: The Return of the ‘Phoenix’
After a while, the two slowly came to the power compartment of the ‘Phoenix’, followed by some team members who were previously responsible for repairing the communication system.
After Tang Zhenli spoke, the task of repairing the communication system was given up.
The current work focuses on repairing the powertrain.
At this moment, the repair progress of the power cabin has exceeded 80%, and the basic operation can be maintained for two or three days at most.
In the power compartment at the moment, it seems to be a picture of heat.
The power cabin of the ‘Phoenix’ can be said to be the largest cabin in the entire cabin of the ‘Phoenix’, about ten meters high, nearly 100 meters long and 50 meters wide.
It even looks like a standard football field, because it has to carry three huge Qinglong power modules and various miscellaneous components and equipment.
It can be clearly seen that the surfaces of the three Qinglong power modules are damaged to varying degrees.
At present, various technicians are repairing each group of power modules. Basically, the technicians who are stationed in the ‘Phoenix’ plus the technicians on this expedition, nearly 80% of the thousand people are In charge of the maintenance of the power module~.
Chu Wenqian slowly pushed Tang Zhenli towards the engine compartment.
Most of the staff are so focused on their work that few people notice it.
It’s just that the staff who pass by every now and then say hello to Tang Zhenli.
In the distance, Wang Shan, who was instructing the repair work, seemed to feel something, and subconsciously tilted her head.
When he saw Tang Zhenli being pushed slowly towards this side, he couldn’t help but change his expression.
Immediately he instructed his subordinates, and walked in the direction of Tang Zhenli with light footsteps.
As the person in charge of the restoration of the power system, there is no reason why Wang Shan can’t go forward to report the current situation.
In an instant, Wang Shan and Tang Zhenli met.
“Tang Gong!”
Wang Shan called first, Tang Zhenli also nodded when he saw it, and then looked at the busy staff and said.
“Wang Gong, how is the situation now?”
Hearing this, a confident smile appeared on Wang Shan’s face, she turned her head and glanced at the power compartment, then turned her head and said to Tang Zhenli.
“Tang Gong, the power system has been basically repaired successfully. The reactor inside the Qinglong power module is ready to use, but the current steering device is still a little worse, but at most one day, the steering device can also be repaired, and then we can return. It’s gone!”
As Wang Shan’s voice fell, Tang Zhenli’s expression also showed a relaxed look for the first time.
The next moment, Tang Zhenli turned his head slightly, and then leaned back, and Chu Wenqian also understood, and quickly lowered his head to listen to what Tang Zhenli had to say.
“Remember to remind me of the return route when I go back later, I’ll plan first..”
Hearing this, Chu Wenqian nodded calmly, and then secretly remembered this matter in her heart.
And after finishing speaking, Tang Zhenli waved his hand again and said to Wang Shan.
“Wang Gong, since that’s the case, then I won’t bother, I’ll take a look in the engine compartment…”
Wang Shan nodded with a smile on her face, then turned around and continued walking in the direction she came from.
After that, Chu Wenqian pushed the wheelchair again, and Tang Zhenli casually looked inside the power cabin.
Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar Qinglong power module, Tang Zhenli inexplicably thought of the Sisheng Research Institute and the people at the Sisheng Research Institute.
In the Four Saints power module, Suzaku, Baihu, and Xuanwu have all participated in the research and development, or he directly developed it.
It is the Qinglong power module. He is only responsible for the design, and the rest are all handled by the staff of the Four Saints Research Institute.
Although this Qinglong power module is extremely large, it is better than one link, and no space is wasted, so that three Qinglong modules are distributed in this huge power cabin in an extremely reasonable layout.
Looking at Tang Zhenli at this time, it was also somewhat pleasing to the eye.
In detail, the level of the Four Saints Research Institute is considered to be the top in the world!
thinking,Tang Zhenli continued to stroll in the engine compartment…
Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo, Office of the Chief.
Li Wei is walking towards Ji Chengtian with a report.
Seeing this, Ji Chengtian also temporarily stopped the documents he was browsing.
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Flowers
“This is the first one…”
Obviously, Ji Chengtian didn’t even need to look at it to know what was reported in the document.
One week after the capture of the first ‘Kunpeng’ aerial unmanned fighter on the ‘Phoenix’, news of the capture of the ‘Kunpeng’ aerial unmanned fighter continued to come…
Prior to this, eight ‘Kunpeng’ fighters originally belonging to the ‘Phoenix’ had been captured.
Here, Li Wei, who heard the words, shook his head, a wry smile appeared on his face, and then said calmly.
“That’s not…. Yesterday and today, in twelve hours, three more were captured…”
After hearing Li Wei’s words, Ji Chengtian’s eyes showed a bit of deep thought, as if he had found some pattern in it.
“So, there are thirteen of them now… As expected, there should be a large number of ‘Kunpeng’ fighters lost in space without being captured… I guess, now the ‘Kunpeng’ of the ‘Phoenix’ ‘There shouldn’t be many fighter planes, maybe even no more…”
Hearing this, Li Wei’s eyes flickered slightly, and he nodded after a while, and finally said.
“Fortunately, with the trajectory information obtained by capturing the ‘Kunpeng’ aerospace unmanned fighter, we have clarified the navigation direction of the ‘Phoenix’…”
Listening to Li Wei’s words, Ji Chengtian turned and walked towards the window, looking up at the dark sky.
If he remembers correctly, the current ‘Phoenix’ has been out of contact for more than half a month.
After a short while, Ji Chengtian took two quick steps, as if he was making a choice, then he seemed to be broken, and he turned his eyes and said directly to Li Wei.
“Old Li, go ahead and command all the spacecraft to drive at full speed towards the trail of the ‘Phoenix’ regardless of consumption. I don’t believe it. Where can this ‘Phoenix’ go!”
Speaking of the end, Ji Chengtian’s brows were furrowed.
“Understood! I’ll go right now..”
Having said that, Li Wei walked out of the office and gave instructions.
At this point, Ji Chengtian was the only one left in the office.
At this time, Ji Chengtian also understood,
This may be the last chance for rescue!

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