: The Beginning of the New Year
Shanghai stock market,
completely different from the busyness of the Ministry of Science and Technology at this time,
During this period of time, Tang Zhenli lived a leisurely life.
Every day I don’t travel around with Wu Shaoying, it seems that I want to make up for the days and emotions I owed Wu Shaoying.
Otherwise, it is to go back and forth between the two families to enhance the relationship with relatives.
After a few more days like this, a New Year’s atmosphere gradually gathers in every household.
It is the first time in recent years that Tang Zhenli has felt such a strong holiday atmosphere. You must know that in recent years, he is often busy with projects at this time, so how can he have time to feel this lively atmosphere?
During this period of time, the Tang family has been in the ancestral house, preparing some things for the New Year.
These days, Wu Shaoying basically lived in the Tang family, as if she regarded herself as the Tang family, and the Tang family liked to hear about it, but it made Wu Xingjian and Yao Shihuai, who were alone at home, talk about it for a while~.
But generally speaking, the days went by in such a dull and satisfying way.
At this time, Tang Zhenli still didn’t know what happened in the Ministry of Science and Technology. During the spare time these days, while his mind was empty, he gradually began to have a plan for the next work.
After the New Year’s Eve, he should still return to the Dragon Country Space Strategic Force for a while,
However, this period of time should not be too long, because Tang Zhenli already had a clear plan in mind when the “Phoenix” was in a drifting state for the research and development direction of some new weapons of the Space Force.
Generally speaking, we should still break through from the direction of laser weapons. After all, the power of space-based laser cannons is still vivid.
Secondly, for individual combat mechs in space, these two points should be the two points that the current Dragon Kingdom space strategy force should focus on.
At that time, I only need to go to the research and development team of the Dragon Kingdom Space Strategic Force to provide some research directions and detailed plans. By then, my mission in the Dragon Kingdom Space Strategic Force will basically be completed.
However, Tang Zhenli is still considering the subsequent matters.
As far as the current situation is concerned, Tang Zhenli has three major directions in his heart.
One is to continue the continuation of the “Tianting Project” and be in charge of the “Tiangong Project” of the second phase of the “Tianting Project”. Before he was seconded to the Dragon Kingdom Space Strategic Force, his arrangement was probably like this, and it was only because of the secondment The cause of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid directly disrupted this process, so after the matter of the Dragon Kingdom’s space strategic force is over, it is very likely that I will continue to go back to take charge of the ‘Tiangong Project’!
The second direction is Tang Zhenli’s own inner thoughts. The previous curvature spaceships were often interrupted due to unexpected time when they were halfway through the development, so that he was thinking whether the research of curvature spaceships is necessary for the current research and development, but at present As far as the situation is concerned, the curvature spacecraft will not play a big role in promoting the development of human civilization, so there is a high probability that the research and development of the curvature spacecraft will have to be delayed.
As for the third direction, that is the direction that he places the most emphasis on in his heart, that is, to conduct research on the constituent materials on the ‘Reaper’ asteroid, because this is the direction that is most likely to bring the progress of human civilization to another level. The material capable of carrying nuclear bombs, the space-based laser cannon can defeat it, but it is only because the energy is too concentrated that the “Reaper” asteroid separates and collapses.
But if this material is handed over to human beings, after some improvements, such as adding an anti-light coating on the surface of the material, then its resistance to laser weapons will be greatly enhanced. What kind of changes this material will bring to human civilization, many subjects that cannot be studied in depth due to material issues will no longer stagnate.
At that time, the development of human science and technology will show a trend of flourishing!
Of course, the significance of this substance does not stop there. For humans, the discovery of a new space substance can further deepen humans’ understanding of the universe!
An in-depth understanding of the universe, for the long-term development of human civilization, has only advantages and no disadvantages!
So this is why Tang Zhenli most wants to cultivate in this direction…
But now…
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli sighed slightly in his heart.
Forget it, let’s take one step at a time…
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Flowers
At this moment, a familiar fragrance filled the tip of his nose. Just as he was about to turn his head subconsciously, Wu Shaoying’s hands came around from behind and wrapped his arms around his neck.Leaning on his shoulder, she tilted her head and looked at him playfully.
The next moment, Wu Shaoying saw Tang Zhenli’s serious face and wrinkled her beautiful eyes, and then said with a little concern in her tone.
“What’s wrong? Are you in a bad mood?”
Tang Zhenli was used to Wu Shaoying’s intimate behavior from time to time, so he said it calmly afterwards.
“No, I’m just thinking about something…”
After hearing the words, Wu Shaoying could vaguely guess that Tang Zhenli should be thinking about scientific research. After a light reply, she just hugged Tang Zhenli and didn’t speak anymore. The two looked at the window through the window at the same time. Quiet and beautiful.
When Tang Zhenli was thinking, Wu Shaoying was also thinking.
Needless to say, with Tang Zhenli’s current achievements, his status will only get higher and higher…
Now Wu Shaoying has to think about the future of the two of them.
With the current situation, if the two go further, they will be husband and wife…
But this step… Tang Zhenli had to take the initiative…
With Tang Zhenli’s temperament…who knows when it will be!
For a moment, she not only felt a little angry, but also wrinkled the tip of her nose slightly, looking at Tang Zhenli who was close at hand.
With a small temper, he bit Tang Zhenli’s face…
So, half an hour later,
At the dining table, the whole family looked at Wu Shaoying with weird eyes, and Tang Zhenli from time to time…or at the two rows of clear and neat teeth marks on Tang Zhenli’s face…
It is naturally impossible for a normal person to bite his own face, so…
Here, Wu Shaoying, who was beside Tang Zhenli, felt the half-smiling eyes of several people, her face was filled with shame, and she wished she could bury her head in the bowl.
If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have bitten so hard…

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