Inspecting the Dilemma of the “Phoenix”
In the villa, listening to Miss Xia’s surprised voice on the phone,
Wu Shaoying was also a little stunned for a moment, her big eyes blinked, and her eyes were full of confusion.
Seeing that Wu Shaoying hadn’t spoken for a long time, Sister Xia on the other end of the phone also sighed leisurely, and then continued.
“Forget it, let’s take a look first, and then we can discuss how to deal with it…”
After speaking, he didn’t hang up the phone, as if he was waiting for Wu Shaoying.
Here, Wu Shaoying, who was suspicious, heard Sister Xia’s serious tone, and couldn’t help but click on one of her account platforms.
Afterwards, subconsciously clicked into the setting that was released when I confessed at the concert.Top post.
In the next instant, malicious and abusive comments filled her eyes, making her pretty face go blank.
Green tea bitch, white lotus, scheming bitch…
All kinds of slander and abuse swept towards Wu Shaoying, making her heart beat faster, and she couldn’t resist.
For a moment, Wu Shaoying’s mind only felt blank.
Sister Xia, who was on the other end of the phone, seemed to be able to guess Wu Shaoying’s state of mind at the moment.
After all…after all, she still has to face it.
And just as Wu Shaoying endured the grievances in her heart and continued to dig deeper into the focus of the fishing reel, Yao Shihuai, who came down from the upstairs, saw her pale face, and couldn’t help but hurriedly came to Wu Shaoying and asked with a concerned expression.
“Yingying, why is your face so ugly? Are you sick?”
As he spoke, he reached out and stroked Wu Shaoying’s forehead.
Seeing this, Wu Shaoying also stopped the movements in her hands, forced a smile and said to Yao Shihuai,
“It’s okay, Mom, it’s just that I didn’t sleep well last night…”
Seeing her daughter’s haggard appearance, Yao Shihuai sighed slightly in her heart, her eyes a little distressed.
But she also knows… some things are up to her to figure out.
Obviously, Yao Shihuai at this time thought that Wu Shaoying was in a bad state because of Tang Zhenli’s affairs.
Gently stroked her daughter’s hair, Yao Shihuai knew in her heart that she couldn’t say anything, couldn’t do anything…
Perhaps only with this potential comfort can I make my heart feel better.
After a long sigh, Yao Shihuai slowly walked towards the kitchen. At this moment, it’s better to give her daughter some space…
Here, looking at her mother’s back, Wu Shaoying’s face was still a little pale, but she felt relieved.
If it wasn’t necessary, she didn’t want her parents to know about it.
At this time, she still chose to take it upon herself.
Thinking, Wu Shaoying stood up and walked towards her room.
After coming to the room to ensure that no one was disturbed, Wu Shaoying ignored the nasty abuse, but searched for recent posts about herself.
However, the post has been officially deleted, but the thoughtful Wu Shaoying managed to find the crux of the matter in the abusive post.
In the next few minutes, these keys were gradually pieced together in her mind, and Wu Shaoying also roughly understood the ins and outs of the matter.
After realizing that the cause of the incident was the photos that were taken secretly when he was visiting Chen Xinyao, and that he had broken off the marriage.
On the contrary, Wu Shaoying’s mood has calmed down, and it is difficult for him to make waves in his heart against those abusive comments…
At this sensitive moment, this will inevitably be speculated and discussed by people with ulterior motives.
For this kind of thing, any explanation or statement can’t stop the crowd…
At this moment, Sister Xia on the other end of the phone spoke.
“Yingying, how’s it going…~¨.”
Hearing that, Wu Shaoying also spoke to Sister Xia on the other end of the phone, her tone calm.
“Well~ Sister Xia, I saw it all…”
The voice fell, and Sister Xia on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, as if she was worried that Wu Shaoying’s state was unstable.
After a few breaths, Sister Xia continued to speak.
“Then do you think this matter…how should it be resolved?”
Unexpectedly, as soon as Sister Xia’s voice fell, Wu Shaoying answered directly as if she was prepared.
“Why do you want to solve it? When Tang Zhenli comes back, won’t everything be solved?”
Wu Shaoying said word by word, with a very serious tone.
On the other end of the phone, Sister Xia listened to Wu Shaoying’s calm and innocent words, but she felt that she had been stabbed by a knife, causing inexplicable pain…
It has now been nearly half a month since the “Phoenix” lost contact, and there is no official news yet.
I am afraid that now in the whole world, only Wu Shaoying can believe that Tang Zhenli will definitely come back…
Thinking of this, Sister Xia couldn’t help but feel a little choked up in her heart, but she knew that some things must be faced by Wu Shaoying.
So at this moment, she couldn’t help but say it hard.
“. “Yingying, I want to say, if…if Tang Zhenli doesn’t come back…will you let those people ruin your reputation?”
After speaking, Sister Xia’s heart couldn’t help but lift up, and then she held her breath in anticipation of Wu Shaoying’s answer.
As expected, Wu Shaoying pondered for a long time after hearing the words, and when she spoke again, her voice was already a little hoarse.
“It’s okay, he will be back… I can wait…”
Listening to Wu Shaoying’s words, Sister Xia on the other end of the phone was silent again.
At this time, Wu Shaoying’s answer could still be understood.
If Tang Zhenli really fell into the sea of ​​​​Xingxian, Tianxian sister is clearly thinking of not marrying for life!
For a while, she didn’t know what to say.
This kind of love story, which can only appear in TV dramas, is so real in front of her.
Although it sounds a bit cliché, only those who have experienced it themselves can understand the deep affection and determination contained in it!
In an instant, Sister Xia only felt a sore nose, and she was at a loss for words.
Could it be that two people who have experienced many hardships to be together really have to end in such a tragic form?
At this moment, it is no longer important to have a fishing reel or not. Forcibly explaining some things in words is destined to be ineffective!The choice Wu Shaoying made at this time was to use the rest of her life to explain it!
…………….. Warehouse

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