The traumatized “Phoenix”
On the other side, above the low earth orbit,
After a long journey of ten days and ten nights, the “Phoenix” finally returned to the low-earth orbit.
All the crew members on the “Phoenix” all smiled happily when they saw the earth that they were thinking about.
After a long and boring month of wandering in space, they finally returned to their home planet!
In the bow cabin, Tang Zhenli, who hadn’t had a good night’s sleep for ten consecutive days and nights, looked at the familiar blue planet, and finally showed a trace of relief on his face.look.
Even the expression on Chu Wenqian’s face, who was always full of joy and anger, was moved at this moment.
However, it is understandable to think about it. Anyone who has experienced this will inevitably feel fluctuating…
After all, this time, they can truly say that they have gone through the juncture of life and death!
But what makes Tang Zhenli strange is that they have clearly arrived in low-Earth orbit for a while, but why the ground staff haven’t got in touch with them…
Without the guidance of ground personnel, how the 157 ‘Phoenix’ landed became a crucial issue.
This also led to the ‘Phoenix’ still levitating in low-Earth orbit. …
But what Tang Zhenli didn’t know was that because the search and rescue team used all the spacecraft basically owned by human beings to find the trace of the ‘Phoenix’.
The return of the ‘Phoenix’ to Earth orbit is not from the direction of the original loss of contact, but from the direction of the vacancy of another spacecraft.
That being said, it can be explained without first discovering them.
But the problem is that Tang Zhenli and all the crew on the ‘Phoenix’ don’t know about this…
To put it another way, even if they know, they can’t do anything now.
Now all they can do is wait quietly, waiting for the ground personnel to take the initiative to contact the ‘Phoenix’..
Of course, Tang Zhenli also believes that it is impossible for people on the ground to be ignorant of the behemoth suspended in low-Earth orbit…
In other words, the ‘Phoenix’ will be discovered sooner or later, it’s just a matter of time.
But if he can figure it out, it doesn’t mean that other people can figure it out, just like Meng Siyuan standing in front of him at this moment…
At this moment, Meng Siyuan’s face was embarrassed, and there was no joy in returning to low-Earth orbit.
“Academician Tang, can we just sit back and wait? You know, there are not many living resources on the ‘Phoenix’ right now..”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help touching his eyebrows. After thinking for a while in his eyes, he said to Meng Siyuan in a slightly relaxed tone.
“Commander Meng, don’t be impatient, although I don’t know why the ground personnel haven’t found us yet, but please believe me, within a day at most, the ground personnel will definitely contact us…”
After the words fell, Meng Siyuan saw the confidence revealed in Tang Zhenli’s words, and his face became calmer.
Before he knew it, he had already developed an inexplicable trust and dependence on this young man. If he had to find a pass, he would have to start with the annihilation of the ‘Death’ asteroid with a space-based laser cannon…
Thinking of this, Meng Siyuan sighed slightly in his heart, then nodded towards Tang Zhenli, and left the bow cabin.
Tang Zhenli was relieved when he saw this, and a bit of exhaustion flashed in his eyes. Finally, with the help of Chu Wenqian, he returned to the infirmary.
Intermittent sleep during the ten-day period was not enough to support his tired mind. Before that, he needed to adjust his mental state.
In the conference room of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo,
Everyone sat in their seats without saying a word.
The dim environment and the quiet atmosphere create a depressing feeling in the meeting room at the moment.
After Ji Chengtian announced the suspension of the meeting, the atmosphere in the room ushered in a period of silence, for everyone in the room.
This kind of atmosphere is undoubtedly heavy, so after half an hour of silence, the atmosphere gradually began to be suppressed, just like this…
Just when everyone was a little uneasy, the meeting at this moment finally ushered in a turning point.
“Dong, dong, dong~”
I saw a quick knock on the door, breaking the silence in the meeting room at the moment.
“Come in!”
Ji Chengtian closed his eyes and raised his eyelids lightly, then said in a deep voice.
Then the door handle of the conference room was unscrewed, and then a member of the search and rescue team walked quickly to Ji Chengtian, holding a document in his hand.
Immediately, the document in the staff member’s hand caught everyone’s attention.
Ji Chengtian was no exception. He looked at the staff walking towards him with a thoughtful gaze, his expression changed slightly.
After the staff member handed him the document, he whispered a few words into his ear.
As he said that, Ji Chengtian’s expression gradually became solemn, but his eyes flashed a few times from time to time, and his expression was completely gone.
After the staff finished speaking, they went straight out.
And this change in Ji Chengtian’s expression was naturally seen by everyone in the conference room.
For a time, everyone looked curiously at the folder in Ji Chengtian’s hand, their eyes flickering with strong expectations.
But what everyone didn’t expect was that after the staff left, Ji Chengtian didn’t speak in a hurry, as if to confirm, and then took a closer look at the document in his hand.
Seeing this, everyone’s brows twitched slightly, and the people sitting next to each other looked at each other and could see the doubts in each other’s eyes.
While watching, Ji Chengtian’s eyes flowed, and the expression on his face was not the same as before.
In the end, he let out a sigh of relief, and the heartstrings that had been tense gradually relaxed.
The current Ji Cheng is the most relaxed moment since the arrival of the “Death” asteroid!

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