Collective silence on Tang Zhenli’s status
Not long after, basically four-fifths of the national representatives raised their right hands,
Seeing this, the representative of the Bald Eagle Kingdom smiled even more.
Then he wanted to turn his head to signal the host of the meeting to announce the result of the vote.
Unexpectedly, when he turned his head, his eyelids twitched suddenly, and he realized that Ji Chengtian hadn’t raised his hand.
Subconsciously, the representative of the Bald Eagle Kingdom frowned.
Obviously just now…he didn’t object to the vote…
And Ji Chengtian didn’t raise his hand in agreement, which meant that the proposal was rejected.
Because if one of the five superpowers does not agree, this proposal cannot be passed. The reason is that each of the five superpowers has a veto power in their hands.
The representative of Longguo did not agree at this time, which is undoubtedly equivalent to indirectly exercising a veto.
Thinking of this, the representative of the Bald Eagle Kingdom couldn’t help flashing a few irritations in his eyes. After suppressing the anger in his heart, he immediately questioned Ji Chengtian.
“Representative Longguo, do you have any other suggestions?”
As he said that, he looked straight at Ji Chengtian, but if Ji Cheng didn’t refuse, he would definitely ask him to the end.
Here, Ji Chengtian who heard the words smiled lightly, then shook his head, and did not speak.
Seeing this, the representative of the bald eagle couldn’t sit still for a moment.His eyes froze, and then he said in a bad tone.
“The representative of Longguo didn’t make a suggestion, so can you tell me why you disagree with this proposal!”
As he said that, the representative of the Bald Eagle Kingdom took a look at the representatives of other small countries, as if they wanted to arouse the general trend of all countries to put pressure on Ji Chengtian.
Unexpectedly, after he saw the representatives of every small country, they all looked at each other tacitly. Obviously, they didn’t want to get involved in this kind of dispute between big countries.
When the representative of the Bald Eagle Kingdom saw this, an unknown fire surged in his heart.
Obviously, it is only one step away from setting the venue for this global planetary defense conference. The Dragon Kingdom…is really abominable!
Thinking about it, seeing that Ji Chengtian hadn’t spoken to him for a long time, the representative of the Bald Eagle Kingdom also believed in his heart that the Long Kingdom’s visit was purely for the purpose of making trouble.
Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but say.
“If Long Guo doesn’t have a better proposal and can’t say why to object, then can I think that Long Guo has given up the right to this agenda~¨!”
After the words were finished, the representatives of the other three superpowers also subconsciously glanced at Ji Chengtian, where the old god was present, with doubts in their eyes.
Many representatives of other small countries also came to watch this way.
At this moment, Ji Chengtian also knew that the time was almost up, so he stood up first, then raised his hand to press down, calming everyone’s emotions.
Immediately, he turned his gaze, looked at the representative of the Bald Eagle Kingdom, and said with a distressed expression.
“Mr. John, I, Dragon Country, do not object to your country’s proposal, it’s just…”
As he said that, the look of embarrassment on his face became even worse, and everyone who watched the meeting became more and more puzzled.
Hearing this, the representative of the Bald Eagle Kingdom said in a slightly cold tone.
“Just what…”
Hearing what the representative of the bald eagle said, Ji Chengtian pretended to sigh, and then said in a difficult tone,
“Really, if this Global Planetary Defense Conference is held in Twisted City in your country, some personnel from our country may not be able to attend the conference…”
Hearing Ji Chengtian’s explanation, the representative of the Bald Eagle Kingdom felt a little relieved, and then said.
“No way to attend the meeting? No way, can’t you just replace people? I believe that your country is full of talents, and there are many talents. There will never be a shortage of top experts and scholars!”
Unexpectedly, the embarrassment on Ji Chengtian’s face did not dissipate when he heard the words, on the contrary, it deepened.
“If, according to what Mr. John said, academician Tang Zhenli from our country is included in the list of those who cannot attend the meeting, I’m afraid Academician Tang…”
As he said that, Ji Chengtian’s tone paused, and he glanced at the representatives from various countries participating in the meeting. Among them, he focused on the representatives of the other four superpowers. He saw that they were all frowning slightly, and their eyes were thinking.
Then he struck while the iron was hot and continued.
“Everyone, to be honest, Academician Tang has another identity, that is, a senior officer of our country’s secret forces. According to our country’s regulations, non-wartime senior officers are not allowed to go abroad under any name…”
Hearing this, everyone understood. Even the representative of Maoxiong Kingdom had silently put down their hands, and a small number of representatives from the other small countries had also put down their hands.
At this time, the representative of the Bald Eagle Kingdom also had eyes flickering.
Looking at Ji Chengtian, who was smiling and calm, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.
This damn Dragon Kingdom… obviously wants to use this method to fight for the host of the Global Planetary Defense Conference. Since it doesn’t have hard power, it can only use this kind of ‘underhand’ means.
The importance of Tang Zhenli to this Global Planetary Defense Conference is self-evident, and this point is recognized all over the world.
If it is said that Tang Zhenli cannot attend the meeting, to be honest, there is no need for this meeting to be open!
However, thinking about it this way, he still felt unwilling to give up, and immediately approached Ji Cheng.
“. “Representative of the Dragon Kingdom, this is a special case. Can’t this matter be resolved specially?”
It was Ji Chengtian who shook his head in response.
Seeing this, the bald eagle represented that he was short-tempered, but there was nothing he could do if it was true.
In the end, he still had no choice but to say something in a helpless tone.
“In this way, the venue for this Global Planetary Defense Conference can only be held in Dragon Kingdom?”
But at this time, no one responded to him, and even the representatives of most countries had put down their right hands, including (to Li Zhao) John Bull and Gallic Chicken.
Looking at the scene between the venues, the representative of the Bald Eagle Kingdom could only helplessly accept this reality.
In the end, although there was no show of hands to vote on the venue, everyone knew that the venue of this conference could only be held in Dragon Kingdom, and it had to be decided by Dragon Kingdom!
After all… Who let Longguo have a full proportion of the people in the conference?
As for using holographic projection technology to hold meetings, almost no one mentioned it.
You know, the most important thing about this conference is to discuss and exchange incomparably detailed data, using holographic projection technology, so how long will the conference last… Order…
Everyone is not a fool, so naturally they would not ask such a mindless question.
At this point, after the venue was discussed, the discussion meeting began to agree on the time for the second round of meetings…

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