: Do something bad with good intentions!
In the eyes of the family, the two of them wanted to embrace and go downstairs, which was already a habit.
On the dining table, Tang Zhenli was still thinking about the perfect direction of the individual combat mech. After eating two hasty bites, he got up and continued walking towards the room.
She didn’t realize at all that Wu Shaoying had already finished her meal and returned to her room even faster.
The family watching this scene looked at each other with strange eyes.
They knew that Tang Zhenli was doing research, but what happened to Wu Shaoying?
Here, Tang Zhenli, who walked slowly, returned to his room, and opened the door without thinking.
However, what he saw made him frowned, and then frowned slightly.
Wu Shaoying was standing on the desk where he was working at this time. He seemed to be frightened the moment he entered the door, and looked at him nervously.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli’s eyes narrowed slightly, then he took two quick steps and came to the table.
I saw that the original messy drafts and sketches on the table were tidied up by Wu Shaoying. Wu Shaoying also gradually recovered from the shock at the beginning, but looked at Tang Zhenli with a smile, with hope in his eyes, as if he hoped to get Tang Zhenli’s favor. Compliments are average.
Only then did Tang Zhenli realize that it was because of this that Wu Shaoying ate so fast just now.
But in Tang Zhenli’s eyes, Wu Shaoying’s act of kindness is completely a bad thing done with good intentions.
The drafts and sketches that seemed to be placed in a mess just now were all in Tang Zhenli’s mind. He didn’t even need to look at which one he was looking for, he could just reach out and touch it.
For him, this is the most efficient habit.
But Tang Zhenli could only feel helpless when he saw Wu Shaoying neatly tidy up the pictures in front of him.
In addition to being helpless, there was a sullen feeling in my heart.
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli sighed slightly, rubbed his frowning brows with his right hand, and turned his eyes to Wu Shaoying next to him.
He wanted to say something, but found that the words in his mouth couldn’t come out. To this girl who loved him so much, he couldn’t even say a serious word, even if he was in a bad mood.
You know, when Qi Lu and the others were assigned to him just now because they didn’t understand his habits, he often lost his temper with several people because of this matter.
But now it can only be turned into a long sigh.
In desperation, Tang Zhenli rubbed Wu Shaoying’s beautiful hair, but he still didn’t speak in the end.
Anyway, I still remember the original location, at worst, it will take some time to restore it.
And Wu Shaoying here seemed to be too far behind Tang Zhenli’s mood swings. Just when he didn’t know why, he found that Tang Zhenli had already begun to restore his original state.
At this time, why didn’t she understand it? Tang Zhenli’s tidying up like this was completely tantamount to adding superfluous things to Tang Zhenli, increasing his workload in vain.
After realizing this, Wu Shaoying only felt that her nose was a little sore. Looking at Tang Zhenli who had recovered silently, a sense of self-ashamedness welled up in her heart.
Here, Tang Zhenli, who was tidying the desktop back to its original state, suddenly heard sniffles.
Subconsciously, Tang Zhenli turned his head slightly, only to see that Wu Shaoying had lowered her head subconsciously, and it was she who made the sniffling sound.
For a moment, Tang Zhenli blinked, a little dazed, apparently not knowing what happened
Although he didn’t know what happened, he knew that there must be something wrong with Wu Shaoying’s current state.
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli lowered his head, bent his body slightly, put his head up, and looked at Wu Shaoying’s reddish eyesShe stretched out her right hand to touch her pretty face, and subconsciously rubbed the corners of her eyes.
At this time, Wu Shaoying also reacted, raised her head, and looked at Tang Zhenli, who had a comforting expression on her face, and felt her nose getting more and more sore.
It’s obviously my fault, why do I need Tang Zhenli to comfort myself now?
For a moment, she was also surprised by her rude reaction, and then a stronger sense of guilt surged into her heart, followed by a warm feeling, and that warmth was the feeling of being tolerated .
The next moment, she did something that she didn’t even think of.
Wu Shaoying raised her head, closed her eyes, raised her toes slightly and moved towards Tang Zhenli.
While Tang Zhenli was in a daze, he only felt a familiar tactile sensation in the next moment.
Suddenly, the doorknob was unscrewed quietly.
As soon as the door was opened, Tang Ziyue, who was holding the fruit, opened his mouth wide in surprise at the scene in front of him.
But for some unknown reason, she didn’t make a sound, but just looked at the two of them quietly with her mouth wide open.
Looking at it, a blushing halo crept up on her face, her eyes widened with an inexplicable gleam.
At this moment, Wu Shaoying’s eyes opened and closed, and she glanced slightly out of the corner of her eye, waiting to see Tang Ziyue who was stunned.
She was stunned for a moment, and then immediately reacted.
As if being struck by a bolt of lightning, his body trembled for no reason, and then hurriedly pushed Tang Zhenli away.
Finally, there was a burst of shortness of breath in the room. 820.
Just as Tang Zhenli was a little surprised, the next moment, Tang Zhenli followed Wu Shaoying’s gaze and turned to look at Tang Ziyue by the door.
All of a sudden, the atmosphere felt a little awkward
And at this moment, Tang Ziyue felt the eyes of the two people, and she was also shocked. Then she held the plate with one hand, and quickly covered her eyes with the other hand, and said in a deceptive way.
“What happened, I didn’t see anything!”
“Go ahead and pretend I haven’t appeared”
After speaking, he quickly covered his eyes and ran out.
But before he ran out of the room, he heard a dull ‘dong’ sound.
It turned out that Tang Ziyue, who had “self-destroyed eyes”, slammed into the closet like a headless chicken.
At this time, no matter how serious the two of them were, they couldn’t hold back any longer. A burst of joyous laughter resounded throughout the room.
For a while, the awkward atmosphere in the room disappeared, and instead, there was a burst of Qingling’s laughter.
Laughter echoed in the room, as if something very funny happened.
“Your sister is really interesting.” A smile appeared on Wu Shaoying’s face as she stared at the door.

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