The boss! ?
Inside the courtyard,
Tang Heguang’s eyes were slightly closed, his expression comfortable, his eyes opened and closed, and his face showed a bit of reminiscence from time to time.
It seems to be recalling that innocent and beautiful time in those days.
The sound of ‘creaking’ kept coming from the old reclining chair under him, and it was very clear in the courtyard.
Right at this moment,
There was some movement at the courtyard gate, and Tang Heguang subconsciously glanced at the position of the courtyard gate.
I saw Wan Wende holding two bottles of good wine and walking towards him with a smile.
And Tang Heguang was very happy when he saw his friend’s arrival, and immediately got up and walked towards Wan Wende, asking subconsciously.
“Old Wan, why are you here?”
Tang Heguang knew that Wan Wende’s hometown was not in Shanghai, but in Jinling.
So he was slightly surprised that Wan Wende could come to him.
When Wan Wende saw this, he laughed loudly, and then walked towards him quickly.
“What? Are you not welcome?”
Hearing this, Tang Heguang turned his eyes, glanced at him, and then said with a smile.
“Welcome, it’s a great honor!” 10
Saying that, he took the good wine in his hand familiarly.
Soon after, in the small courtyard,
Beside Tang Heguang, there was an extra reclining chair, and a small table was added in the middle, with some side dishes and drinks on it.
Here, Tang Heguang took a sip with a pleasant look on his face, as did Wan Wende on the side.
After a few glasses of wine, Wan Wende glanced at him subconsciously, and then said with a hint of envy in his tone.
“Old Tang, I originally went directly to the Northwest Aerospace Base this time, when I learned that you didn’t go,I specially came to the Shanghai market to congratulate you! ”
Obviously, Wan Wende already knew the position of the new Chief Longguo Scientific Research Chief Scientist in the Longguo Science and Technology Ministry.
Unexpectedly, Tang Heguang, who heard the words, was stunned for a moment, then turned his eyes and looked at him with some doubts.
“Happy? What kind of joy?”
Tang Heguang’s reaction also made Wan Wende stunned, and then his eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Tang Heguang with a strange expression.
Isn’t this old guy pretending to be a grandson again?
Lead yourself to talk about the topic, and then let yourself see his triumphant appearance
After all, this is not the first time Tang Heguang has done this.
Thinking of this, Wan Wende’s expression froze, and then he began to think in his mind.
After a long while, Wan Wende couldn’t help it anymore. He couldn’t control it for a while, so he said directly.
“You don’t know Tang Zhenli’s new position?”
Unexpectedly, Tang Heguang, who heard the words, looked more and more puzzled, and said immediately.
“What new position? Where does this go!”
What Wan Wende didn’t expect was that this time Tang Heguang’s expression really didn’t seem to be fake, and he really didn’t know about it.
After all, Tang Zhenli only left the day before yesterday, and he thought that Tang Zhenli’s job appointment came down so quickly.
Thinking of this, Wan Wende shook his head helplessly, and then he could only explain to Tang Heguang one by one.
“Let’s put it this way. Yesterday, the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo announced that a new leadership position has been established, that is, the chief scientist of Longguo scientific research, who is responsible for coordinating the technical issues of all projects in the scientific research community of Longguo.”
Unexpectedly, he was interrupted by Tang Heguang before he finished speaking.
At this time, Tang Heguang had a shocked expression on his face, and said in a surprised tone.
“How is that possible? Coordinate the technical issues of all projects. Don’t you know what the concept is? How could the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Dragon Country set up such a position!”
Seeing Tang Heguang’s complacent appearance, Wan Wende also waved at him, signaling him not to worry, and then continued.
“Old Tang, don’t be in a hurry to refute, of course I know what this position represents. Simply put, all projects of Longguo in the future will be submitted to the chief scientist of Longguo scientific research for review, which also means that the Ministry of Science and Technology has another big mountain. , we have another immediate boss.”
Hearing this, Tang Heguang also nodded, and then said with a somewhat solemn expression.
“The most important thing is, who can be qualified for this position? Longguo has such a wide range of scientific research, who dares to say that it is wrong to coordinate all the technical problems of all projects?”
In the end, Tang Heguang’s expression changed, and his serious face gradually changed.
Thinking of what Wan Wende said about Dao Xi, right?
Thinking of this, Tang Heguang did not show joy, but his face turned blue and red, looking very strange.
Looking at Tang Heguang’s expression, Wan Wende smiled and said immediately.
“That’s right, the only person in this world who dares to say that he is qualified for this position is your precious grandson!”
But after hearing Wan Wende’s confirmation, Tang Heguang’s expression didn’t look good, instead, his expression was even more ugly.
Seeing this, Wan Wende was also suspicious. Logically speaking, shouldn’t this be a happy event?
Just as he was about to speak, Tang Heguang’s eyes turned to him, his eyes were somewhat complicated.
“Old Wan, do you think this is a joy? You said just now that we have another immediate boss.”
As Tang Heguang’s voice fell, Wan Wende’s expression froze, and he seemed to understand.
If it was said that when Tang Zhenli was selected as an academician before, they could still regard it as just a name with a fluke.
But now the title of Chief Scientist of Longguo is a real position in the Ministry of Science and Technology!
This means that Tang Zhenli is now their immediate boss!
Even if this is a big happy event, it is not entirely a happy event for Tang Heguang and Wan Wende.
Thinking of facing Tang Zhenli in the future
For a while, both of them had mixed feelings.
Anyway, the two are also scholars who have been in the scientific research circle of Longguo for decades. Now a young man who is not as good as the scientific research circle for less than three years has already achieved the position of their immediate boss.
The most important thing is that he is still the junior of the two.
How can you describe the emotions in this with complex words?

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