Last Chance
At this moment, half a month has passed since the ‘Phoenix’ lost contact.
And in the field of vision of the many crew members of the “Phoenix”, the size of the earth has also become smaller and smaller with the passage of time.
This also reminds the crew all the time that the “Phoenix” is still moving away from the earth, and it is getting farther and farther away!
Under such circumstances, the atmosphere of the entire crew on the “Phoenix” also became more and more heavy in a way visible to the naked eye.
In the medical room,
Tang Zhenli’s injury has recovered enough to be able to walk on the ground. Although the fracture in his left hand has not healed, the wound on his lung is almost healed. It’s much better.
At this moment, he was standing beside the only bed in this single ward, looking through the transparent window at the vast expanse of space.
Looking into the distance, the distant stars are still emitting blazing light even through countless distances.
Gradually, Tang Zhenli’s eyes turned back, looking at his own face reflected in the nearby window.
Feeling moved, he couldn’t help reaching out to touch it, but his fingers stopped slowly just as they were about to touch the window…
In addition, his thoughts at the moment also stopped…
After staring at his own eyes for a long time, Tang Zhenli’s eyes gradually recovered, and then a ray of light disappeared in a flash.
The next moment, he turned his head and said to Chu Wenqian who was beside the bed.
“Let’s go, go to the main control room and the power cabin…”
As she spoke, Chu Wenqian nodded lightly, carefully helped him onto the wheelchair, and pushed him out of the infirmary.
Although his lung injury is no longer serious, he still needs to avoid excessive exercise, otherwise, any heavy breathing that causes the lungs to fluctuate too much may cause the wound to burst.
So to be on the safe side, the doctor still recommends traveling in a wheelchair during this period.
After a while, with the help of Chu Wenqian, Tang Zhenli, who was sitting in a wheelchair, came to the main control room.
At this time, the main control room can’t be said to have a completely new look, but it can be said that it is almost the same as the original appearance. Except for the second layer of titanium alloy windows that still cannot be opened and some indentations on the wall, everything else is fine. Almost repaired by technicians.
The central floor of the main control room has been opened by technicians, revealing a large mess of lines and equipment below. It can be seen that many lines have been damaged.
This is why the ‘Phoenix’ communication system failed.
There are still many technicians in the main control room currently repairing this large piece of communication equipment and instruments.
And Tang Zhenli came here to inspect the restoration of the communication system.
However, from his point of view, the technicians at this moment are all sad, discussing something with the messy wiring and damaged equipment, but judging from the situation, it doesn’t look like good news.
At this moment, someone saw Tang Zhenli in a wheelchair, and immediately greeted him.
“Tang Gong!”
This sound was like a stone stirring up a thousand waves, attracting the attention of everyone in the main control room, followed by a wave of greetings.
“Tang Gong!”
“Tang Gong!”
Obviously, after realizing the situation in the main control room, everyone had a different admiration for Tang Zhenli who survived.
Listening to the endless greetings, Tang Zhenli also nodded calmly one by one to signal the past.
Pushed by Chu Wenqian, the wheelchair slowly moved towards the disassembled floor in the center. Seeing this, everyone quickly moved out of the way.
Looking at Tang Zhenli’s back, he couldn’t help showing some anticipation in his eyes.
It may take time for them to repair the communication system, but maybe Tang Gong has a different opinion…
When he came to the dismantled communication system in the center, Tang Zhenli’s brows suddenly became twisted when he saw the intertwined, broken and crooked lines.
Apparently before this, he didn’t expect the communication system to be even worse than what was stated in the report.
Looking at the current situation, it might be faster to directly replace the equipment of the communication system than to repair it..
But… there is no such condition now…
Tang Zhenli frowned at the amount of repair work.
Looking at the situation, it will definitely not be repaired in ten days and half a month, but the problem is that half a month has passed now…
Originally, the “Phoenix” only carried one month’s luggage when it took off..
Another half a month… I’m afraid I’ll starve to death here even if it can be repaired…
For a moment, Tang Zhenli was weighing and hesitating in his mind…
Just at this moment, the person in charge of the team responsible for maintaining the communication system stepped forward, carefully glanced at Tang Zhenli’s expression, subconsciously felt a sudden in his heart, and then unavoidably became worried.
Could it be that… Mr. Tang is not satisfied with our repair progress…
At this time, Tang Zhenli’s eyes flashed with determination, and then he turned his head and said to the person in charge of the team.
“Starting today, the communication system will be temporarily suspended for repair, and all work will be focused on the repair of the power system!”
Between words, Tang ZhenLi’s expression was calm, without showing any emotion.
However, after hearing the words, the group leader immediately raised his heart, and then quickly stepped forward and said to Tang Zhenli, with a worried tone.
“Tang Gong, but I’m not satisfied with the progress of the repair. I promise that we will work overtime and repair the communication system as soon as possible!”
Apparently, the team leader thought that Tang Zhenli was dissatisfied with their repair progress, so he directly removed their team.
Unexpectedly, Tang Zhenli shook his head slightly after hearing the words, and then said.
“I took a look. The repair of the communication system can’t be successful in a short time. In this case, it is better to focus on one point. At least for now, the repair progress of the power system is still normal!”
As Tang Zhenli’s voice fell, everyone present came to their senses.
Tang Gong’s explanation also means that this is not an opinion on himself and others, but a lack of confidence in the communication system.
After realizing this, everyone’s heart was certain, and their expressions softened a little.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli also turned his head to signal to Chu Wenqian.
Chu Wenqian nodded and pushed him to the power compartment…

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