Tang Zhenli’s Weight!
In the online world at this time, under Ji Chengtian’s deliberate arrangement.
The popularity of the Global Planetary Defense Conference and Tang Zhenli’s new position has spread to the point where everyone knows about it.
Of course, it also includes scientific research representatives sent by countries around the world to participate in the Global Planetary Defense Conference.
Representatives from all over the world were shocked after they understood it clearly.
Obviously, this is also surprising news for them.
You must know that in today’s world, there has never been a scientific research scholar who has reached a high position at such an age.
Generally speaking, the scientific research community is divided into two systems.
One is the technical system and the other is the management system.
The technical system is similar to that of Wei Pengyu and Wang Shan, who are in charge of project engineering and are essentially scientific researchers.
As for the management system, to put it simply, it is an administrative position, similar to Ji Chengtian, who is responsible for the adjustment and progress of various scientific research projects in Longguo.
In essence, there is no difference between the two system levels.
As a matter of fact, in the scientific research circle of Longguo, there are not no scientific research scholars at the same level as Ji Chengtian, and it can be said that there are not a few of them.
But the problem is that a rank is a rank, and a position is a position. When measuring a person’s status, he needs to compare it with his position.
Ji Chengtian, as the Minister of Science and Technology of Longguo, is a well-deserved leader in scientific research of Longguo, no matter in terms of rank or position.
But now this title has been left in suspense after the establishment of the Chief Scientist of Longguo Scientific Research.
In essence, the Chief Scientist of Longguo Scientific Research is a leadership position, but this position itself is very technically professional.
This also led to the newly established position of Chief Scientist of Longguo Scientific Research being between the management system and the technical system.
Normally, no country would set up such a position, because this position has extremely high requirements for the person in charge, no matter in terms of leadership level or academic level
But Longguo set up this position. Of course, there may be only Tang Zhenli in the world who is qualified for this position.
In the academic system, Tang Zhenli has already reached the top, and in the administrative system, the current Tang Zhenli is also at the top.
As far as it is concerned, Tang Zhenli is the first person in the world to achieve the highest academic achievement and job level!
You know, Tang Zhenli is the leader of this Global Planetary Defense Conference.
With the blessing of his own status, the dominance of the Dragon Kingdom will be even greater.
The reason is also very simple. How about if in a meeting, an existence far superior to other people in terms of academic field and status is in charge of leading the meeting.
indirectly,They will definitely be affected.
For 90% of the countries in the world, Longguo scientific research is a behemoth, and the current situation of the meeting is that Tang Zhenli is one of the heads of this behemoth in the Longguo. With this status bonus, even the rest of the It is also difficult for the four superpowers to disobey Tang Zhenli from the meeting.
In layman’s terms, if it is distinguished by position, then the aura on Tang Zhenli’s body at this time has undoubtedly blessed to a point where everyone can’t breathe!
In addition, the current home of the conference is still the Dragon Kingdom. To be honest, for the first global planetary defense conference, the Dragon Kingdom can be said to occupy the right time, place and people!
Representatives of all countries can clearly feel this point.
But they felt that they had nothing to do about it.
The fundamental reason is that there is no other Tang Zhenli in their respective countries!
Otherwise, if they each had a character like Tang Zhenli, they wouldn’t have all the initiative in Long Guo’s hands!
But they all know it’s impossible
So even though they knew that the initiative of this meeting would all be in the hands of Long Guo, they still came to participate in the meeting.
Because no matter how powerful the Dragon Kingdom is, it is impossible to take all power. After all, this is a major event that concerns all mankind.
It is also impossible for the Dragon Kingdom to do such a stupid thing, so their idea is to strive for as much status as possible for the country they represent in the only remaining rights.
Although the Dragon Kingdom takes the lead, they always score a lot.
After thinking of this, except for a few countries, other countries have completely given up the idea of ​​competing with the Dragon Kingdom.
Shanghai stock market, inside the Tang family’s ancestral home,
After Tang Zhenli left, Tang Lizhe and Chen Xinyao also returned to the Shanghai Stock Exchange due to work reasons.
At this point, Tang Heguang was the only one left in the ancestral house, and the originally lively small courtyard fell silent in an instant.
However, Tang Heguang didn’t feel any discomfort at all.
As one of the scientific researchers who came out of hard times, his long-term work experience made him fully adapt to this situation.
For now, Tang Heguang will reach retirement age in about two years.
In this way, up to now, this respectable old man has silently devoted himself to Longguo scientific research for 42 years!
From the beginning of graduating from the university campus, he resolutely devoted himself to the Great Northwest Base, which was still a desert at the time.
Under that difficult environment and conditions, he has witnessed many, including several scholars who are well-known in the current Dragon Country, and he has also worked together.
That generation was originally dazzling, and those who were at the head were even more illustrious existences!
When he was young, he learned a lot and felt a lot from these people, so in the end, he decided to stay and follow in their footsteps.
And it’s more than 40 years to stay like this!
Time flies, that generation has basically returned to the boundless sea of ​​stars, and the scholars of his generation have basically retired from the world.
There are very few who are still insisting on 5.9
Before that, his last wish before retiring was to be successfully selected as an academician of the Dragon Academy of Sciences, which is the lifelong goal of many scholars, including him of course
Ten years ago, he missed his position as an academician, and he felt sighed in his heart.
But now, he thinks he can retire without regrets
Because his grandson has become a benchmark in the current era!
His achievements and achievements are in no way inferior to those he has followed all his life!
At least now, the old man who silently dedicated his youth to Longguo scientific research can say goodbye to the post he has held for decades with peace of mind!

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