Wu Shaoying’s Choice
Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the person in charge,
Ji Chengtian, who had just answered the phone, was sitting at the coffee table, staring solemnly at the unexpected direction of the fishing reel,
Even he didn’t expect that things would go in this direction even with the official intervention.
As far as the current situation is concerned, the thinking of netizens has been set, so even if the Ministry of Science and Technology makes a move now, it will not work…
In the eyes of current netizens, as long as one scolded Wu Shaoying, it seemed that they would naturally stand with Tang Zhenli, otherwise they would support ‘bad women’!
Under this subconscious concept, even the Ministry of Science and Technology dare not take action to suppress the fishing reels.
In this case, even if Tang Zhenli’s family members spoke out, netizens wouldn’t buy it. On the contrary, it may be considered that the Ministry of Science and Technology said something contrary to their intentions in order to take care of the overall situation.
The current solution, I am afraid that now only Tang Zhenli can come back to solve it…
It’s just 17…the ‘Phoenix’ is still without a trace,
For a while, Ji Chengtian also had a headache when he thought of this, and when he was upset, he couldn’t help but tap his head lightly.
At this moment, Li Wei walked in directly.
In Ji Chengtian’s office, people come and go almost every day. Over time, Ji Chengtian simply opened the door of the office.
When Li Wei came to Ji Chengtian, he opened his mouth and said with a worried expression.
“Lao Ji, fishing reels on the Internet now…”
UnexpectedlyBefore he finished speaking, Ji Chengtian waved his hand towards him, and after a long sigh, he said helplessly.
“This fishing boat is no longer under our control. There are only two things we can do now. One is to find traces of the ‘Phoenix’ as soon as possible, and the other is to appease the emotions of the family members of the ‘Phoenix’, especially Tang. Family members of academicians…”
At the end, Ji Chengtian’s expression became resolute.
Hearing this, Li Wei had a thoughtful expression on his face, and then nodded, after thinking about it, that was indeed the case.
At this time, Li Wei seemed to think of something again, and then continued.
“Currently, according to the exposure of the fishing boat on the Internet, many people visit the hospital where Academician Tang’s family is located every day… I originally wanted to arrange staff to protect it, but according to the hospital, the ward of Academician Tang’s family is already staffed? ”
As he spoke, Li Wei’s eyes flashed with confusion.
But when he saw Ji Chengtian looking at him meaningfully, he also reacted instantly.
“Old Ji, have you made arrangements in advance?”
Unexpectedly, what he didn’t expect was that Ji Chengtian shook his head lightly, and then said calmly.
“It’s not me, it’s Fu Zhiyuan…”
Hearing this, Li Wei raised his eyebrows subconsciously, and then murmured to himself.
“Old Fu?”
Obviously, Li Wei is no stranger to Fu Zhiyuan. As the dean of Longke University, the nominal third in command of Longke Academy, the intersection with the Ministry of Science and Technology is fairly close.
It’s just that he hasn’t heard from Fu Zhiyuan for a while, so when he first heard the name, Li Wei was subconsciously stunned.
Seeing Li Wei’s expression, Ji Chengtian continued.
“That’s right, what we didn’t consider, Old Fu has considered it all. It seems that in Old Fu’s heart, Tang Zhenli’s status is really not low…”
Saying that, Ji Chengtian sighed in his heart.
Fu Zhiyuan can be regarded as Tang Zhenli’s guide in the field of scientific research. Although he does not have the grace of teaching, his relationship is better than that of a mentor.
Presumably at this time, he felt uncomfortable under the current situation where Tang Zhenli’s life and death were unknown…
Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian shook his head, then got up directly, and said to Li Wei.
“Come on, go to the monitoring room below, I don’t believe it anymore, such a big ‘Phoenix’, we just lose it if we say so?”
With that said, Ji Chengtian and Li Wei moved towards the monitoring room below.
At this time, the fishing boats on the Internet are still frantically fermenting,
Shanghai stock market, in a villa,
During this cold winter month, all kinds of flowers and plants in the small courtyard of the villa have long withered, bringing a bleak atmosphere to people.
Just like the owner of the villa at this moment, on the sofa in the villa.
Wu Shaoying was holding the phone in a daze, staring blankly at the calendar in the phone, secretly counting how long Tang Zhenli had been away.
On the second day after she came back, she wanted to go to Jingjiang Hospital to visit Chen Xinyao again.
But when she went again, she found that Chen Xinyao’s ward had been moved. When she asked Tang Ziyue, Tang Ziyue said that someone seemed to have discovered that the ward was the mother of Academician Xiao Tang.
This also led to the fact that although there were official staff for security, there were still countless people coming and going to visit. Not only that, the visiting people also wanted to ask questions about Tang Zhenli and himself intentionally or unintentionally.
In desperation, the Tang family had no choice but to apply for a change of ward and refused everyone to visit.
After hearing this, Wu Shaoying also reacted.
Although he has faded out of the entertainment circle for a while, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, after careful consideration, Wu Shaoying 140 had no choice but to stay at home honestly.
Doing nothing, just staring at the time and calendar in a daze every day, which made Wu Xingjian and Yao Shihuai very distressed.
At this moment, the phone in his hand vibrated, and the next moment, Wu Shaoying’s eyes became clear again, and then his eyes turned away.
“Sister Xia?”
After a little surprise in his heart, he also pressed the answer button.
“Hello, Miss Xia…”
Unexpectedly, Sister Xia on the other end of the phone didn’t even have time to say hello to her, so she said straight to the point, with a slightly hasty tone.
“Yingying, have you paid attention to the nearest fishing boat…”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying was slightly taken aback, then subconsciously shook her head.
“Fishing boat? No…”
During this period of time, all she could think about was Tang Zhenli, and there was still time to pay attention to fishing boats.
Listening to Wu Shaoying’s answer, Miss Xia’s voice suddenly rose an octave.
“What? You don’t even know that such a big thing happened?”
The words were full of disbelief, the person concerned didn’t even know about the things that are making a fuss on the Internet now!
Isn’t this a big joke in the world…

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