DiscoveryTracks of the ‘Phoenix’
Shanghai Stock Exchange, Jingjiang Hospital,
After getting off the plane, Wu Shaoying didn’t even go home, and dragged her suitcase directly to the hospital.
Then, she followed the wards given by Tang Ziyue and searched for them one by one.
After arriving at the special needs ward where the family is located,
Slowly pushing the door open, Wu Shaoying’s eye circles almost turned red at the first sight.
Tang Ziyue and Tang Lizhe were silently guarding beside the hospital bed, while Chen Xinyao was lying quietly on the central hospital bed, her face was pale, and her eyes had lost the radiance she remembered.
Seeing this scene, Wu Shaoying couldn’t feel better. In her heart, she had already regarded the Tang family as her own family.
And Tang Lizhe and Tang Ziyue were also stunned the moment they saw Wu Shaoying.
Tang Ziyue was fine, she was mentally prepared, but she was stunned for a moment before returning to normal.
Tang Lizhe was really stunned for a long time. To be honest, at this time, Wu Shaoying could still come to visit them. He really didn’t expect it.
To put it bluntly, normally speaking, Wu Shaoying should be avoiding the Tang family now.
After all, now that Tang Zhenli is alive or dead, the bond between Wu Shaoying and the Tang family is broken.
Even if Wu Shaoying and the Tang family no longer have contact with each other from now on, Tang Lizhe can understand it out of emotion and reason.
After all, Wu Shaoying is still so young, even if she has other ideas, she should.
The Tang family shouldn’t and will not use Tang Zhenli, whose life and death are unknown, to restrain her.
But, at this moment, Wu Shaoying appeared in front of them, and from this appearance, his attitude towards them was the same as before.
And here, Wu Shaoying who pushed open the door smiled and greeted the Tang family members in the ward.
“Uncle and aunt, Ziyue…”
Tang Lizhe also nodded towards Wu Shaoying, his eyes were slightly complicated, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.
This girl… really has a deep affection for Zhenli…
Just based on the current situation, I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing…
After seeing Wu Shaoying, Tang Ziyue showed a heartfelt smile for the first time, and said hello in a low voice.
And at this moment, Chen Xinyao on the hospital bed seemed to have noticed that there was movement for the first time.
The out-of-focus eyes also gradually regained their spirits. He straightened his body and looked at Wu Shaoying with some surprise.
A weak voice came from Chen Xinyao’s mouth.
After hearing this voice, Tang Lizhe and Tang Ziyue turned their heads and looked happily at Chen Xinyao who had responded.
Tang Ziyue was the first to shout happily, and then rushed forward and hugged Chen Xinyao.
“Mom~ you’ve recovered!”
Hearing this, Chen Xinyao turned her head and glanced at Tang Ziyue, then a gentle smile appeared on her face.
She has not lost consciousness these days, on the contrary, she has been deeply touched by Tang Ziyue’s subtle care these days.
It’s just that subconsciously, Chen Xinyao’s mind was out of state, so she didn’t respond to Tang Ziyue’s behavior.
But now since Wu Shaoying, her heart has once again undergone great fluctuations. Naturally, it is only reasonable for Chen Xinyao to return to normal.
At this moment, Wu Shaoying also came to Tang Ziyue’s side, looking closely at her future mother-in-law.
Chen Xinyao looked at Wu Shaoying, who looked much worse than before, and knew in her heart that Wu Shaoying must have suffered no less than her during this period of time.
Thinking of this, a trace of pity flashed in Chen Xinyao’s eyes, and she gently stroked Wu Shaoying’s head with her hands, her movements were extremely gentle.
And then, from the corner of her eye, Chen Xinyao saw the familiar ring on Wu Shaoying’s right middle finger, and she was gradually moved.
At this critical moment, Wu Shaoying still regarded herself as Tang Zhenli’s fiancée.
This way… that’s enough!
Chen Xinyao is a sensible woman. Wu Shaoying’s love has been inherited by the Tang family, but there are some things that shouldn’t be delayed or should not be delayed…
So in the next moment, she winked at her husband on the other side of the hospital bed.
Seeing this, Tang Lizhe understood, and then turned around and walked towards the door of the ward.
So far, there are only three women left in the ward.
Wu Shaoying looked at Tang Lizhe who walked out of the ward with some strange eyes, and looked at Chen Xinyao with some puzzlement.
The next moment, Chen Xinyao held her right hand directly, and then inadvertently slipped off the ring on her middle finger.
After feeling this, the puzzlement on Wu Shaoying’s face became more intense, and Tang Ziyue on the side also widened his eyes, staring blankly at his mother.
Seeing Wu Shaoying’s innocent expression in doubt, Chen Xinyao’s expression was a bit complicated, but the next moment, her expression gradually became serious.
“. “Yingying, until Zhenli comes back, this ring is temporarily entrusted to me for safekeeping…”
As Chen Xinyao’s words fell, Wu Shaoying was stunned for a moment, and after a change in expression, she also reacted.
Immediately, her nose was sour, and her eye sockets were instantly red, but even so, Wu Shaoying said with firm eyes and a very resolute tone.
“Auntie…you don’t have to do this…my heart…will never change in this life!”
Hearing this, Chen Xinyao’s eyes were also slightly moist, but she still resisted to turn her head away, not to look at her, and then said in a pretended calm tone.”It’s okay, we know your intentions, this matter is decided…you go back first”
Listening to Chen Xinyao’s words, Wu Shaoying’s expression gradually dimmed.
No (got it?) But her heart became more and more determined.
She also knew that Chen Xinyao’s actions were for her own good, so she didn’t complain to Chen Xinyao, on the contrary, she felt touched in her heart.
But she also believed that no matter whether Tang Zhenli could come back or not, she would definitely make Chen Xinyao return the ring to her!
After realizing this, Wu Shaoying stood up and forced a smile.
Then she said to Tang Ziyue and Chen Xinyao.
“Then… Auntie, Ziyue, I’ll go back and clean up first, and I’ll come see you later!”
After speaking, they nodded to Chen Xinyao and Tang Ziyue respectively.
Then he turned around and pulled the suitcase and walked towards the door.
After saying goodbye to Tang Lizhe at the door, he left the hospital.
Before that, she still needs to go home to report to her parents that she is safe.

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