‘Phoenix’ Homecoming
In the live broadcast room, even though it is already early morning, for the people who are looking forward to the return of the ‘Phoenix’, today is destined to be a sleepless night!
So the live broadcast room is still very lively.
Everyone is waiting for the moment when the ‘Phoenix’ returns!
“There are still six hours! We can see the hero ship!”
“I’m very curious about what kind of popularity will Academician Xiao Tang receive when he comes back! Isn’t this worth more than those traffic stars?”
“One thing to say, one thing, how dare you compare traffic stars with Academician Xiao Tang?”
“It makes no sense at first glance. Academician Xiao Tang has already saved the world, and he is still compared to a traffic star??? You might as well let an ant and an elephant be stronger than anyone else!”
“Although the person who said this has no brains, it’s still a friendly army. Don’t scold it too hard…”
“In ancient times, Taishi Ci carried a three-footed sword, and achieved unparalleled achievements! Today, Tang Zhenli carries a sword without a front, and the general will be defeated! Praise! It is magnificent!”
“As a contemporary, I am honored to witness the emergence of such a cross-generational figure! This is also doomed, the era we live in is a prosperous era!”
During the extensive discussion, the sky outside gradually brightened.
For some reason, everyone at the Northwest Aerospace Base felt that the sun was brighter today.
And this also indicates that the ‘Phoenix’ will appear in front of everyone in a few hours.
Under the shroud of this emotion, time passed minute by minute.
As the sky became brighter, more and more people gathered on the open field where the ‘Phoenix’ was about to land.
Soon the number of the crowd reached the scale of tens of thousands of people, most of them were the family members of the crew members of the ‘Phoenix’, and of course there were staff who maintained order.
After all, with such a large-scale gathering, if there is an accident, it must be catastrophic!
Here, Tang Heguang also successfully reunited with the family of three. Tang Lizhe was a little embarrassed when he saw the old man, and seemed to recall some unbearable past events.
After greeting him respectfully, he didn’t say a word.
And the old man didn’t give his son a good look, and he ignored him after a cold snort, showing the majesty of the head of the family.
But for Chen Xinyao and Tang Ziyue, Tang Heguang had a smile on their faces, especially after Tang Ziyue called grandpa sweetly, the family looked even more happy.
After discussing the relationship between grandfather and grandson with Tang Ziyue, Tang Heguang seemed to have thought of something. After scanning the surroundings for a while, some doubts flashed in his eyes.
The next moment, Tang Heguang asked directly to his granddaughter.
“Ziyue, why didn’t your future sister-in-law come? How could I miss the eldest daughter-in-law of the Tang family on this occasion?”
As he said that, his eyes turned towards Chen Xinyao.
Seeing this, Chen Xinyao’s expression changed slightly, her eyes were lowered, and then she said in a somewhat inexplicable tone.
“Dad, Yingying is not feeling well. She is in the hospital now…”
Tang Heguang narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, and then asked in a serious tone.
“what happened?”
Seeing Tang Heguang’s questioning, Chen Xinyao could only honestly inform Tang Heguang of the news that Wu Shaoying had gone into a coma.
And after understanding the ins and outs of the matter, Tang Heguang’s eyes were somewhat complex.Miscellaneous, followed by a long sigh, and then stopped talking, turning his head to look at the sky, as if looking forward to the return of the ‘Phoenix’ as soon as possible.
These words were naturally heard by Qi Lu and the others on the side.
Didn’t you talk about Wu Shaoying’s divorce some time ago? Now it seems…why doesn’t seem to be the case….
Obviously, a few people could not help but be affected by the fishing reels and rumors some time ago.
Looking at the situation now, Rao is Qi Lu, and there are some fluctuations in his expression.
As for the rest of the big boys, they seemed to be in constant communication under the touch of their eyes.
It seems that the fishing boat some time ago was fake, and Sister Tianxian didn’t break off the marriage at all!
If they broke off the marriage, the Tang family would not be able to discuss so calmly…
For a while, several people couldn’t help but feel a little remorse and guilt in their hearts. It could be seen that the few people at the time were probably ‘fighting injustice’ for Tang Zhenli in private…
Now that the truth is revealed, everything is a misunderstanding!
Naturally, several people felt a sense of shame in their hearts.
In the end, Qi Lu, who was headed by him, turned his eyes even more…
It seems that everyone has misunderstood Wu Shaoying!
Sister Tianxian’s feelings for Tang Gong are really much deeper than everyone imagined!
Before, I would rather bear the infamy, but just endure it silently, without making any excuses, silently waiting for the return of Tang Gong!
But this time I couldn’t personally welcome Tang Zhenli back. I don’t know if it’s a pity.
Thinking of this, Qi Lu’s mind swayed, and some doubts could not help but emerge in his mind…
In the world……is there really any feelings that can be so sincere?
Just as she was thinking deeply, she saw a sudden commotion in the crowd. Many people ignored the dazzling rays of the sun and looked up at the sky with squinting eyes.
Subconsciously, Qi Lu couldn’t help but look up and squinted with everyone.
Seeing this, Qi Lu’s expression also changed.
I saw that in the blue sky, a small black dot appeared in everyone’s sight.
After a while, this black spot has a tendency to get bigger and bigger.
How could everyone present not realize it at this time?
That black spot… is the ‘Phoenix’!
The ‘Phoenix’ is back!
At the same time, on the live broadcast platform, the people watching the live broadcast are boiling!
Everyone looked at the little dot in the sky in the live broadcast with excited expressions!
Because at this moment, they all know,
A hero who has been wandering abroad for a month and saved all mankind!
Today, I finally returned to the embrace of the mother star! ! ! !

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