: Meeting at that Moment
After Tang Zhenli stepped off the landing module of the ‘Phoenix’,
The other crew members also walked out of the cabin one by one, and they were greeted by infinite flowers and applause.
Here, the group led by Tang Zhenli returned to his office.
As for Tang Heguang, after seeing his grandson, he returned to his office with satisfaction.
He still held on to his previous thoughts. In public, he tried his best not to get too close to Tang Zhenli, lest people with ulterior motives use it to gossip.
So at this time, only a family of three and Qi Lu’s assistants followed Tang Zhenli back to his office.
In the office, Qi Lu and others and Tang Zhenli reported on the work of the Four Saints Research Institute.In general, everything is normal at the Sisheng Institute now!
However, what surprised several people was that when listening to the reports of several people, Tang Gong was a little absent-minded.
You know, this has never happened before.
For a time, several people couldn’t help but be a little surprised.
But soon, several people responded… 17
It seems that Tang Gong is still worried about Sister Tianxian!
Thinking of this, Qi Lu gave a look, and the others closed their mouths honestly, waiting for Tang Zhenli’s orders.
At this time, Chen Xinyao, who was watching from the sidelines, also stepped forward and whispered to him.
“Zhenli, if you’re worried about Yingying, go back to the Shanghai stock market to see her now. Yingying is a good boy! Don’t treat others badly!”
In the words, it was obvious that Tang Zhenli was very worried.
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli also jumped in his heart, and after thinking for a while, he also stood up.
After the successful return of the ‘Phoenix’, presumably the following matters should not have progressed so quickly…
Thinking about it, he also nodded towards Chen Xinyao.
Afterwards, after instructing Qi Lu and others, the family boarded the plane back to the Shanghai market.
On the other side, the Shanghai market,
A silver-gray sedan slowly parked outside the villa,
Then the door was slowly opened,
Yao Shihuai helped the weak Wu Shaoying out of the car and walked towards the house.
After a day of recuperation, although Wu Shaoying was still weak, at her own insistence, she left the hospital ahead of schedule.
According to her own words, she just didn’t want Tang Zhenli to see herself so haggard in the hospital.
In desperation, Wu Xingjian and Yao Shihuai could only fulfill their daughter’s wish.
As soon as she got home, Wu Shaoying was helped by Yao Shihuai to lie down in her room. After experiencing this coma, her body was still relatively weak and she needed to rest for a while.
Wu Shaoying was lying on her bed, her face still pale.
However, it can be seen that Wu Shaoying’s mental state is much better than before.
Yao Shihuai was also quietly guarding his daughter by the bedside, while Wu Xingjian was waiting anxiously below.
At this moment, Wu Shaoying, who was lying quietly on the bed and staring at the ceiling in a daze, seemed to have thought of something, her calm face fluctuated a little.
Subconsciously, Wu Shaoying took out her mobile phone. After seeing the time, a bit of urgency appeared on her bloodless pretty face.
Seeing this, Yao Shihuai couldn’t help but ask curiously.
“Yingying, what’s wrong? Are you looking for something?”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying turned her eyes and looked at her mother, with a pleading expression in her eyes, and then said.
“Mom, the ‘Phoenix’ is live!”
As Wu Shaoying’s weak voice fell, Yao Shihuai’s eyes flashed a hint of enlightenment, and then she remembered the doctor’s advice.
“Yingying, the doctor said you need to rest now…”
Unexpectedly, halfway through speaking, Yao Shihuai’s heart softened inexplicably when she saw the earnestness in Wu Shaoying’s eyes.
Seeing this, she could only helplessly sigh,
“Okay, just watch it for a while… Then take a good rest!”
Saying that, Yao Shihuai, who had no choice, got up and walked towards the TV in the room.
After turning on the TV, I found that there was no need to tune it, and the screen was directly the live broadcast of the ‘Phoenix’.
At this time, the live broadcast happened to the moment when the ‘Phoenix’ landed.
The officers and soldiers of the Space Strategic Force lined up…
Through the camera, Yao Shihuai and Wu Shaoying also saw the Tang family standing in front.
For a while, the expressions of the mother and daughter showed some anticipation.
Judging from this situation, Tang Zhenli should be safe and sound!
In the subsequent process, under the expectant eyes of the mother and daughter, the landing capsule of the ‘Phoenix’ was opened, and Tang Zhenli’s handsome face slowly appeared in the live broadcast screen.
In an instant, the moment she saw Tang Zhenli in a straight military uniform, Wu Shaoying’s beautiful eyes suddenly burst into a beautiful divine light, and her pale and pretty face was inexplicably rosy.
He’s all right…. He’s back safely! ! !
157 this month, she didn’t wait in vain! ! !
Her most beloved lover is back!
At this time, Wu Shaoying looked at Tang Zhenli in the TV screen with a pair of beautiful eyes, flashing a few bright lights from time to time, and the nostalgic color in her eyes was undisguised.
From the current point of view, Wu Shaoying seems to have escaped from the deep quagmire. The original aura re-condensed, and a unique temperament radiated out.
The smile on his face was as beautiful as the stars in the sky, and his eyes flickered like jewels.
Tang Zhenli at this moment, although standing there so quietly, in her mind, Tang Zhenli at this moment is like a holy light on his shoulders, like an omnipotent god!
Under the situation that the spiritual energy in her body re-gathered, Wu Shaoying also regained her previous appearance of immortal energy.
And all of this is because the god that belongs only to her has finally returned!
It is said that there is no such beautiful love in the world, until deep love came to the world, gods and fairies met, and the prosperity of the world was in full bloom! ! !

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