: Sinister Public Opinion
In the unknown cosmic space, the “Phoenix” is still sailing aimlessly towards a place.
In the medical room,
Tang Zhenli was dealing with various things on the hospital bed.
As far as the table next to the hospital bed is filled with documents and technical problem reports, the current infirmary seems to be Tang Zhenli’s office.
Looking at the repair progress of the “Phoenix” power system and communication system at this moment, Tang Zhenli frowned tightly.
I don’t know if the ‘Kunpeng’ aerial unmanned fighter jet sent out so far has been spotted by the ground. There are only two ways to get rescued.
One is to contact the ground to let the ground personnel rescue, and the other is to actively repair the power system, and then change the direction and drive towards the direction of the earth.
But as far as the current progress is concerned, the possibility of the realization of the current two situations is not optimistic!
Three days have passed, and the communication system and power system are still at a loss.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but feel a little anxious in his heart. In desperation, he could only give instructions to Chu Wenqian who was at the side.
“Go ahead with the order to repair the communication system first, and then repair the power system. In addition, the requirements don’t need to be too high. It is enough to repair 140 to maintain normal operation. In the current situation, it is not allowed to delay…”
While speaking, Tang Zhenli looked directly at Chu Wenqian.
And Chu Wenqian on the side also nodded when she heard the words,
“Understood! Mr. Tang! I’ll give the order!”
After finishing speaking, Chu Wenqian walked towards the door of the infirmary.
After Chu Wenqian left, Tang Zhenli slowly closed his eyes.
I began to deduce in my mind that at the current speed of the “Phoenix”, it should be within the range of 80,000 kilometers to 100,000 kilometers from the earth.
The distance is neither too far nor too close.
But at the current speed, within half a month, the ‘Phoenix’ will fly beyond the distance between the earth and the moon. By then, if you want to go back… it will be really difficult!
Worried in his heart, Tang Zhenli leaned on the pillow, and many figures flashed in his mind.
At this moment, he thought of a lot, of course, his family and Wu Shaoying were the most important…
But in the current situation, even he feels a little powerless…
The speed of human development is still too slow, so slow that they can’t even fully control the solar system.
If it is possible to completely control the solar system and jump to the second level of civilization.
The previous ‘Reaper’ asteroid crisis was nothing at all.
And the situation of the “Phoenix” is quite different now. By that time, the current predicament of the “Phoenix” is at best lost in its own garden…
So…if we can go back this time…then we have to hurry up!
A few days later,
Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the person in charge,
Ji Chengtian still looked carefully at every report submitted below as usual.
His expression was still frowning.
At this moment, without knocking on the door, the door of the office was opened directly, making Ji Chengtian frowned slightly.
But after seeing the person coming, his expression gradually calmed down again.
There was a hint of joy on Li Wei’s face, with a report in his hand, he walked quickly to the desk, and said to Ji Cheng with a somewhat excited tone.
“Old Ji, I found it! I found the trace of the ‘Phoenix’!”
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian didn’t care about anything else, and stood up straight away with a very serious expression.
Seeing this, Li Wei didn’t talk nonsense, and directly passed the report in his hand to Ji Chengtian, and then said in a somewhat hasty tone.
“The thing is like this, we found a spacecraft that does not belong to the number of our search and rescue team. That spacecraft is a ‘Kunpeng’ aerospace drone!”
Here, after Ji Chengtian received the report, he listened to Li Wei and read it.
After hearing the ‘Kunpeng’ air-to-air fighter, Ji Chengtian turned his eyes. He didn’t feel happy because of what he said. Instead, he looked at Li Wei with a serious expression and a questioning tone.
“Are you sure that the ‘Kunpeng’ air-to-space unmanned fighter jet belongs to the ‘Phoenix’ and not our fifty?”
Unexpectedly, Li Wei nodded affirmatively at Ji Chengtian after hearing the words, and thenSaid in a firm tone.
“Very certain! We checked the fifty ‘Kunpeng’ aerospace unmanned fighters we took off! We are sure that it was not the fifty that we took off! It was the fifty-first!”
After hearing Li Wei’s confirmation, Ji Chengtian’s expression finally showed a bit of joy, and then asked Li Wei with a bit of anticipation in his tone.
“Then have you got any information from it so far?”
But to Ji Chengtian’s disappointment, Wen Yan shook his head, and then said.
“This ‘Kunpeng’ aerial unmanned fighter should be controlled by a set program, not by humans, but this can also determine how far the ‘Phoenix’ is from us now!”
As Li Wei’s voice fell, Ji Chengtian pinched his chin, a bit of contemplation in his eyes.
If the ‘Kunpeng’ aerospace unmanned fighter is program-controlled, it means that the current communication system on the ‘Phoenix’ is seriously damaged…
So serious that it can’t even maintain basic radio transmissions…
Otherwise, it is impossible to control the fighter plane to fly back through the program!
Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian didn’t know for a while whether this was good or bad.
After pondering for a long time, Ji Chengcai raised his head and sighed, feeling a little tired both physically and mentally.
If it is really impossible to rescue the ‘Phoenix’ in the end… He can’t imagine the serious consequences!
Tang Zhenli’s influence alone is enough to put Long Guo on the cusp of the international community!
The current Tang Zhenli must have saved all mankind just now, so it is no exaggeration to call him a hero for all mankind!
Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian’s mind became more and more firm!

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