Contact this is the ‘Phoenix’
At this moment, Ji Chengtian thought a lot in his mind,
After a long while, Ji Chengtian called his confidential secretary directly, and ordered to go on, all the responsible members of the search and rescue team would have a meeting.
With that said, Ji Chengtian also walked towards the conference room.
In a short while, the conference room was filled with the responsible members of the search and rescue team, most of whom were from the Ministry of Science and Technology, and of course there were also some people in charge of the Northwest Space Base and other space bases.
At this moment, Ji Chengtian is sitting in the first seat. Except for the vacant seat on the right hand side that originally belonged to Li Wei, all other seats are full.
After looking around the crowd, Ji Chengtian’s eyes were sharp.
And when everyone was swept by Ji Chengtian’s sharp eyes, they couldn’t help but bow their heads in shame.
Now that the search and rescue team has made no progress, it is obvious that they themselves know that they are ashamed of all those who pay attention to this matter.
However, Ji Chengtian’s eyes immediately returned to calm, and then he said indifferently.
“Everyone, the content of today’s meeting is not to ask for guilt, nor to announce the final result, but there is an issue that needs to be discussed by you….”
Ji Cheng wrote, projecting the blurry photo sent by his subordinate just now to the projector in the meeting room.
In an instant, everyone’s eyes in the conference room were attracted by the photos on the curtain in front of the conference room.
The blurry photo immediately appeared in everyone’s eyes.
Just when everyone was a little confused, Ji Chengtian spoke,
“This photo was just taken by a company’s civilian artificial satellite in low-Earth orbit. Because the photo is too blurry, members of the expert team are still identifying…”
Having said that, Ji Chengtian’s expression paused slightly, he looked around at the expressions of everyone, and then continued.
“So the content of this meeting is to discuss this blurry photo. Before that, I want to remind you that this unknown spacecraft is still in low-Earth orbit…~¨.”
After finishing speaking, Ji Chengtian nodded towards everyone, indicating that they can start discussing.
For a while, there was a low voice of discussion in the conference room.
Not long after, a person in charge of the aerospace base raised his hand and said.
“Jibu, is it possible that the unnamed flying object in this photo is the ‘Phoenix’!”
With that said, the expressions of the others could not help but brighten.
But before Ji Chengtian could speak, someone retorted.
“Impossible, the UFO in the picture does not match the ‘Phoenix’ in terms of scale or size, and we have not been able to find the ‘Phoenix’ in such a rigorous search, how could it suddenly return to low-earth orbit superior?”
This voice of rebuttal immediately attracted everyone’s attention. In everyone’s hearts, of course they hoped that this was the “Phoenix”!
But after seeing those who refuted, everyone fell silent…
The person who refuted was none other than Zu Qianqiu, one of the persons in charge of the Northwest Space Base!
In this meeting, if anyone present is most familiar with the ‘Phoenix’, it must be Zu Qianqiu!
Although he did not participate in the research and development of the “Phoenix”, after all, the design and construction of the “Phoenix” were basically completed in the Northwest Space Base.
At the very least, Zu Qianqiu must have a deeper understanding of the “Phoenix” than everyone present, including Ji Chengtian.
So when his voice fell, everyone present seemed to have thought of something, and their expressions suddenly became serious.
Hearing what Zu Qianqiu said, it makes sense…
Even if the “Phoenix” is in the photo, it’s hard to explain why the “Phoenix” appeared in low-Earth orbit without warning…
If even Zu Qianqiu didn’t think this blurry photo was the “Phoenix”, then what is the unidentified spacecraft in this photo?
For a moment, everyone felt a little creepy…
Thinking of the speculations made by many scholars on the origin of the “Reaper” asteroid, everyone felt their hairs stand on end for a while!
Could it be that… there is really an alien civilization eyeing humans?
And it came at such a fast speed that there was no chance to react at all…
After realizing this, the atmosphere in the meeting room gradually became heavy.
At this time, Ji Chengtian, who was sitting in the first seat, didn’t think so, so his expression was very calm.
Seeing that everyone was silent, Ji Chengtian could only speak by himself.
“. “I don’t care about other things now, the meeting now only discusses how to deal with it…”
After finishing speaking, he took a meaningful look at everyone present.
Then, someone in the meeting room who had been silent for a long while finally spoke.
“Jibu, isn’t it too hasty to draw conclusions based on this photo alone? I suggest that after clarifying the whole picture of the UFO or spaceship, the discussion now is just messing around…”
With that said, everyone in the meeting room showed some thought on their faces.
That being said…it makes sense..
It’s a bit too arbitrary to discuss how to deal with it just by relying on a blurry photo..
What if there is really some other misunderstanding? For example, light pollution caused exposure projection (De Li Zhao)…
As far as the current situation is concerned, the existence of UFOs is still controversial…
As the man’s voice fell, some people nodded repeatedly in agreement.
Unexpectedly, Ji Chengtian shook his head lightly, and then said.
“Since you want clear photos…In fact, I have already arranged for people to go down for this…I believe there should be results in a short time…”
After finishing speaking, Ji Chengtian simply closed his eyes, as if he was waiting for the photo to come out.
Seeing this, everyone present was also thinking a little bit, waiting for the clear photos to come.
At this point, the meeting seems to have entered a pause, and everyone is waiting for the meeting to start again with nervous and complicated thoughts!

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