Discussing Civilization Invasion
In the cosmic space about 100,000 kilometers away from the earth, in the cabin of the bow of the “Phoenix”.
At this time, only Tang Zhenli and Chu Wenqian were in the cabin.
Prior to this, Tang Zhenli had already ordered that he would stay permanently in this cabin during the return journey.
Sitting in a wheelchair, Tang Zhenli looked at the running status of the Qinglong power module displayed on the electronic screen with a calm expression, and was planning carefully in his mind.
In the coordinate system I set, the ‘Phoenix’ should be at that position now…
After a while, Tang Zhenli looked at the previously planned route and compared it with the newly calculated route in his mind.
After finding that the difference was less than 5%, Tang Zhenli’s expression changed, and he twisted the control panel that controls the steering of Qinglong’s power module.
At the same time, the jets at the bottom and rear of the ‘Phoenix’ emitted blazing flames, which were so eye-catching and remarkable in the cold and dark universe.
So far, after being lost for more than 17 and a half months, the long-suffering “Phoenix” has officially embarked on the return route!
And after that, every two hours, Tang Zhenli had to re-determine the route to make sure that the ‘Phoenix’ was not off course.
According to Tang Zhenli’s estimation, under the full operation of the three Qinglong power modules, the “Phoenix” will return to low-earth orbit in no more than ten days.
Another ten days have passed, and the fishing boats on the Internet are still fermenting step by step, so much so that the officials can’t hold back the picture.
Although the enthusiasm about Wu Shaoying’s fishing boat at this moment has not dissipated,
But at this time, netizens are discussing more about the trace of the “Phoenix”.
After all, it has been almost a month since the “Phoenix” lost contact, and the official search and rescue team has not received any good news.
For a while, not only the people of Dragon Kingdom, but even the international community, there were many voices criticizing the search and rescue team.
Some say that the search and rescue team is incompetent, and some say that the search and rescue team eats the corpse, in short, every good word…
To put it simply, during this period of time, netizens in Longguo and even all over the world spent their time in abuse.
Either he scolds Wu Shaoying, or he scolds the search and rescue team…
Of course, it is unknown whether there are people with ulterior motives in this.
Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the person in charge,
During this period of time, Ji Chengtian has had quite a headache.
However, the headache is not the accusations from the outside world, but the search and rescue work is still no progress.
To be honest, with the efficiency of the search and rescue team, Ji Chengtian himself wanted to scold the search and rescue team, even though he himself was the team leader of the search and rescue team.
For nearly a month, the search and rescue team has made no progress at all except for collecting more than a dozen ‘Kunpeng’ fighter jets…
With such work efficiency, Ji Chengtian couldn’t help feeling ashamed.
But the reality is still so cold and powerless. At present, the experience and technology of human beings in the field of search and rescue in space is about zero!
Since the “Death” asteroid crisis, this time, mankind has once again lost to reality!
So much so that he is now thinking, if the search and rescue work really doesn’t matter, should he step back behind the scenes…
Under this state of mind, Ji Chengtian, who was full of confidence in the past, was full of helplessness at this moment.
At this moment, a member of the search and rescue team walked in from outside the office door, walking in a hurry.
Looking at the appearance of the staff member, Ji Chengtian’s brows couldn’t help raising his eyebrows. Li Wei was admitted to the hospital a few days ago due to excessive stress, so the job he reported to Ji Chengtian was changed.
I saw that man hurriedly came to the desk with a hint of urgency on his face, and then turned towards Ji Chengdao.
“Jibu, we caught a UFO in Earth orbit!”
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian stood up abruptly. After a while, his expression changed, and there was a gleam in his eyes, and he said to the staff member with a slightly expectant tone.
“Is it the ‘Phoenix’?”
Looking at the expectation on Ji Chengtian’s face, the staff member just wanted to open his mouth, but he didn’t know what to say.
After going back and forth, I couldn’t help feeling a little nervous.
And Ji Chengtian saw the staff’s expression of hesitating to speak, and the look in his eyes dimmed.
It seems that it should not be the news of the ‘Phoenix’..
At the same time, he also knew that his expectations were too high to make him nervous, so he sighed slightly and said involuntarily.
“Forget it…you say it…”
Hearing this, the staff member’s expression really relaxed, and then said slowly.
“Ji Bu, our expert team is still judging what it is. After all, all the spacecraft in low-Earth orbit are now mobilized to the direction of the original ‘Phoenix’. This UFO is still a civil enterprise. Photographed by satellites..”
Saying that, the man took out his mobile phone and handed Ji Chengtian the photos he took.
After hearing Zhi 157, Ji Chengtian had a look of anticipation on his face again, and then took the staff member’s phone and looked at it carefully.
But seeing this, Ji Chengtian frowned.
In the blurry photos, there seems to be a shiny metallic spaceship hovering in low-Earth orbit, but neither its size nor its shape looks like the ‘Phoenix’.
Even if the photo is blurry, Ji Chengtian can see that this unknown spacecraft is simply a circle smaller than the ‘Phoenix’.
For a while, Ji Chengtian’s expression became serious.
Because he remembered the human’s characterization of the asteroid crisis of “Death”… There may be secrets that humans don’t know behind this!
After thinking for a while, Ji Chengtian turned his head and said to the staff member.
“This way… let me tell you, and send the nearest artificial satellite to get close to this UFO to have a look…”
Said, Ji Chengtian’s expression was a little serious.
After hearing the order, the staff member respectfully said yes and then retreated.
So far, Ji Chengtian is the only one left in the office.
However, looking at the expression on his face at this time, it is obvious that there is still speculation about the ‘Phoenix’.

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