Not long after, the family of three returned home.
Then he hurriedly drove to Hongqiao Airport in Shanghai,
On the way, Chen Xinyao also contacted Yao Shihuai by the way. After learning the specific situation, she was very comforted.
Both are mothers with daughters, so they naturally empathize with these things.
After the last family of three arrived at Hongqiao Airport, under Fu Zhiyuan’s arrangement, the three of them quickly boarded a special plane to the Northwest Aerospace Base.
It’s just that on the plane, the few people all looked a little sullen, and there was a bit of worry in their eyes from time to time.
Apparently, it was because of Wu Shaoying’s incident that affected them.
I didn’t expect that the past just settled down, and the aftermath would start again…
Undoubtedly, everyone in the Tang family, including the old “157” father, is very satisfied with Wu Shaoying, the daughter-in-law who will enter the family in the future.
To a certain extent, the Tang family now regards Wu Shaoying as a member of the family.
Fortunately, Wu Shaoying just fell into a coma due to some weakness…
But now that they learned of this situation, several people still couldn’t help but feel a little worried.
So at this moment, Chen Xinyao already had a plan in mind, subconsciously reached into her pocket with her right hand, and only after touching the engagement ring did she feel certain about it.
What she wants to do now is to give Wu Shaoying a title as soon as possible!
This is not only what Tang Zhenli should do, but also what the Tang family should do!
This girl has already paid too much for Tang Zhenli!
As Tang Zhenli’s mother, she has the responsibility to settle this matter as soon as possible…
Thinking about it, Chen Xinyao’s eyes gradually closed, she closed her eyes to rest her mind, and at the same time, she was secretly thinking about it.
As for Tang Lizhe and Tang Ziyue, father and daughter, who were on the side, their minds were tense for a long time, although Wu Shaoying’s matter still affects their hearts.
But under the condition that Wu Shaoying was fine, he also fell into a solid sleep after a while.
This past month has not only been a test for Tang Zhenli who is wandering in space, but also a psychological torment for them!
On the other side, inside the “Phoenix” in low earth orbit,
The entire crew also started the busy landing work under the excitement.
If it was the ‘Phoenix’ in its prime, the landing work would naturally not be so cumbersome.
But taking the seriously damaged “Phoenix” today, the landing work is not that simple.
In fact, after the first contact with the ground personnel, the “Phoenix” reported all its damages to the ground personnel one by one.
And based on the summarization of many experts on the ground, the landing plan of the “Phoenix” was also rigorously formulated in consideration of the damage situation.
Under this premise, the landing work of the “Phoenix” is naturally much more cumbersome and complicated.
But at this moment, no matter how cumbersome and complicated the work is, it is not a problem for the entire crew of the “Phoenix” who are eager to go home. On the contrary, they are full of energy!
After going through many hardships, the Space Strategic Force, a new army just established by the Dragon Kingdom, has fully grown into an elite division.
After all, there is no way to train people better than experiencing setbacks, and usually the growth rate of this method is often related to the size of the setbacks experienced!
You know, this time, all the crew members of the “Phoenix” have experienced life and death, and have walked through the gate of hell once.
From this, it can be imagined that such a growth rate is not surprising.
After several hours of landing preparations, the ‘Phoenix’ gradually left the low-earth orbit and landed towards the atmosphere.
This landing will take about ten hours, and it will probably land successfully at the Northwest Space Base at noon tomorrow!
In the “Phoenix” at this moment,
Tang Zhenli was dressed in the uniform of the space strategy force, standing by the window of the infirmary, looking towards the earth.
Through the window, the “Phoenix” visible to the naked eye is slowly landing, and will return to the ground soon…
But…to be honest, his mood at this moment is a little complicated, even a little nervous…
Needless to say, this time he disappeared for such a long time, the family members should be very worried. He didn’t know how to face it for a while…
At the same time, a beautiful figure that often appeared in his mind inexplicably flashed,
During this period of time, waiting for someone whose life or death is uncertain, I believe she will not be in a good mood…
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but sigh slightly, with a bit of worry in his eyes.
At the Northwest Aerospace Base, the starry night is like a curtain,
In the original ‘Zhuangba’ project building,
The technicians of the “Phoenix” in the corridor walked back and forth in a hurry. Even though it was already late at night, they didn’t feel sleepy at all.
And in the command room on the ground,
All the technical personnel on the ground had already filled up this huge room, commanding the landing of the ‘Phoenix’ with a hint of anticipation amid tension.
Tonight is destined to be a night where no one can sleep!
On the other side, in an open space outside the Northwest Space Base,
Under the bright lights of the high platform, there are also many media workers who are busy making arrangements. These are from the Longguo main station.staff member.
Under the cooperation of the Longguo Science and Technology Department and the 4.2 Propaganda Department, at the important moment of the landing of the “Phoenix”!
The cameras and reporters of Longguo Headquarters arrived at the landing site of the “Phoenix” planned in the plan early, and were busy with the arrangement.
Finally, after the various instruments and equipment were set up, the live broadcast was started immediately.
Not long after, the live broadcast room was crowded with many netizens who heard the news.
Everyone is looking forward to the moment when the ‘Phoenix’ lands!
Because everyone is looking forward to seeing the hero who saves mankind for the first time, even though there are still nearly ten hours before the landing of the “Phoenix”!
But it still can’t stop the enthusiasm of the general public!

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