Uninformed parties
In the office of the head of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo,
Since receiving a ‘Kunpeng’ aerial unmanned fighter aboard the ‘Phoenix’ that day, the search and rescue team has not received any new news.
Naturally, Ji Chengtian’s expression became more and more gloomy at this moment, and from time to time worries and powerlessness that he didn’t even notice flashed in his eyes.
At this moment, Li Wei unscrewed the door handle of the office and walked in.
I saw that his expression was a bit complicated at this time, and he walked slowly in front of Ji Chengtian.
At this moment, Ji Chengtian, who had been pondering for a long time, raised his head slightly, only to see Li Wei’s sudden visit, a bit of confusion flashed in his eyes for no reason.
“Huh? Old Li, what’s the matter? Is there something wrong?”
Listening to Ji Chengtian’s question, Li Wei’s expression became stagnant, and his face showed a bit of difficulty, as if he wanted to say but did not dare to say “one forty zero”.
Seeing this, Ji Chengtian raised his brows, and was even more confused in his heart. As a last resort, he could only speak in a serious tone.
“Old Li, say something if you have something, and solve it if you have a problem!”
Hearing this, Li Wei could only tell the news he just got.
“Lao Ji, it’s like this, there has been a rumor spreading on the Internet these two days…”
Speaking of this, Li Wei’s expression froze, and there was a hint of embarrassment on his face again.
Hearing this, the confusion on Ji Chengtian’s face deepened.
Obviously didn’t understand how the rumors could relate to their search and rescue mission…
To curb rumors, shouldn’t this be what the propaganda department should do?
But then Ji Chengtian’s eyes turned, looking at the complexity in Li Wei’s expression, he didn’t jump to conclusions immediately, but looked at Li Wei with bright eyes, wanting to hear what he said next.
After a few breaths, Li Wei let out a long sigh and then resumed his voice.
“Lao Ji, I believe you have also heard of Academician Tang’s fiancee, right?”
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian was stunned for a moment, then Wu Shaoying’s face flashed in his mind, and he nodded subconsciously.
“Is it the witch doll? I have an impression…”
Listening to Ji Chengtian’s answer, Li Wei also nodded firmly.
“Yes, in the past two days, I don’t know who took the lead in spreading rumors, and posted on the Internet that Academician Tang’s fiancee had broken off, and there were pictures to prove it. This incident has caused a great disturbance, even with Academician Tang’s The whole family is involved…”
As Li Wei’s voice continued to fall, Ji Chengtian’s expression gradually became solemn, and a pair of eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a heavy aura.At this moment, he is no longer an ordinary old man, but a high-ranking person in charge of the authority of the Dragon Kingdom.
Here, while Li Wei was talking, he handed Ji Chengtian the screenshots of various rumor posts on his mobile phone.
This is, after seeing those unsightly comments, Ji Chengtian finally couldn’t help it.
Such vicious comments directed at a hero’s family!
She’s still just a girl in her early twenties, this kind of behavior is simply outrageous!
Tang Zhenli has made such a great contribution to mankind, but in turn, the Dragon Kingdom can’t even protect the people around him!
If he came back to see this scene, how chilling it would be…
Rumors such as these, which can be known with a little brainstorming, have spread so widely!
So at this time, the Ministry of Science and Technology should intervene.
Hearing a clear ‘pop’, Ji Chengtian patted the desk heavily, and a rare trace of anger appeared on his face.
“No reason! Old Li, arrange for me to use the authority of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Don’t let any of these rumors go!”
Speaking of which, Ji Chengtian couldn’t help gnashing his teeth.
To be honest, he hasn’t been so angry for a long time. This time, he really touched his bottom line.
If the Ministry of Science and Technology does not take action this time, who will devote themselves to scientific research in the future? Who would be willing to sacrifice their sweat silently behind the scenes?
At this moment, Ji Chengtian finally showed his resolute side!
When Li Wei heard this, he nodded at him with a serious face, and then turned to give instructions.
As for the tone of this matter, Li Wei’s thoughts are completely the same as Ji Chengtian’s.
Under the circumstance that the Ministry of Science and Technology used all its authority, in less than half a day, the earliest two rumor-mongers were successfully captured, and some accounts that spread widely were suspended……
And the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo issued a solemn statement later.
“Recently, the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo discovered the false information that was widely publicized on the Internet. Here, the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo strictly denounced the sinister intentions of the rumor-mongers and misled the public by publishing such false information maliciously slandering the family members of heroes in order to gain a stunt. At present, the two suspects who spread rumors have been arrested and brought to justice. I hope the majority of netizens have the ability to distinguish right from wrong!”
Once the announcement was issued, it caused widespread heated discussions.
But what Ji Chengtian and others didn’t expect was that after this, the heated discussion of fishing boats still did not develop in a good way, but instead became more and more intense.
“The official should be trying to protect the reputation of Academician Xiao Tang! Did you have to come out to refute the rumor?”
“Just those two photos, I don’t believe anyone who came, this green tea bitch can’t be washed!”
“Cow wow, wow! White Lotus has taken the official into account. Knowing that the official is concerned about the influence of Academician Xiao Tang, he will definitely come out to refute the rumor!”
“This scheming, there’s no one left, okay, how can you return to the ancient harem as a queen! (Funny)”
“You people who are brainless and black are really stupid, or they are bad! Excuse me, what benefits can the divorce bring to Sister Tianxian at this time? Now you have been scolded like this, and the co-authors deliberately broke off the marriage just to get scolded. 4.2 Think about it and know if it is a rumor!”
“Before this, Bai Lianhua didn’t expect to be photographed, huh? Quietly annulled the marriage first, and then announced it later, and created a character of the widow, but I didn’t expect justice to be everywhere, and it was photographed. !”
“Who knows what Bai Lianhua thinks? You have to ask her! What can be washed away is that the conscience was eaten by a dog! Academician Xiao Tang has only saved one of your dog’s lives!”
“I really feel unworthy for Academician Xiao Tang…”
Wu Shaoying’s accounts on various platforms were directly exploded amid the extremely fierce criticism.
For a while, these three words Wu Shaoying have become keywords on the Internet!

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