The First Round of Voting Resolutions
At the same time, the Longguo Science and Technology Department,
Although it’s time to get off work, Ji Chengtian’s office is still brightly lit, or the entire Longguo Science and Technology Department is like this.
Ji Chengtian, who had just returned to the Ministry of Science and Technology from the Northwest Aerospace Base, hadn’t come to take a quick rest, and hastily reported the matter of setting up the chief scientist of Longguo scientific research in the previous meeting.
While waiting for the results, when he thought about the next thing the Ministry of Science and Technology had to deal with, he couldn’t help but feel dizzy.
For now, there are several major issues that the Ministry of Science and Technology has to deal with.
“Phoenix” damage report, “Phoenix” crew awards, plus the “Heavenly Court Project” was previously stagnated due to the crisis of the “Reaper” asteroid, and now it is on the agenda again “157” …..
None of these things are easy to deal with…
It is foreseeable that the Longguo Science and Technology Department will be very busy in the future.
At this time, Ji Chengtian was in the office waiting for the result of the above application.
After all, there is a new position of real power in the Ministry of Science and Technology, and it is not a low-ranking one. Even the leader of a national name has to think carefully.
But Ji Chengtian understands that this position will definitely be established!
The main reason is because of Tang Zhenli. I’m afraid the higher-ups are now considering how to reward Tang Zhenli. Under such circumstances, the position of the Chief Scientist of Longguo Scientific Research is gone.
Now it’s only a matter of time, so Ji Chengtian is waiting…
After a long while, the office phone rang.
Immediately, Ji Chengtian’s face revealed a look of anticipation, and he immediately picked up the phone.
But what he didn’t expect was that what he was waiting for was not the result, but another notice…
A very important notice that is likely to change the future world pattern!
Ji Chengtian learned from the senior leaders that
The United Nations hopes that the five major powers will take the lead in hosting the first Global Planetary Defense Conference! ! !
Discuss the establishment of a space strategic force with all human beings joining forces, and set up their own planetary defense system with the earth as the core!
Obviously, the incident of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid this time has made many people feel a strong sense of crisis in their hearts!
This time, human beings survived the life-and-death crisis without any risk. What about next time? What about next time?
Under such worries, many scholars in the international field have petitioned.
Humanity’s planetary defense must be established as soon as possible!
Even though every country has no experience in this area, the road ahead is bleak, and there is even no end in sight!
But even so, they still had to do it!
After all, when a crisis strikes, all countries on Earth will not be spared!
because they have already experiencedOnce the feeling of a community with a shared future for mankind!
If the human planetary defense system can be established,
Then when the time comes to encounter a crisis similar to the “Death” asteroid, at least it won’t be so passive!
As for the future changes in the world pattern, it may start from this conference.
Although the human defense system on the surface is a line of defense for all mankind, the problem is that this line of defense is also dominated and non-dominant.
Realistically speaking, the superpowers with the top technology level, such as the Dragon Kingdom and the Bald Eagle Kingdom, must be the dominant ones!
After all, the level of technology is there. In a sense, in this human defense system, the stronger nature occupies a larger proportion.
And this Global Planetary Defense Conference is to discuss matters in this regard, but in essence, this is an exchange between scholars.
That is to say, the people participating in the conference must be researchers!
After all, it’s really inappropriate for an executive like Ji Chengtian to discuss.
This also led to a period of time, the list of Long Guo’s personnel to participate in this global planetary defense conference became a big problem, and the Ministry of Science and Technology had to deal with one more major event…
As a superpower that currently dares to be the first and no one dares to say the second, the Long Kingdom has a list of fifty people!
It seems that these fifty people are a lot…
But you must know that this kind of global conference that concerns all mankind, the scientific research scholars who can participate in the conference must be the top group of scientific research scholars in various countries……
Obviously, many scientific research scholars in the Long Kingdom will definitely not sit still after learning this news. They will definitely try their best to seize this kind of opportunity!
In other words, the agreement on this list of personnel will be a headache for Ji Chengtian in the next period of time.
Although there are fifty people on the list, for Long Guo, who is full of talents, it is still a drop in the bucket.
In this situation of too many monks and little porridge,
At that time, Ji Chengtian’s office will inevitably become a high-risk place for wrangling…
Simply put, just two words, trouble!
After thinking about it, Ji Chengtian, who kept pacing in the office, still only determined the name of the leader…
And this name doesn’t even need to be guessed, it’s Tang Zhenli.
It can be said that this is a name that all countries participate in the conference by default, and even has to participate in the important task of leading the conference!
After all… the owner of this name just violently resolved a crisis that would destroy the world!
But the problem is, there are more than 40 people who need to be confirmed!
For a while, Ji Chengtian only felt a 4.2 numbness in the scalp in his mind, and the melancholy between his eyebrows was difficult to dissipate for a long time…
This is the first time Ji Chengtian has felt the disadvantage of having too many people…
After a long while, Ji Chengtian, who still had no idea after thinking about it, didn’t even think about it.
It’s useless to think alone, it’s better to hold a meeting directly to discuss…
At this point, he also wanted to understand.
Now he just doesn’t itch if there are too many lice. Although there are many things, they must be dealt with one by one…
For now, let’s first solve the remaining problems of the ‘Phoenix’ and the list of participants..
As for the restart of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’, it can be slowed down in the future…

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