male warship
Everyone in the conference room looked at Ji Chengtian’s expression curiously,
The people here are all mature and sophisticated people. To everyone is a pediatrician…
Through the change of Ji Chengtian’s expression at the moment, everyone secretly guessed in their hearts.
Could it be…. the search for the ‘Phoenix’ has made significant progress~?
Otherwise, what could make the expression of the Minister of Science and Technology of Longguo change so – so much…
At this time, Ji Chengtian, who was sitting in the first seat, didn’t notice everyone’s eyes at all, or in other words, he noticed it but subconsciously ignored it…
Because at this time, he was carefully looking at the few photos in the file,
Looking at the ‘Phoenix’, which was completely different from the original in the photo, even Ji Chengtian couldn’t help but flash a bit of respect in his eyes.
Although I don’t know what happened to the ‘Phoenix’ during this period, what kind of difficult journey did it go through before returning to Earth?
But just judging from this picture of the ‘Phoenix’, which is full of trauma and is very different from the past, there is an inexplicable shock in his heart!
At this time, he finally understood why the blurry photo before that didn’t look like the ‘Phoenix’ at all.
If it wasn’t for the conclusion made by the experts in the document, he would have recognized it at first glance in this photo, and he would not have recognized it as the long-lost ‘Phoenix’!
The bruises on the ship’s body, as well as the large gaps…
Compared with the original “Phoenix”, no one can believe that the tattered air carrier in the photo will be the heroic ship that saves mankind!
Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian took a deep breath, then put down the folder in his hand, and after glancing at the crowd, he resisted the fluctuations in his heart and said.
“Everyone! I can tell you good news! The ‘Phoenix’ has been found! And it’s the UFO in the blurry photo before!”
“how is this possible??”
When the voice fell, the audience was shocked!
At this moment, even the calm and sophisticated people sitting on the field are unable to restrain their intense incomprehension!
Obviously, for a while, they still couldn’t believe that the ‘Phoenix’, which they had been searching for for a month, would quietly return to the orbit of the earth without them realizing it!
After a long while, the shocked people reacted.
Looking at the document quietly lying in front of the conference table with unanimous eyes, his expression moved.
The next moment, everyone got up and ran towards the document!
So much so that they didn’t realize that Ji Chengtian had left!
At this moment, Ji Chengtian is already sitting in his office, issuing orders one by one.
All spacecraft responsible for search and rescue are all close to the ‘Phoenix’, get in touch as soon as possible!
After being excited for a while, Ji Chengtian’s eyelids drooped, as if he had thought of something.
There was a hint of worry in his expression.
The ‘Phoenix’ has been found!
But the situation of the crew inside…especially Tang Zhenli’s situation…
Let’s not talk about the situation of the entire crew of the ‘Phoenix’, let’s just talk about Tang Zhenli.
You must know that the last scene of Tang Zhenli’s appearance in the eyes of the world was vividly remembered.
In the case of damage and leakage in the main control room, can Tang Zhenli…. can survive!
Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian’s heart lifted up again in an instant, with a little anticipation in his nervousness.
But after issuing the order, all he can do now is wait.
On the other hand, after Ji Chengtian issued the order, all the spacecraft currently used for search and rescue flew in the direction of the ‘Phoenix’!
Soon, you will be able to directly contact the ‘Phoenix’!
In low-Earth orbit, in the infirmary of the ‘Phoenix’,
Tang Zhenli, who had rested for a while, raised his eyelids slightly. After a brief period of confusion, his eyes gradually returned to clarity.
Immediately, he turned his eyes, looked at Chu Wenqian, who was still waiting beside him, and said subconsciously.
“How is it? Have you contacted the ground personnel?”
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Flowers
Hearing this, Chu Wenqian directly shook her head and did not speak.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli frowned slightly, and his fingers couldn’t help rubbing his eyebrows.
It stands to reason that it has been five hours since the ‘Phoenix’ returned to low-Earth orbit. It is impossible for the ground personnel to have not discovered the ‘Phoenix’..
Suddenly, a light flashed in Tang Zhenli’s mind, and he immediately thought of something.
It should be that the ‘Phoenix’ at this time has changed too much and suffered too many traumas, making it difficult for the ground personnel to confirm it for a while.
But in the end, the developers who are familiar with the ‘Phoenix’ will definitely recognize it.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s heart settled for a while, thinking that it should be like this.
It seems that now we can only continue to wait.
At this moment, the door of the infirmary was opened, and Meng Siyuan, who was smiling, walked in briskly.
As soon as he walked in, Meng Siyuan’s gaze turned directly to Tang Zhenli, and finally said.
“Academician Tang! Good news! We have contacted the ground staff! We will be back soon!”
Said, Meng Siyuan’s face showed a somewhat moved look.
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli and Chu Wenqian’s expressions changed.
Sure enough…..
Hearing the good news from Meng Siyuan, Tang Zhenli was completely relieved.
After going through so much, are you finally going to return to the ground?
Now that we have contacted the ground, it seems that the ‘Phoenix’ will land successfully in a few days!
Now that I think about it carefully, from the beginning of the “Phoenix” ascension to the present for about a month, can the various experiences during this process be summed up in a few words?
Who would have thought that during this month, the entire crew of the “Phoenix” wandered back and forth before the gate of hell!
Fortunately, I can finally go back now!
Immediately, a few figures subconsciously appeared in Tang Zhenli’s mind, and he disappeared for a month, not knowing what happened to his relatives…

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