the time when her brother was carefree before, and every time this time, it was the time when she couldn’t hold back.
Just as she was crying uncontrollably on the balcony, her mobile phone suddenly rang.
Subconsciously, Tang Ziyue wiped away the remaining tears on her pretty face, looked at the caller’s name on the phone screen, and subconsciously froze for a moment. The next moment, she pressed the answer button.
But when she was about to call Wu Shaoying’s sister-in-law on the other side of the computer, she remembered that her brother was probably gone.
For a moment, Tang Ziyue didn’t know what to call Wu Shaoying.
At this moment, Wu Shaoying on the other end of the phone spoke.
“Ziyue, what’s the matter? Can you hear me?”
listenAt this moment, Wu Shaoying’s voice also contained a potential sadness.
Hearing this, Tang Ziyue could only answer, her tone was a little intermittent.
“Can… can hear…”
Listening to Tang Ziyue’s answer, Wu Shaoying’s voice continued in the next instant.
“It’s good to hear it. About your brother… Do your uncles and aunts know?”
As she spoke, Wu Shaoying on the other end of the phone snorted a little while speaking.
Obviously, Wu Shaoying’s mood at this moment is obviously not as calm as the tone of her speech at the moment.
Seeing this, Tang Ziyue answered honestly.
“I know… now we’re in the hospital, my mom… she doesn’t feel well…”
The moment Tang Ziyue’s voice fell, Wu Shaoying’s slightly anxious voice came over the phone.
“What? What’s the specific situation? Does it matter? Forget it, I’m going back to the Shanghai stock market now..”
When Tang Ziyue heard the words, she was moved and said while sobbing.
“Sister Yingying, but now my brother…”
The voice fell, and Wu Shaoying on the other end of the phone obviously felt the change in Tang Ziyue’s address to her.
After pondering for a while, Wu Shaoying’s firm voice came from the other end of the phone, directly into Tang Ziyue’s ears.
“What? Instead of calling my sister-in-law, I’ll change my name to Sister Yingying. Even if your brother… something really happened to him, I’m your sister-in-law too! It won’t change in my life! Remember!”
Speaking of the back, Wu Shaoying’s words were very affirmative, but when talking about Tang Zhenli, her voice paused for a while, and there was a hint of crying.
Hearing this, Tang Ziyue also understood Wu Shaoying’s intentions. The emotions in her heart were a little complicated for a while, and after a long while, she said silently.
“Understood, sister-in-law!”
“Which hospital are you in now? I’ll rush over now…”
Wu Shaoying’s voice came from the other end of the phone again.
Seeing this, Tang Ziyue had to send an address honestly, and then the two aunt and sister-in-law comforted each other a few times before hanging up.
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Flowers
Yandu, Jinling Bieyuan,
Wu Shaoying, who had just hung up the phone, ran straight to her room and started to pack her luggage.
After more than ten minutes, when Wu Shaoying with a suitcase appeared in front of the three girls, the three girls were a little surprised.
Sister Xia asked with concern first, with a little worry in her expression.
“Yingying, where are you going?”
Wu Shaoying’s expression was haggard, she sniffed when she heard the words, and then said calmly.
“Tang Zhenli’s mother is sick, I will take care of it in Shanghai…”
The voice fell, and the eager little assistant raised his hand first and said.
… 0
“Sister Yingying, I’ll accompany you!”
After speaking, he was ready to run to the room to prepare his luggage.
But when he came to Wu Shaoying’s side, he was directly held by Wu Shaoying.
I saw Wu Shaoying turned her head and smiled at the little assistant, with gratitude in her tone.
“No need, Xiao Yin, let me go back alone! There are some things… I want to make it clear…”
Without waiting for the three girls to speak, she directly pulled the suitcase and walked towards the gate of the villa.
Only the little assistant who was stunned on the spot, Sister Xia and Ye Yingxin on the sofa were left.
After Wu Shaoying left, the three girls looked at each other subconsciously, and then sighed in their hearts.
Wu Shaoying was here, and they naturally understood what Wu Shaoying wanted to make clear.
This time, I’m afraid it’s time for Wu Shaoying to have a showdown with the Tang family…
As long as Tang Zhenli didn’t come back for a day, I’m afraid Sister Tianxian will not marry for life as Tang Zhenli’s widow! ! !
Thinking of this, the faces of the girls couldn’t help showing a bit of sadness.
Could it be that this fateful fate will also end in a tragedy?
Obviously, the two of them went through hardships to get on the right track, but now…. But such unexpected things have happened!

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