Escort, arrive at Yandu!
After a period of time,
Tang Zhenli took advantage of the rest of the New Year’s holiday to prepare all the new weapon designs for the Dragon Kingdom’s space strategic force.
The stable and peaceful days passed by like this day by day. After experiencing the ‘Reaper’ asteroid incident, he cherished these ordinary days even more.
Perhaps this may be the reason why after going through life and death crisis, he would look forward to ordinary life more and more.
Although during this period Tang Ziyue has been ‘threatening’ Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying with unspoken reasons, but from another perspective, this can be regarded as adding some fun to the peaceful life.
As for his eccentric younger sister, although sometimes the two of them would be at odds with each other, but most of the time Tang Zhenli was as tolerant as possible in front of her.
After all, she is only such a younger sister.
Generally speaking, after an incomparably fulfilling period of time, when the buds of the two Chinese toon trees in the yard fully unfolded and the New Year’s atmosphere gradually dissipated.
Tang Zhenli knew that his holiday was over!
After talking to his family in advance, Tang Zhenli was also ready to pack up.
This time, he will return to Yandu first, and then look at the work assignment according to the situation
This time Wu Shaoying went back with him, and Tang Ziyue happened to be able to go back to Longke University to study.
Of course, the main reason is to be able to sit on the plane. Although the new position assigned to him by the Ministry of Science and Technology has not yet been announced, the salary he should have is still fully equipped.
It’s even higher than the level of treatment. After all, what you need to know is that even Ji Chengtian doesn’t have a special plane without tolerance.
As for Tang Zhen, because he had to run around, the senior management of Longguo simply equipped him with a special plane, and the crew members were all ace pilots transferred from the military.
Finally, one morning,
Tang Zhenli, Wu Shaoying, and Tang Ziyue, who packed up their things, stood at the gate of the yard with their bags and bags, saying goodbye to their families.
Unlike previous years, this year the old man is not in a hurry to return to work. Due to his approaching retirement, the old man’s tasks are much lighter than before. Naturally, the date of returning to work has been delayed a lot.
As a pair of convoys arranged in advance slowly stopped at the door of the Tang family’s ancestral house, everyone knew that Tang Zhenli’s journey was about to begin.
Wu Xingjian and Yao Shihuai were whispering beside Wu Shaoying, and Tang Lizhe and Chen Xinyao treated Tang Ziyue in the same way.
As for the old man, he looked at Tang Zhenli with deep eyes, and he sighed after a long while.
Without saying a word, she just patted him on the shoulder earnestly, then her expression changed, and she turned around with a smile on her face and walked towards her future grandson-in-law.
Although Tang Heguang didn’t speak, Tang Zhenli could feel the weight on his shoulders.
Before leaving, there are always many thoughtful words to say between relatives.
But no matter how reluctantly you are, the moment of parting is always so timely.
When he was about to get into the car at last, Chen Xinyao stopped him.
Hearing the words, Tang Zhenli also paused, and slightly lowered his head to look at his mother.
I saw Chen Xinyao looking at him with wet eyes, first tidying up the neckline for him, and said in a somewhat inexplicable tone.
“Remember to take good care of yourself, Ziyue and Yingying, you also remember to take care of them!”
With the lessons learned from the loss of contact with the “Phoenix” before, Chen Xinyao was obviously terrified in her heart, and she was afraid that similar things would happen in the future.
So at this time, her words seemed much more than before.
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s expression changed, although he didn’t know what Chen Xinyao experienced during the time when he lost contact.
But after all, mother and child are connected. Although Tang Zhenli didn’t know about it, he still had some guesses.
So afterwards, Tang Zhenli looked at his mother with a satisfied gaze, and then nodded.
“Got it, Mom! Don’t worry!”
As he spoke, he put down the luggage in his hand, and his mood fluctuated, and he hugged Chen Xinyao instead.
After a long time, Tang Zhenli slowly let go of his hand, and nodded towards Chen Xinyao.
Then he turned around and walked towards the car.
So far, in the eyes of the family, the convoy started slowly, and gradually drifted away from everyone’s perspective.
This time, the convoy will arrive at a military base closest to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, take off from the airport of the military base, and head to Yandu.
After half an hour,
After going through twists and turns, the convoy finally drove into the military base under comprehensive protection.
In the airport of the military base,
From time to time, the main fighter planes of the current Dragon Kingdom military take off and land.
Waves of whistles resounded throughout the airport.
To this, Tang Zhenli’s reaction was quite calm. After all, it was not the first time he had traveled in this way, so he was not surprised at all, or he was used to it.
And for him, when he was researching and developing new weapons in the Dragon Kingdom Space Strategic Force, he was looking for inspiration for 500. Under the coordination of Meng Siyuan, he had already explored the most cutting-edge weapons of the current Dragon Kingdom military from inside to outside. over and over.
Of course, it also includes the main fighters of the Dragon Kingdom’s generation or even the next generation.
so he is rightFor these fighters, after figuring out the basic core technology and principles, they lost their former curiosity.
Although his reaction was calm, Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue, who were sitting beside him, saw this scene for the first time.
When the security team guarding Tang Zhenli saw this, they just smiled and did not stop him.
Just like that, under the gaze of the two curious babies, the convoy slowly stopped in front of a passenger plane.
Since there are only three passengers, and the preparations before boarding are very good.
So not long after the group boarded the plane, the plane took off straight into the sky.
At the same time, there were two special fighter jets that took off at the same time.
The two special fighter planes were tasked with escorting Tang Zhenli for the safety of this trip.
These are all arranged before, so some are very natural

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