Unexpected Public Opinion
Shanghai stock market,
After slowly opening the villa door, Wu Shaoying looked at her parents whom she hadn’t seen for a long time, and a bit of sourness poured out of her heart for no reason.
“Dad, Mom!”
Yao Shihuai and Wu Xingjian, who were sitting on the sofa, also turned their heads when they heard the words. After a short period of joy, they looked at their precious daughter, who was obviously haggard. A bit of distress appeared in the eyes of the couple at the same time~.
Thinking about it, Yao Shihuai and Wu Xingjian hurriedly came to Wu Shaoying, Wu Xingjian took the suitcase in Wu Shaoying’s hand, Yao Shihuai directly took Wu Shaoying into his arms, and there seemed to be a thousand words in his mouth – he wanted to talk.
But after all the circulation, only two short words were exported.
For a while, the mother and daughter hugged each other, and Wu Xingjian’s eyes were also slightly red.
After a long while, the three members of the family calmed down a little, and then each sat down on the sofa.
The couple looked at their daughter who had changed so much, and looked at each other subconsciously,
Turning to think of something, Yao Shihuai and Wu Xingjian exchanged eye contact for a moment, and finally Yao Shihuai leaned in front of her daughter, her tone soft and cautious.
“Yingying, Tang Zhenli’s side…”
Seeing her mother’s questioning eyes, Wu Shaoying lowered her head slightly, and the joy of meeting just now was also diluted. At this moment, only sadness and helplessness remained on her face.
After pondering for a long time, Wu Shaoying raised her head, tears flashing in her eyes, she shook her head slightly towards her parents while sniffling, and then said softly.
“Dad, Mom, Tang Zhenli hasn’t come back yet…”
Hearing this, the couple looked at each other again, and there was a trace of worry in their eyes for no reason.
At this moment, Wu Xingjian daring to speak, with a very gentle tone,
“Then Yingying, if… I mean, if Tang Zhenli… doesn’t come back… what are you going to do?”
After finishing speaking, the couple’s hearts were beating wildly at the same time, and they were listening to Wu Shaoying’s answer with expressions like anticipation and nervousness.
After hearing the words, Wu Shaoying’s expression did not show any difference, as if he had expected it.
Obviously, no matter who asked, the answer in her heart would not change.
After a long while, Wu Shaoying raised her head slightly, and then looked at her parents with a firm expression, her tone soft with a trace of determination without turning back.
“If he really doesn’t come back, then my heart won’t change!”
As Wu Shaoying’s gentle but firm voice fell, the couple sighed in their hearts at the same time.
Apparently, he also expected this reaction from his daughter.
Although they were helpless at the moment, they neither opposed nor supported Wu Shaoying’s idea.
After all, this is a very real problem.
But Wu Shaoying has already made a statement, and as parents, they can only agree.
Yao Shihuai moved lightly and came to Wu Shaoying’s side with pity in her eyes, and then put Wu Shaoying into her arms and gently comforted her.
Afterwards, the family of three also enjoyed a brief time together.
As everyone knows, on the Internet at this moment, there is a fishing reel with sinister intentions gradually fermenting.
The focus of the fishing reel was Wu Shaoying, who had just walked out of the hospital!
Somebody secretly photographed Wu Shaoying, who had just visited Chen Xinyao from the hospital, and posted a post.
And also made some misleading remarks.
According to the fishing boat, it is the mother of Academician Xiao Tang who is in the hospital at the moment. Due to the current situation of the ‘Phoenix’, she is anxious and worried.
And Wu Shaoying went to visit the mother of Academician Xiao Tang.
However, according to the person who made the remarks, Wu Shaoying’s visit this time can be described as having ulterior motives.
postZizhong said that Wu Shaoying’s purpose of visiting Academician Xiao Tang’s mother was to cancel the engagement.
With the life and death of Academician Xiao Tang unknown, Wu Shaoying wants to break off the marriage! ! !
The post also made a convincing claim that there were pictures as evidence, and posted two additional pictures.
In the two pictures posted.
One was taken when Wu Shaoying pulled a suitcase into the ward, and the other was taken after visiting Academician Xiao Tang’s mother.
The biggest difference between the two pictures is that the engagement ring on Wu Shaoying’s middle finger has disappeared!
In other words, after Wu Shaoying visited Academician Xiao Tang’s mother, the ring disappeared!
This is undoubtedly the final proof of Wu Shaoying’s divorce!
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Flowers
And this wave of fishing reels quickly aroused violent reactions on the Internet due to the two hot topics of Academician Xiao Tang and Wu Shaoying.
For a while, Wu Shaoying’s divorce from Academician Xiao Tang was well known on the Internet.
Knowing that the netizens at this time didn’t care about the truth of the matter, the abuse of Wu Shaoying spread directly and overwhelmingly.
“The biggest green tea in the entire network has appeared! I can see through this woman!!!”
“Academician Xiao Tang didn’t know if he could come back, so he was in a hurry to clear the relationship?”
“Sure enough, the actors are unrighteous, and what the ancestor said is true!!!”
“Damn it, what I just loved and hated before, I just pretended to be a simple person, right? There is also a concert to confess, this is to try to climb up the popularity of Academician Xiao Tang! Now I see that Academician Xiao Tang wants to If you can’t come back, just kick it away?”
… 0
“Eh… Academician Xiao Tang has misunderstood the person. It’s a pity that Academician Xiao Tang is still alive and dead in space…”
“Why is the life and death of Academician Xiao Tang uncertain, such a woman can still live in the world???”
“You use your brains, this must be a rumor! Sister Tianxian and Academician Xiao Tang have known each other for so long, how could she want to take advantage of Academician Xiao Tang? Could it be that she still has the ability to predict the future?? You have also seen Academician Tang’s feelings, this must be a rumor!”
“Yeah, yeah, use your brain? Now Academician Xiao Tang is a hero who saves all mankind, and his limelight is in full swing… Even if it is to break off the marriage, it is impossible to break off the marriage now! A fool can understand it! It’s all embarrassing. What about black?”
“Don’t wash it, you can’t wash it if the engagement ring on your middle finger disappears!”
“Good brother, how much is one piece, and if you have money, you can make it together!”
Although there are many reasonable people among netizens, more people are still carried away by the momentary anger and speculation.
Many people who spoke to Wu Shaoying were quickly drowned in the tide of the general trend.
Insults all over the sky swept towards Wu Shaoying.
At this moment, Wu Shaoying, Chen Xinyao and other insiders didn’t know what happened.

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