Searching for the missing ‘Phoenix’
In an unknown cosmic space, inside the ‘Phoenix’,
The main control room has already been cleaned up, but due to the previous transparent window gap, the titanium alloy window on the second floor still cannot be opened.
However, some meteorites that were knocked into the main control room due to the impact were still collected under Tang Zhenli’s order and kept in the core cabin of the ‘Phoenix’ today.
For now, although the ‘Phoenix’ has basically resumed operation, the situation is still not so optimistic.
Tang Zhenli had a bandage on his right chest and a plaster cast on his left hand, but judging from his current mental state, even though he was in space, Tang Zhenli had recovered quite well.
At this moment, he was frowning at the various documents on a partition with “140” standing in front of his chest.
At present, the situation in the ‘Phoenix’ is not only managed by Meng Siyuan, but other technical coordination issues are still unavoidable.
And this also led to Tang Zhenli’s unavoidable work even though he was recovering from his injury. Of course, this was more of what he requested.
After all, as long as the ‘Phoenix’ is still floating in the universe, the crisis will never be resolved.
The current situation of the ‘Phoenix’ is that the components that basically maintain the operation have been almost repaired.
But the most important communication systemAnd the power system still needs time, and looking at the report below, the time required is not short.
So now Tang Zhenli’s expression is a little dignified, and his eyes seem to be thinking about something.
Suddenly, a flash of light flashed from his mind, and then he turned to ask Chu Wenqian, who was temporarily acting as a secretary.
“After the shock wave, was the hangar of the ‘Phoenix’ damaged?”
At this moment, he obviously had the same idea as Wang Zhi.
And Chu Wenqian, who was beside the bed, pondered for a while after hearing the words, and then said to Tang Zhenli in a soothing tone.
“From the current situation, since the hangar is located in the inner layer of the ‘Phoenix’, the impact received by the shock wave is not too much. Most of the ‘Kunpeng’ aerial drones can still be used, but… ..”
Speaking of which, Chu Wenqian’s tone paused slightly, but after seeing Tang Zhenli’s questioning eyes, she continued to say,
“It’s just that the lift platform of the fighter plane has been damaged by the shock wave, so even if the ‘Kunpeng’ aerospace unmanned fighter does not suffer much loss, it will not be useful…”
As Chu Wenqian’s voice fell, Tang Zhenli’s brows gradually wrinkled.
That being said, that is indeed a problem… But these fighters can’t be wasted!
Every fighter plane is a chance to survive!
While the earth is still in the field of vision of the ‘Phoenix’, as long as you fly towards the earth, you can reach it without any navigation equipment at all. At least it won’t float farther and farther with the ‘Phoenix’.
But then he thought of another problem. At present, the communication system of the ‘Phoenix’ has lost its function, and even the ‘Kunpeng’ aerial drone has lost the ability to remotely control it…
If you want to use it, you can only set the program in advance to fly towards the earth and undertake the task of the ancient messenger..
Even so, it can be considered that the ‘Phoenix’ actively asks for help. Compared with the aimless search and rescue of the ground personnel, the probability is much higher.
And more importantly, there is no better way for a while now. As the ‘Phoenix’ floats farther and farther, the chance that the ‘Kunpeng’ aerial drone can contact the earth is getting lower and lower, after all’ Kunpeng’s aerospace drone also has a range.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli knew that he couldn’t delay any longer, then turned his head and said to Chu Wenqian.
“Since the lift platform is damaged, then free up a cabin for direct launch into space, and set the program for heading towards the earth in advance, an hour… no, put one in half an hour, and so on,” Kunpeng’s aerial UAV is a tether, a tether that we take the initiative to stretch towards the earth, and that gets longer and longer as time goes by!”
“And now the ground personnel must also be searching for the ‘Phoenix’, so that the ‘Kunpeng’ unmanned aerial vehicle we released may not need to reach low-Earth orbit, maybe it will be able to contact the ground personnel…”
Hearing this, Chu Wenqian also took out the notebook on her chest to record in detail what Tang Zhenli said…
At the end of Tang Zhenli’s words, he also said to Chu Wenqian with a serious tone.
“Until we get rescue, we can’t pin all our hopes on the ground personnel or the ‘Phoenix’ itself, we have to take the initiative to attack! You arrange this matter as soon as possible!”
Tang Zhenli’s voice fell, and Chu Wenqian nodded solemnly, then turned around and walked out of the infirmary, hurriedly going to release the mission.
After Chu Wenqian left, Tang Zhenli was the only one left in the single ward of the infirmary.
I saw that he rubbed his eyebrows at the moment, but the worry on his face could not be rubbed away.
As his eyes flickered, he turned to look at the bedside, and looked at the still dark and cold universe through the window, not knowing what he was thinking.
As far as the current speed of human civilization development is concerned, the dream of conquering the sea of ​​stars is too far away…
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s eyes gradually became firmer, his eyelids gradually closed, and he began to think in his mind.
I just took advantage of this time of recuperation 4.2 to carefully plan future plans!
If you can go back, then you must thoroughly study the composition of the asteroid “Death”.
Not only for the inference of the mastermind behind the asteroid crisis of “Death”, but also for its own value.
You must know that these are ingredients that even the most advanced weapons of mankind, nuclear weapons, can’t do anything about it. It’s unbelievable!
In the dark, Tang Zhenli had a hunch. He felt that these unknown substances might be the key to speeding up the development of human civilization again!
And this time the speed up is far more than just a conspiracy limited to the distance between the earth and the moon…

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