Ji Chengtian’s Counterattack
At this time, three days have passed since the return of the ‘Phoenix’.
At the end of January, the ‘Phoenix’ lifted off, drifted in space for a month and returned to the ground. The current time is the end of February.
And this also means that the end of the year is approaching…
A large part of the reason why Tang Zhenli was seconded to the Longguo Space Strategic Force before was because this year’s New Year’s Day was very late compared to the past, and the Chinese New Year did not arrive until the first ten days of March.
When the ‘Phoenix’ landed, in fact, he had already said hello to Ji Chengtian and others, and this time his vacation was until after the New Year’s Day.
The Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo, even though the New Year is approaching, the atmosphere of the New Year is not seen at all.
The main reason is that there are too many backlogs in the Ministry of Science and Technology at present, and busy figures can be seen everywhere in the entire building of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Office of the person in charge,
Ji Chengtian looked at the list in front of him, and felt a slight sigh of relief.
After three days of discussions, the list of fifty people participating in the Global Planetary Defense Conference has finally been determined…
However, the awards and announcements of all the crew members of the “Phoenix” may have to wait until the end of the year.
After submitting the list 17, the convening of the Global Planetary Defense Conference is imminent.
And Ji Chengtian’s last job before was a meeting led by the five countries to discuss the time and place of the Global Planetary Defense Conference.
As before, this time, holographic projection technology is also used, but the difference is that last time only the five most powerful countries in the human international community were present.
And this seminar, there are nearly 200 countries all over the world participating!
Although the leading countries are still those few, but after all, this is a major event that concerns all mankind. Even a small country needs a sense of participation and substitution.
Not long after, Ji Chengtian came to the conference room of the projection. At this point, representatives of 200 countries have all arrived, and the conference officially started!
There is no doubt that the leaders are the five superpowers currently headed by human beings.
This discussion is led by them.
The seats of the representatives of the five superpowers are alsoVery particular, the Dragon Kingdom, as the country with the most powerful technology at present, naturally sits in the center of the representatives of the five countries.
The seats of the rest of the countries are also divided according to the country’s comprehensive strength. Generally speaking, the weaker the small country is, the farther it is from the center.
Although they are also very helpless, the reality is like this.
In fact, to a certain extent, the leadership of this conference also represents the leadership of the Global Planetary Defense Conference!
In other words, the future world pattern has basically been set.
After all countries arrived, the meeting host announced the opening of the meeting.
The first thing to start discussing is the location of the Global Planetary Defense Conference.
As soon as the meeting started, the representative of the science and technology department of the Bald Eagle Kingdom was the first to speak.
“I suggest that our country’s Twisting be set up as the venue for this global planetary defense conference! As the current technological center in the world, our country’s Twisting is fully qualified to be the venue for this conference!”
With that said, the representative of the science and technology department of the Bald Eagle Kingdom looked around at everyone present.
Representatives from nearly 200 countries showed deep thought, including Ji Chengtian.
Although the current level of science and technology of Longguo is the top in the world, but in terms of the representative city of science and technology, Longguo really has not established a so-called science and technology center.
The Shanghai Stock Exchange is the economic center, while Yandu is the political and cultural center. To be honest, there is no official name for the city of science and technology.
If there is one, the Northwest Space Base is one, but the problem is… the Northwest Space Base is not a city!
For a while, Ji Chengtian couldn’t help but feel a little headache…
In a sense, the host city of the Global Planetary Defense Conference also represents a kind of dominance…
If the conference is held at the Bald Eagle Country’s home stadium, the Bald Eagle Country will naturally occupy a dominant position..
But knowing what he understood, Ji Chengtian couldn’t find any reason to refute it.
After all, Twisted City in the Bald Eagle Country is really the world’s technological center city!
Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian’s eyelids drooped, and he kept thinking about countermeasures in his mind.
Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind…Although he had no reason to refute, he had an excuse to make others hesitate…
On the other side, the representative of the Bald Eagle Kingdom saw that the representatives of all the countries had not objected for a long time, and then turned his eyes to the representatives of the other four major countries who were sitting with him.
Seeing that their expressions are normal, they don’t look different.
Immediately, the representative of the Bald Eagle Kingdom felt relieved, and then he glanced at Ji Chengtian intentionally or unintentionally, with a little pride flashing in his eyes.
Even if the scientific research level of the Dragon Kingdom is the top in the world, so what, after all, the foundation is too shallow… It is still not as good as the old scientific research power of the Bald Eagle Kingdom.
I’m afraid Long Guo has no reason to object to his proposal…
Thinking about it, the representative of the Bald Eagle Kingdom couldn’t wait to announce a vote by show of hands.
As long as the 157th venue of this global planetary defense conference is held in their own country, then they can fight for more dominance in the conference!
With this in mind, the representative of the Bald Eagle Kingdom said again.
“If everyone has no objections, let’s vote with a show of hands now! Those who agree to the location of the Planetary Defense Conference in Twisted City, please raise your hands!”
As he spoke, he nodded towards the meeting host.
The host of the meeting also turned his gaze to the representatives of the other four major countries. As for the representatives of other small countries, he didn’t even have to look at them..
On the surface, this meeting is a discussion among countries all over the world, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that the five superpowers are still dominant!
The representatives from the other four major countries, including Ji Chengtian, immediately nodded towards him…
Seeing this, the host of the meeting also understood.
After obtaining the consent of the representatives of the other four major countries, he also spoke.
“Then let’s start a vote by show of hands. Those who agree to set up this meeting in Twisted City, please vote by show of hands!”
After the words fell, nearly 200 representatives in the field raised their right hands sparsely!

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