: Heroes Return
At the same time, the Longguo Science and Technology Department,
Ji Chengtian paced anxiously in his office, looking at the sky through the window from time to time,
It seems that he wants to see the scene in the “Phoenix” at this moment through thousands of obstacles with his naked eyes.
The news that he is most afraid of hearing now is the news of the heavy loss of the crew of the “Phoenix” and the news of Tang Zhenli’s disappearance.
Under these kinds of thoughts, Ji Chengtian’s mind became more and more anxious, and his pace became faster and faster, as if he wanted to relieve his nervous and anxious state of mind in this way.
“Boom boom boom~”
Just at this moment, there was a knock on the office door.
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian paused, and then quickly walked towards the door.
The moment he opened the door, Ji Chengtian’s confidential secretary was taken aback when he saw Ji Chengtian’s “157” face. He obviously didn’t expect that Ji Bu would come to open the door in person.
However, after thinking about the news he had just received, the Confidential Secretary’s stunned expression changed, and a smile suddenly overflowed on his face.
Seeing this, Ji Chengtian raised his brows lightly, and asked the confidential secretary in a hasty tone before he could speak.
“How’s it going? Have you contacted the ‘Phoenix’? How’s the situation?”
The confidential secretary who asked three questions in a row froze for a moment, but fortunately, his reaction speed was fast enough, and he followed Ji Chengtian’s words and spoke directly.
“Ji Bu, we got in touch! And there is great news! All 12,512 officers and soldiers of the ‘Phoenix’ survived!”
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian opened the corner of his eyes, his expression seemed to be stunned, and then a strong joy surged from his heart.
But before he could be happy, Ji Chengtian’s expression was suffocated, as if he had thought of something, he continued to ask the confidential secretary with a nervous expression.
“Where is Academician Tang? How is Academician Tang doing?”
Seeing Ji Chengtian’s anxious look, the confidential secretary said directly without hesitation.
“Academician Tang’s condition is fine except for a little injury…”
But what he didn’t expect was that after Ji Chengtian heard the comforting words, his heart rose again in an instant.
“Injured, is the injury serious, and how is the injury?”
Obviously, in Ji Chengtian’s imagination, even if Tang Zhenli survived the damage and leak in the main control room, he must have suffered serious injuries.
It’s still the kind that ranges from missing arms and legs, to severe injuries and unconsciousness…
No matter which one of these two is, it is a loss that the Dragon Kingdom and even all mankind cannot afford!
So it’s no wonder Ji Chengtian is so nervous.
But what the confidential secretary said next made him completely relieved.
“Ji Bu, according to the news from the ‘Phoenix’, Academician Tang’s injuries are no longer serious, and even the return of the ‘Phoenix’ this time is still in Academician Tang’s plan…”
As his voice fell, Ji Chengtian’s expression gradually relaxed.
If Tang Zhenli can still command the “Phoenix” soberly, it should mean that the injury should not be serious..
After realizing this, Ji Chengtian only felt a sense of relaxation that was far better than before sweeping his whole body.
At this moment, he even wanted to have a good sleep.
But he knew that before the ‘Phoenix’ landed, he still had things to do.
Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian’s expression changed, and he ordered to the confidential secretary.
“In this way, make a landing plan for the ‘Phoenix’ as soon as possible, and satisfy all the needs of the ‘Phoenix’! I hope to hear good news about the ‘Phoenix’ as soon as possible!”
After finishing speaking, Ji Chengtian nodded towards him with a serious expression.
“Understood! Jibu!”
And the confidential secretary also understood, nodded and said with a calm expression.
With that said, he walked towards the door of the office.
But the moment he was about to leave the office, Ji Chengtian pinched his chin, as if thinking of something, and stopped him again.
“and many more!”
Hearing this, the confidential secretary turned around and came back honestly, looking at Ji Chengtian with a pleasing gaze.
“Ji Bu, do you have any other orders?”
“Notify the news of the return of the ‘Phoenix’! Remember, it must be publicized!”
As he said that, Ji Chengtian’s eyes froze, and his expression was full of seriousness…
Hearing what Ji Cheng said, the confidential secretary nodded again and again, and then walked out the door after agreeing.
Ji Chengtian’s idea is very simple. The “Phoenix” has been attracting attention for a long time, and even before that, the general public was dissatisfied with the work of the search and rescue team, which caused a wide range of fishing boats!
This timeThe return of the ‘Phoenix’, if the news can be widely publicized, it can completely appease the emotions of the general public.
By the way, the public’s confidence in the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Dragon Kingdom can be re-established, and the previous opinion that the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Dragon Kingdom has been rapidly declining among the general public due to the search for the ‘Phoenix’ has been changed!
With the best of both worlds, why not do it!
After realizing this, Ji Chengtian lowered his eyelids and thought about it carefully, for fear that the propaganda department of the Ministry of Science and Technology had not done the propaganda work properly.
With his mind active, Ji Chengtian hurried to the desk, picked up the phone on the desk, and made another call to Wang Hongxuan, the head of Longguo Propaganda Department.
This time, the scene of the return of the ‘Phoenix’ must be in place!
After some discussions, the decision 4.2 decided to broadcast the news of the return of the ‘Phoenix’ directly to the entire network with all the existing publicity models!
After all, the current ‘Phoenix’ represents more than just the original ‘Phoenix’.
In a deeper meaning, the ‘Phoenix’, as Tang Zhenli’s ship, saved all mankind a month ago!
The current ‘Phoenix’ no longer belongs to the Dragon Kingdom. To put it further, when Tang Zhenli was saving all mankind, the ‘Phoenix’ was a heroic ship!
So much so that now everyone is looking forward to the news of the ‘Phoenix’ and the news of Tang Zhenli!
And under the current circumstances, nothing is more exciting than the return of the real ‘Phoenix’!

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