The gods descended to the world and the gods accompanied them
With the opening of the landing capsule, after everyone saw Tang Zhenli,
The solemn and solemn atmosphere in the field was instantly broken, and for a while, the atmosphere evolved in a scorching direction.
After all, it was the young man in front of him who looked like a scholar who stood up at the moment when mankind was in the greatest crisis!
and saved them!
The atmosphere between the venues is still like this, and the live broadcast platform is even more fiery.
Especially the moment they saw Tang Zhenli, everyone’s excitement couldn’t be restrained instantly!
“I haven’t seen you for a month, Academician Xiao Tang! Stay safe!”
“Why do I want to cry so much at this moment?”
“Me too…”
“Why are you crying? Have a happy day when the world celebrates, you have to laugh out loud!”
“The “157” you said is correct. In other words, after a one-month trip to space, Academician Xiao Tang’s style is still the same!”
“This is just the surface, I’m afraid we can’t imagine the hardships behind this month!”
“By the way, when did Academician Xiao Tang join the army, and this military rank… sigh! Colonel?!!!”
“Did you see a ghost?! Such a young colonel?”
“Damn it, such a young man in human history is still an emperor! The question is what is the status of Academician Xiao Tang now? Major? Need to be surprised?”
“If this was in ancient times, at the very least this kind of achievement in creation would have to be the co-owner of the world! It’s just a mere major colonel, what a fuss!”
“Not to mention, the military uniforms of the Long Kingdom Space Strategic Force are really handsome! I wonder if it’s too late to join the army now?”
“To be honest, handsome people are handsome in everything they wear. For Academician Xiao Tang, military uniforms are just a bonus!”
“Speaking ofDo you know the selection requirements for the Space Strategic Force of Jialongguo? 10,000 people choose one…”
“That was before. Now after this incident, hundreds of thousands of people have to choose one!”
“Speaking of this, I suddenly feel that it is easier to earn a small goal…”
Amid the widespread public discussion, Tang Zhenli has slowly stepped out of the landing capsule.
At a glance, I saw many familiar faces.
Among them are his own family and many acquaintances who are very important to him.
Dozens of people stood in a row, all looking at him earnestly.
In the end, it was his family who took a few steps forward and came to his side.
The old man looked at him with relief, patted him on the shoulder, and said goodbye three times in a row!
At this moment, the old man’s satisfaction with Tang Zhenli has reached its peak.
Chen Xinyao and Tang Lizhe first looked at him and made sure that there were no arms or legs missing, and then they were relieved.
However, seeing his increasingly thin face, he couldn’t help but feel a little distressed in his heart.
As for Tang Ziyue, she came to him, her small mouth was shrivelled into a ball, her eyes were red, her eyes were somewhat resentful and aggrieved, she didn’t speak, and just looked at him quietly like that.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli smiled warmly, and subconsciously stretched out his right hand to touch her little head.
Here, Tang Ziyue, who felt the warmth of her brother’s palm again, couldn’t bear it any longer, and threw herself into his arms, her tender body trembling slightly and sobbing.
Who knows what this young girl has experienced in this month…
After a while, Tang Zhenli felt his chest wet.
After feeling this, Tang Zhenli sighed in his heart.
Needless to say, my sister must have experienced some embarrassing situations during this time. Otherwise, her original steamed bun face would not have become a melon face.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli could not help but lightly pat Tang Ziyue’s thin back to show comfort.
With this comfort, Tang Ziyue cried even more fiercely, and did not break free from Tang Zhenli’s arms for a long time.
With such a scene, the minds of everyone who saw it were heavy.
Presumably, all the families of the ‘Phoenix’ crew members have also been in dire straits since this period of time…
Here, Tang Zhenli, who was comforting Tang Ziyue, looked around and suddenly became suspicious.
What about Yingying?
In desperation, Tang Zhenli had no choice but to ask his mother.
“Mom, isn’t Yingying here?”
Hearing this, Chen Xinyao, who originally had a hint of relief on her face, changed her expression instantly. She opened her mouth, but she didn’t know how to answer?
At this moment, Tang Ziyue, who was in Tang Zhenli’s arms, moved, his head broke free from Tang Zhenli’s arms, he sniffed, and then said to his brother……
“Sister-in-law… After my sister-in-law learned that you came back, she fainted and was hospitalized because of her emotional ups and downs, but it’s nothing serious…”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s expression froze, and then his eyes lowered a little, and he didn’t know what he was thinking about.
And when the audience in the live broadcast room saw this look, they were a little puzzled.
“What’s wrong with Academician Xiao Tang? Wasn’t it okay just now? Why don’t you feel very happy…”
“Didn’t you find that someone is missing?”
“Who? Hey~ I remembered, that green tea??!!!”
“Needless to say, White Lotus doesn’t dare to come this time!”
“Yes, it seems that Academician Xiao Tang should know about the white lotus, otherwise he wouldn’t show this expression…”
“Hey~ I think it’s worth it to be able to recognize a person through one thing…”
“Academician Xiao Tang should have recognized the white lotus…”
“So, Academician Xiao Tang is single again??? Here, here, the opportunity for sisters is here!”
“Chong Chong Chong, 4.2 Who in the world can stop the single Academician Xiao Tang?”
“I’m sorry, please call me Madam Tang in the future!”
“Haha, Academician Xiao Tang is back. Now I guess that green tea bitch doesn’t know where to cry?”
“This should be a broken heart!”
I have to say, obviously, many netizens still think that the divorce some time ago is true.
And combined with the scene at this time, the thoughts in my heart are more firm.
The reason is very simple,
If there was no divorce, why didn’t Wu Shaoying appear on such an important occasion?
After the thinking gradually settled, a denunciation of Wu Shaoying gradually began to gain momentum. …

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