The handle, the attacking Tang Ziyue!
Early in the morning, because it is March.
There was no snow during the New Year’s Eve in Shanghai this year, and there was even a sense of spring coming from the outside environment.
The Chinese toon tree in the Tang family’s courtyard has already sprouted buds, and it seems that it is always ready to replace the old branches that are still lush.
In the mist, the sound of “cracking, crackling” firecrackers can be heard from time to time in the street.
In Tang Zhenli’s room,
Tang Zhenli, who was still dazed, raised his eyelids slightly, but the strong and dazzling light that followed made him drunk last night.
For a moment, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but feel a splitting headache, and at the same time, his unopened eyes were closed again. To be honest, this was the first time he had been drunk since he grew up.
Just thinking about this moment, Tang Zhenli, whose mind returned to clarity, felt a tenderness in his arms, and at the same time, the position of his chin was still a little itchy.
The moment he realized it, Tang Zhenli thought about it, and immediately opened his eyes regardless of the pain in his head.
After opening his eyes, Tang Zhenli’s heart beat suddenly accelerated by the scene in front of him.
For some reason, Wu Shaoying was lying quietly in his arms, in a peaceful sleeping position, but the itchy feeling on his chin was caused by the impact of Wu Shaoying’s breath.
Looking at the situation, Wu Shaoying slept with her arms around her last nightAt this moment, Tang Zhenli seemed to have thought of something, and instantly became tense. Under the rapid flow of blood, he carefully felt the changes in his body.
After realizing that there was nothing abnormal about his body, he secretly relaxed.
Although the relationship between the two of them is close to breaking through the last window paper, in reality, Tang Zhenli is a traditional person.
Although they used to flirt and play with Wu Shaoying from time to time, this was the first time that they slept together in the same bed, let alone at home.
If he really did something outrageous, he would already have difficulty imagining the consequences.
Even though it seems that nothing happened last night, the current situation seems to have been surpassed.
At this moment, Wu Shaoying’s eyelids trembled, and then she opened her clear and energetic eyes.
After a short period of confusion, Wu Shaoying’s eyes turned, and when she saw Tang Zhenli, Tang Zhenli also saw her.
For a moment, the eyes of the two met, and the next moment, Wu Shaoying’s face was blushing for some reason, and she was extremely shy.
Tang Zhenli also looked away with a guilty conscience, his heart beating thumpingly.
At this moment, the couple were relatively silent, but they could faintly feel an ambiguous atmosphere slowly flowing in the room.
At this time, Wu Shaoying remembered that she took care of the drunk Tang Zhenli too late last night. She was sleepy and wanted to lie on the bed and squint for a while.
But I didn’t expect that when I woke up, I would already appear in Tang Zhenli’s arms
In this way, the ambiguous atmosphere lasted for a while, but then a burst of loud firecrackers disturbed the atmosphere.
Subconsciously, both of them seem to be afraid of being seen by others, and they are anxious to get up early to avoid being noticed by their parents
If this is seen in person, I really want to explain it, but I can’t explain it clearly.
Fortunately, the couple didn’t feel relieved until they got dressed.
However, before the two of them could completely calm down, the door of the room was knocked again, and their thoughts were raised again in an instant.
In the end, Tang Zhenli had a strong mentality and spoke directly.
“Come in”
After the people outside the door heard the words, they also opened the door.
Appearing in the eyes of Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying was Tang Ziyue in new clothes.
At this moment, Tang Ziyue looked at the two of them with a faint smile on his face.
The watching couple felt guilty for a while.
Undoubtedly, looking at Tang Ziyue’s expression, he must have known that Wu Shaoying spent the night in Tang Zhenli’s room last night.
Because Wu Shaoying was in the Tang family, she always slept with Tang Ziyue
I thought Tang Ziyue would sleep until the sun rises as usual, but I didn’t expect to wake up so early today!
Not only Wu Shaoying didn’t expect this, but Tang Zhenli didn’t expect it either.
If this matter was really exposed by Tang Ziyue, who has always been open-mouthed,
I’m afraid Wu Shaoying and Tang Zhenli don’t know how to face their parents anymore. Tang Zhenli doesn’t know what Wu Shaoying’s parents will say, but he knows that Chen Xinyao will definitely reprimand him.
Even though Tang Zhenli’s current status outside is very high, but in front of Chen Xinyao, Tang Zhenli deserves to be scolded or scolded.
Mainly for Tang Zhenli, scolding is still a trivial matter, Tang Zhenli is afraid that Chen Xinyao will shed tears
From childhood to adulthood, whenever he was naughty and Chen Xinyao couldn’t control herself, she would cry in front of her.
After all, Chen Xinyao’s education methods for Tang Ziyue and Tang Zhenli are completely different.
She may say harsh things to Tang Ziyue and Chen Xinyao, but she has always maintained a gentle attitude towards Tang Zhenli. This caused Tang Zhenli to often disobey discipline when she was naughty when she was a child, and Chen Xinyao would cry at that time.
Talk about things like being unable to control yourself.
Of course, this is also the reason why Tang Ziyue often feels that she is not her own.
Undoubtedly, Chen Xinyao’s education was successful. No matter for Tang Ziyue or Tang Zhenli, although the education methods between brothers and sisters are different, the ultimate goal is good.
But this also led to the reason why Tang Zhenli was not afraid of Chen Xinyao scolding him, but afraid of Chen Xinyao crying.
And if Chen Xinyao found out about this, the consequences would be disastrous!
Although she is usually happy to see the intimacy of young couples, before marriage, she still has to abide by the rules!
So during this period of time, the atmosphere in the room was somewhat silent. Of course, this was all because the initiative was in Tang Ziyue’s hands.
At this time, Tang Ziyue’s face was puffy, like a victor, scanning the two of them.
Thinking that I had never taken advantage of Tang Zhenli since I was a child, but now it’s finally my turn!
After more than ten years, today I finally feel proud!
Thinking about it, Tang Ziyue rolled his eyes, and then said to Tang Zhenli, with a hint of meaning in his tone.
“Brother, I’ve eaten too much recently, and I don’t have enough money for snacks.”
Unexpectedly, Tang Zhenli interrupted the conversation in general.
5.5 Tang Zhenli’s expression was serious and his tone firm.
“Give! Give as much as you want!”
Seeing that Tang Zhenli agreed so happily, Tang Ziyue showed a happy smile on his face.
Obviously, at this moment, she is extremely satisfied.
But she didn’t stop, she continued to turn her head and said to Wu Shaoying, who had a pretty pale face.
“Sister-in-law, the most popular cosmetic gift package recently”
Here, Wu Shaoying also followed suit and interrupted Tang Ziyue’s words.
“Sister-in-law will give you ten sets!”
In the end, after some ‘blackmail’After that, Tang Ziyue finally showed a satisfied smile.
Then swaggered out of the room
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying looked at each other and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

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