Thoughts Before Returning
Here, seeing that Tang Ziyue was silent for a long time without speaking, Fu Zhiyuan’s expression suffocated, and he had some guesses in his heart.
No… The Tang family still doesn’t know the news, right?
Although it is less than an hour before the official announcement, it is too much to not know the news…
But when he thought of his purpose, Fu Zhiyuan’s expression changed, and then he asked Tang Ziyue on the other end of the phone tentatively.
“Xiao Tang, don’t you guys still know the news of the return of the ‘Phoenix’?”
As Fu Zhiyuan’s voice fell, Tang Ziyue on the other end of the phone obviously had a reaction. She first glanced at her mother inadvertently, and then asked anxiously.
“What… what? Is what you said true, Dean?”
Hearing Tang Ziyue’s voice, Fu Zhiyuan really confirmed it. It seemed that the Tang family really had no news.
Logically speaking… shouldn’t it~?
This kind of propaganda scale… how could it not be – know the news!
However, he didn’t think about it for a while, and now the most important thing is to inform the Tang family of the arrangement.
Thinking of this, Fu Zhiyuan actually made his voice calm.
“Of course it’s true… So if you need it, I can arrange it here. The ‘Phoenix’ will land in about a day, and Xiao Tang should be back by then…”
Hearing the words, Tang Ziyue on the other end of the phone suddenly breathed quickly, the excitement on her face was beyond words, and then she quickly hurried.replied.
“We need it, we need it, thank you Dean!”
As he spoke, a smile appeared on Fu Zhiyuan’s face on the other end of the phone.
“Okay, if possible, within two hours, Hongqiao Airport in Shanghai Stock Exchange, our Long Ke University has a special plane there, and we will contact you when the time comes!”
“Okay! Goodbye, Dean!”
With that said, the excited and trembling Tang Ziyue hung up the phone.
After hanging up the phone, Tang Ziyue, whose mind was a little blank, looked at the phone subconsciously.
Only then did she realize that the various news feeds on the notification bar were all about the return of the “Phoenix”!
Only then did she understand the dean’s doubts…
So far, she has no worries in her heart!
The ‘Phoenix’ is really coming back!
Then I saw Tang Ziyue’s eyes turn to look at Chen Xinyao, and the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn’t be held back no matter how hard he tried.
Seeing her overjoyed expression, Chen Xinyao frowned slightly, and was about to speak, but Tang Ziyue’s voice was a step faster than her.
“Mom! Brother is back! One day later, Northwest Aerospace Base, don’t go home, let’s go directly to the airport! Fly directly to the Great Northwest!”
As she spoke, Tang Ziyue’s pretty face blushed with excitement.
Here, Chen Xinyao, who heard about it, fixed her gaze, and asked anxiously in the next moment.
“What did you say?”
With his mind fluttering, he couldn’t even speak Mandarin.
Seeing Chen Xinyao’s haggard face full of disbelief, Tang Ziyue was inexplicably sentimental, but she still said.
“‘Phoenix’ is back! One day later! If you don’t believe me, you can see it by turning on your phone!”
The moment Tang Ziyue finished speaking, Chen Xinyao only felt her eyes turn pale, and she was about to fall over.
Fortunately, Tang Ziyue supported her in advance, and said in a narrow tone.
“Mom, don’t get dizzy. If you get dizzy again, you won’t be able to catch the plane!”
With that said, Chen Xinyao’s body must have been confirmed, and she subconsciously opened the prestige in her hand. Unexpectedly, the interface entered by the prestige was the news of the return of the “Phoenix”.
“Little girl, you dare to make fun of me?”
Obviously, after hearing the news that Tang Zhenli was coming back, Chen Xinyao returned to her previous appearance.
Hearing this, Tang Ziyue stuck out her tongue weakly, shrugged helplessly, and then said pretending to be wronged.
“Sure enough, I picked it up. After a month of meticulous care from the little padded jacket, I got a little girl’s film…”
Speaking as if she was about to cry.
Unexpectedly, the speaker had no intention of listening, and Chen Xinyao hugged her directly, then gently stroked Tang Ziyue’s soft long hair, and said in a gentle tone.
“Okay, it’s all my fault, both of you are my darlings, no one can do without…”
Such behavior directly confused Tang Ziyue, but after going through so much, Tang Ziyue was also silent at this time, silently enjoying her mother’s embrace.
After the mother and daughter were tender for a while, Tang Ziyue finally thought of something, broke free from Chen Xinyao’s embrace, and said anxiously to Chen Xinyao.
“Two hours, the airport, the Northwest Space Base!”
Hearing this, Chen Xinyao was stunned for a moment, and then she came to her senses.
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Flowers
“Yes, yes, contact your sister-in-law quickly, let’s go together!”
As he spoke, Tang Ziyue nodded quickly, then took out his cell phone to find Wu Shaoying, and dialed.
And here, Chen Xinyao also took out her mobile phone, ready to contact Tang Lizhe.
Unexpectedly, at this moment, the door of the ward was opened, and an excited Tang Lizhe appeared in front of the mother and daughter.
But after seeing the mental state of the mother and daughter, they probably knew something.
Seeing this, Chen Xinyao put down her cell phone, glanced at Tang Ziyue who was still dialing, then turned her gaze directly, and spoke directly to Tang Lizhe.
“You also know?”
Hearing this, the couple looked at each other, then smiled tacitly.
“It seems that everyone knows…”
Here, Tang Ziyue felt a sense of urgency for no reason when she heard the ‘beep’ on the other end of the phone.
Fortunately, not long after, the phone was connected, but the voice was not Wu Shaoying’s voice, but Wu Shaoying’s mother’s voice.
“Hello, is it Ziyue?”
“Well, Auntie, I’m looking for Sister Yingying!”
Hearing this, Tang Ziyue had no choice but to speak honestly.
Unexpectedly, Yao Shihuai on the other end of the phone paused, and then said in a low tone.
“It’s about Zhenli, Yingying already knows about it… But her current situation is not very good…”
As he spoke, he told Tang Ziyue all the news that Wu Shaoying passed out after hearing the news for the first time.
After listening to it, Tang Ziyue’s mood became inexplicably depressed. At this moment, she also knew that Wu Shaoying would not be able to follow them to the Northwest Aerospace Base..
After speaking, Tang Ziyue took the initiative to comfort Yao Shihuai for a while, then hung up the phone.
Then Chen Xinyao and Tang Lizhe were informed of Wu Shaoying’s situation.
After hearing the words, the expressions of the husband and wife were visibly depressed.
Being able to have such a girl treat Tang Zhenli, the two of them as parents also have some feelings.
In the end, Chen Xinyao’s heart broke, and she said immediately.
“It’s okay, Yingying can’t go, let’s go and bring your brother back!”
As he spoke, he took the lead in carrying his luggage and walked towards the door…
Seeing this, the father and daughter also looked at each other.Then he followed up with his things.

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