: The Forerunner of Returning to Humanity
At this moment, whether offline or online,
The mood is extremely nervous and anticipation, watching the black dot in the sky gradually turn into a black shadow, the outline of the ‘Phoenix’ has slowly appeared in everyone’s sight!
But what they didn’t expect was that the appearance of the ‘Phoenix’ at this time was completely different from what they had imagined at the time.
Although the ‘Phoenix’ is still hundreds of meters away from the ground, they can clearly see the current condition of the ‘Phoenix’ under the high-definition camera.
The hull was deformed, the cabins were damaged, and the outer cabins were almost completely lost, and the whole looked smaller than before – more than a circle!
On the ship, you can even see a bunch of broken line leaders.
At this moment, everyone was stunned by the moment in front of them.
Obviously, the current ‘Phoenix’ is completely different from the hero ship they imagined.
With such a broken appearance, if the ‘Phoenix’ had not landed slowly under their noses, they would not have believed that this was the hero who saved mankind!
For a time, the disaster scene from a month ago resurfaced before their eyes.
Only then did they react.
There has never been a quiet time, it’s just that someone is dragging all mankind forward with a heavy load!
And the ‘Phoenix’ at the moment is the most conspicuous sign!
It was never them who won a month ago, only the ‘Phoenix’ won!
Most of them in the apocalypse are small gravels waiting silently for death!
For the rise and fall of Earth’s civilization, the ‘Phoenix’ paid a heavy price!
For a time, everyone who realized this, whether it was offline people or the audience in the live broadcast room, all fell silent.
In the current picture, the ‘Phoenix’, which was badly damaged and seemed to break apart at any time, was still slowly descending.
But now for everyone, the mood is no longer the tension and expectation before, and some are only solemn.
It seems that now, the ‘Phoenix’ has transformed into a real Divine Phoenix and appeared in the eyes of everyone!
For a while, there were barrages of tribute in the live broadcast room!
“The phoenix is ​​flying, and the phoenix is ​​flying. If the phoenix comes to the ceremony, the world will be peaceful! At this moment, the ‘Phoenix’ is worthy of the name of the divine bird!”
“The scars on this hull are all suffered by our human race! We can’t forget it! It is not just a cold machine. At this moment, it truly protects China and protects the divine bird Phoenix of the human race!”
“The divine bird comes into the world, and the world is at peace!”
“I hope the future history can record that there is a Tang Dynasty scholar who rides the phoenix and saves the people!”
“Salute to the pioneers of mankind!!!””Salute to the pioneers of mankind!!!”
Under the serious and solemn thoughts of all netizens, the traumatized “Phoenix” was close to the ground.
At this point, even without a high-definition camera, they could still see the terrifying wounds on the ‘Phoenix’!
If they hadn’t seen it with the naked eye, they would have seen steel raptors that looked like they had gone through a war in their lifetime!
It’s hard to imagine what happened to the ‘Phoenix’ and the crew members it carried during this month.
At the same time, in the cabin of the ‘Phoenix’,
The mood of all the crew members also became inexplicably nervous when the ‘Phoenix’ was about to land.
After a month-long journey home, today, they are finally returning to the familiar ground.
Tang Zhenli was standing in front of the mirror at this moment, a straight military uniform complimented his figure perfectly.
Before returning, in order not to worry them, he deliberately hid the bandage on his left hand under his military uniform.
Now he looks like a normal person.
But when he thinks that he will see his loved ones who he is thinking about in a while, his mood will inevitably fluctuate abnormally……
On the open field of the scene, the gusts of airflow emanating from the power module nozzle at the bottom of the ‘Phoenix’ had already affected the ground.
Blowing the silk hair of most of the people in the room, inexplicably, a solemn atmosphere quietly spread among the tens of thousands of people.
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Flowers
This also led to the fact that tens of thousands of people were silent at this moment, all of them looking at the nearby ‘Phoenix’ with serious eyes.
It also includes many technical staff.
The Tang family’s family of four were all tall and straight, looking at the ‘Phoenix’, which was only a few dozen meters above the ground, with solemn eyes and a hint of worry.
Even Tang Ziyue’s expression was extraordinarily serious under such circumstances.
Because she knew that it was because of the vicissitudes of life and the entire crew of the ship, most of them could still live in this beautiful and splendid world with hope.
And at the moment, with the ‘Phoenix’ slowly descending.
Finally, after a few minutes, there was a muffled ‘bang’.
‘Phoenix’ is back in the embrace of its mother star!
At this moment, there were no warm cheers and exclamations in the field, only the silent gaze of everyone.
At this moment, what the ‘Phoenix’ needs is not cheers, but the respect of everyone!
“It’s all there! Line up and welcome the heroes home!”
At this moment, after a loud slogan, the military anthem of the Long Kingdom Space Strategic Force sounded.
“Go forward! Go forward! Our mission is only to go forward, toward the boundless sea of ​​stars…”
Accompanied by the singing, the officers and soldiers stationed on the ground of the Long Kingdom Space Strategic Force who had been in front of the crowd lined up and walked towards the landing module of the ‘Phoenix’!
“Slap! Slap~”
The sound of tidy steps sounded, and then a group of officers and soldiers came to the landing module to disperse and stand up, setting up two human walls, ready to welcome the return of the ‘Phoenix’ crew!
At the same time, the landing module of the ‘Phoenix’ gradually began to move.
After a mechanical sound, the hatch was slowly opened.
The figure of the group slowly appeared in everyone’s field of vision…
The one in the lead is Tang Zhenli in a pure black military uniform!
After more than a month, they finally returned to the ground!

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