Changes in Qilu!
On the outskirts of Yandu, in a secret military base,
With a burst of blue smoke, an unreasonable civilian airliner slowly landed at this military airport.
It can’t be said that Tang Zhenli and his party are sitting in this passenger plane.
After a half-day flight, the plane finally arrived in Yandu from Shanghai.
Afterwards, the group boarded the convoy prepared in advance and drove slowly towards Yandu city. All of this seemed to be so natural.
Not long after, while Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue were still in a daze, the convoy had slowly arrived at the Sisheng Research Institute, which had been missing for a long time.
Since Longke University has not yet started school, and Sister Xia and others have not returned.
Therefore, in the following period of time, Tang Ziyue and Wu Shaoying will probably have to live in the Four Saints Research Institute.
And given the relationship between the two and Tang Zhenli, plus Tang Zhenli’s status at this time, naturally there is no big problem.
Tang Zhenli still has this right.
Sisheng Research Institute, in the laboratory on the third basement floor,
Returning to the long-lost place, Tang Zhenli actually found that it was almost the same as when he left.
Thinking of this, Rao Shi Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but look surprised, and then he looked at Qi Lu, who was warmly entertaining Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue.
Qi Lu is as determined as ever
This is not the first time Wu Shaoying has come here. He even lived here for a while at this time last year, so he is not unfamiliar with this place.
But it was the first time for Tang Ziyue to come to her brother’s office and work place.
So at this time, she was very excited.
After seeing the big bed in the living area, he even screamed, and then jumped over without recognizing it, feeling the softness of the bed, and even rolled directly on the bed, enjoying it.
Looking aside, Wu Shaoying and Qi Lu looked at each other, then shook their heads and laughed secretly.
girlishness, but so
Tang Zhenli didn’t care too much about this. The first time he returned to the laboratory, he first returned to the core laboratory on this floor.
After seeing that the semi-finished curvature engine had not been passively driven, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.
The last time I left was too hasty, so I didn’t put it in the library.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli realized that he might not be able to conduct research on the curvature engine again for a long time, so in the end, he decisively stored the semi-finished product in the warehouse.
At this point, the solitary ‘Hanguang’ unmanned tactical mecha in the warehouse also has a companion.
After doing this, Tang Zhenli returned to the living area again.
But before he could enter the door, he heard a girl’s laughter.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli’s eyes flashed a hint of helplessness.
As soon as he entered the door, it was as expected, but at some point Wu Shaoying and Qi Lu also joined Tang Ziyue.
At this time, the three girls were playing on Tang Zhenli’s bed.
The sight in front of him made Tang Zhenli’s eyebrows rise. He could understand that Wu Shaoying could be integrated into this seemingly childish behavior.
But the problem is Qi Lu
If the staff of the Four Sacred Research Institute knew about the demon head, who would make everyone talk about it, she was rolling around on Tang Zhenli’s bed like a girl at this moment, and it would be surprising how many jaws would drop if it spreads out!
At this time, Qi Lu was frolicking on the bed with Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue as young girls.
Just like how Tang Zhenli first saw her back then
Time can hone a person’s way of doing things, but it can’t erase a person’s original character.
Qi Lu had suppressed his nature at the Four Saints Research Institute for too long, so long that the other four who followed him first had forgotten Qi Lu’s nature.
At this time, it would not be a good idea to let Qi Lu release it so playfully.
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli also smiled, then walked towards his desk.
On the other side, Yingying Yanyan’s voice didn’t dissipate until a long while later.
After finding out that Tang Zhenli was back, Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue were nothing, but Qi Lu’s expression changed, and he quickly walked towards Tang Zhenli.
When he came to Tang Zhenli’s side, Qi Lu said nervously.
“Gong Tang, I didn’t mean to apologize just now!”
In the end, Qi Lu’s head became lower and lower, and his voice became smaller and smaller.
Just now, I didn’t know why, as if I was in a demon, Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue were playing together in a daze.
Although it was very joyful and decompressed during the period, after I reacted, it came to my mind first.But it was panic, especially after seeing Tang Zhenli.
After all, she knew that Tang Zhenli had a slight obsession with cleanliness and never liked letting people touch his things. One of Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue was Gong Gong’s fiancée, and the other was Gong’s own sister. It’s true that they were close relatives.
But it’s still a bit over the top
Thinking about it, Qi Lu only felt more and more nervous in his heart, and in the end he didn’t dare to look at Tang Zhenli.
But what she didn’t expect was that Tang Zhenli smiled indifferently, and then said softly.
“Qi Lu, if you can smile more in the future, it’s like the first time I saw you. What’s the harm? Of course work is very important, but work is not everything. Apart from work, there are many things worth cherishing. To be honest, that’s what I just realized recently.”
Speaking at the end, Tang Zhenli’s eyes were long, and he didn’t know where he was looking, but he felt a little deep.
Here, Qi Lu, who heard the words, was slightly startled, and then he reacted.
After looking around for a while, after taking a long breath, there was a bright smile on his face that he hadn’t seen in a long time, and then he said to Tang Zhenli.
“Gong Tang! I understand! I will distinguish clearly in the future!”
After finishing speaking, Qi Lu gave Tang Zhenli a deep bow, and then walked outside. Compared with the past, her steps were much lighter at this time.

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