Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo,
At this time, three days have passed since the ‘Phoenix’ lost contact.
The search for the ‘Phoenix’ is continuing, but for now, the search and rescue team has not found anything.
And this also led to a more and more solidified atmosphere between the working groups.
At this moment, the members of the working group headed by Ji Chengtian can be said to have been stationed in the Ministry of Science and Technology 24 hours a day, and they will never miss any slight discovery.
Under the suggestion of Wang Zhi, the only fifty ‘Kunpeng’ aerial unmanned fighters in the Long Kingdom have already formed a formation to search for the direction where the ‘Phoenix’ lost communication.
At present, the search has basically been completed within 50,000 kilometers in that direction, but there are stillNo trace of the ‘Phoenix’ was found.
This means that the ‘Phoenix’ has already sailed a distance of 50,000 kilometers from the earth at this time, which is why the atmosphere of the search team will become more and more tense.
You must know that the farther the ‘Phoenix’ is from the earth, the greater the difficulty of the rescue mission.
Not only the difficulty of the search has increased, but even if the search is successful, the difficulty of carrying out the rescue is unprecedented!
After all, this is nothing compared to those rescues on Earth, which are in deep space!
The rescue in deep space starts from positioning to the coordinates of the ‘Phoenix’, and only then can a high-power, large-scale spacecraft arrive at the location for towing.
And when the spacecraft arrives at the coordinates, the position of the ‘Phoenix’ will change!
In other words, as long as the coordinates of the ‘Phoenix’ are found, the search and rescue team must be quick, otherwise there is a risk of losing the trace of the ‘Phoenix’ again!
Judging from the current situation, there is still no trace of the ‘Phoenix’…
Now it can even be said that the rescue work has not fully begun!
In the office of the head of the Ministry of Science and Technology,
Unlike the usual office layout, there is a small bed in the office at the moment, just behind Ji Chengtian’s desk.
In fact, Ji Chengtian has basically spent the past few days and nights in the Ministry of Science and Technology.
There were even a few days when he suddenly got news in the middle of the night and would suddenly get up from his sleep, which also caused Ji Chengtian to look a little haggard at this time.
Now his desk is full of reports brought back by various spacecraft, and he needs to read it again.
Although there are experts under the search and rescue team who have seen it in advance, Ji Chengtian still wants to see it for himself.
Maybe you can find something useful…
But for now, after reading so many reports, he has not come up with any useful news, so at this moment his face is full of lingering melancholy.
After a long while, Ji Chengtian put down a report and gently rubbed his temples with both hands, as if he wanted to relieve his exhaustion in this way.
Still thinking in my mind…
What is the current situation of the ‘Phoenix’? Three days have passed, and the communication system has not been repaired…
Could it be that…the ‘Phoenix’ was heavily damaged in the shock wave?
Otherwise, why haven’t we been in touch for so long…
Thinking about it, Ji Chengtian suddenly didn’t dare to think about it, for fear of thinking of more terrifying things.
At this moment, there was a ‘dong dong dong’ knock on the door of the office.
“Come in!”
Ji Chengtian said tiredly, and at the same time as the voice fell, the door handle of the office did not turn.
Then I saw Li Weiwei step in, with a worried look on his face.
Ji Chengtian’s expression moved when he looked at such a gesture, and he thought to himself.
Did you find anything….
Li Wei walked directly in front of him, looking at the documents and reports on the desk, he was stunned for a moment, and then heaved a long sigh.
“Old season, there are currently many family members of the ‘Phoenix’ who have jointly petitioned, hoping that the rescue work will disclose the specific search and rescue information…”
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian’s eyes narrowed slightly, as if he hadn’t reacted in his mind. After that, he patted his head with a headache, followed by a look of regret on his face.
After doing it for a long time, I, who was patronizing the search for the ‘Phoenix’, actually forgot to appease the emotions of the family members!
After realizing this, Ji Chengtian also raised his head slightly, and then said solemnly towards Li Wei.
“This is as it should be. I didn’t think that these were my work mistakes before, so… Now as long as the clues of the ‘Phoenix’ are discovered, they will be announced as soon as possible!”
When Ji Cheng arrived here, he paused slightly before continuing.
“Also… remember to appease the emotions of the family members. We will try our best to meet the family’s requirements, and we can’t let the hero bleed and cry!”
Said, Ji Chengtian looked straight at Li Wei with a very solemn tone.
“I see!”
Hearing this, Li Wei also nodded heavily towards Ji Chengtian, then turned and left. 140
But when he was about to walk to the door of the office, Li Wei seemed to think of something, and his footsteps paused slightly.
Turning his eyes, he turned towards Ji Chengdao with a heavy expression.
“By the way, Lao Ji, I forgot to mention it. I heard that the mood of Academician Tang’s family is not stable now, and Academician Tang’s mother was hospitalized because of this!”
“What? Is that so…”
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian’s head suddenly lifted, and then his expression was a little melancholy.
After a long while, a sense of powerlessness emerged in Ji Chengtian’s heart, and then this sense of powerlessness could only be turned into a long sigh.
For a while, the atmosphere in the office was a little quiet. After a few breaths, Ji Chengtian’s eyes flashed with determination, and then he turned his head and said to Li Wei.
“Old Li, use the connections that the Ministry of Science and Technology can use to take good care of Academician Tang’s family. At this time, our task is to find the ‘Phoenix’, and everything will be solved naturally!”
After speaking, Ji Chengtian regained his strength again, and continued to carefully search for clues in the piled up reports.
Seeing this, Li Wei also sighed softly in his heart, and then left the office directly.

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