Preparations, the eve of the conference!
Yandu, inside the Four Saints Research Institute,
At this time, the news that Tang Zhenli served as the chief scientist of Longguo scientific research and represented Longguo to participate in the Global Planetary Defense Conference has spread.
However, Tang Zhenli, who is the party involved, is still working on the concept of the global planetary defense system in the laboratory.
On the third underground floor, outside the core laboratory, Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue will stop and wait here when they have nothing to do for the past two days.
Regarding matters on the Internet, although Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue are not professionals, fortunately they have been by Tang Zhenli’s side for a long time.
Obviously, they all know how heavy Tang Zhenli’s burden is.
But even if it is clear, tomorrow is the time for the Global Planetary Defense Conference, so they can’t help but feel worried.
At this moment, the door of the core laboratory was opened, and Tang Zhenli, who had not rested for two days and two nights, still walked out with a stack of documents in high spirits.
These are the results of his two days, and they are all detailed thoughts on how to quickly build a human planetary defense system.
It covers in detail the development of human planetary defense systems today and in the future.
And at the meeting tomorrow, this isSome of the options he wants to articulate to the world.
After Tang Zhenli returned to the living area,
The sight in front of him made him look slightly startled, and he saw that the original simple living area had completely changed.
Thanks to the efforts of Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue, the living area that was originally huge but seemed empty now looks extremely diverse.
Various objects are placed in various places in the interior as decoration.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli could only shake his head slightly, secretly laughing in his heart.
At this time, Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue also saw Tang Zhenli coming back, and immediately greeted him.
Soon after, Tang Zhenli was occupied by two women on the left and right, with confidence in his eyes.
It seems that he is showing off to Tang Zhenli the achievements of the past two days.
But now Tang Zhenli has time to accompany the two of them. Before attending the meeting, he needs to fully nourish himself. After all, this is a grand meeting lasting at least a week.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli was about to speak, but Wu Shaoying took the lead and said with a smile.
“There’s a meeting tomorrow! Have a good rest tonight, we won’t disturb you for now!”
“Brother, come on tomorrow!”
After speaking, Wu Shaoying consciously let go of Tang Zhenli’s right hand and walked towards the sofa. Tang Ziyue also followed suit, and followed Wu Shaoying’s back.
Since there is only one big bed belonging to Tang Zhenli in the living area, if Tang Zhenli wants to rest well, they have to sleep on the sofa tonight.
But fortunately, all the living measures provided to Tang Zhenli at the beginning were top-notch, and the sofa alone was not stingy with a small bed, and the two of them could make do with one night.
Here, after taking a shower, Tang Zhenli felt a reassuring aroma and quickly fell into a peaceful sleep.
In the blink of an eye, the night is fleeting.
In the early morning, in the compound of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo,
In mid-March, the snow in Yandu gradually melted, and some of the vegetation in the courtyard had already pulled out buds.
I believe that soon, the flower beds in the courtyard will be full of colorful scenes again.
At this moment, the office of the person in charge,
Ji Chengtian is sitting at his desk, watching the security plan for this Global Planetary Defense Conference.
Due to the special nature of today’s day, Ji Chengtian stayed in the office last night and did not go back.
For Long Guo, there is no doubt that the security plan for this conference will focus on Tang Zhenli.
So at this time, Ji Chengtian is checking in great detail whether there are any flaws in the pre-security plan.
At this moment, the door of the office was knocked.
Seeing this, Ji Chengtian didn’t look up, but continued to look at the security plan, said in a deep voice.
“Come in!”
The voice fell, the door handle of the office was twisted, and then Li Wei appeared in front of Ji Chengtian after his body had recovered.
Seeing his long-term partner returning to work, Ji Chengtian subconsciously put down the plan in his hand first.
Immediately got up, looked at Li Wei with joy,
“Old Li! Welcome back!”
Hearing this, Li Wei also smiled, and then bowed his hands to Ji Chengtian without saying a word.
Having said that, the two settled down in front of the coffee table.
After a long absence, the two also chatted for a while, and then Ji Chengtian thought of the security plan for this Global Planetary Defense Conference, and then got up and handed the plan to Li Wei.
“Old Li, look, is there any negligence in this security plan?”
Seeing this, Li Wei also accepted the plan with a smile, and then looked at it.
Unexpectedly, I don’t know if I didn’t see it, I was startled when I saw it.
After a long time, Li Wei looked at Ji Chengtian strangely, and then said in a difficult tone.
“Lao Ji, if nothing else, just a conference under our noses, do we need to dispatch troops?”
Seeing Li Wei’s expression, Ji Chengtian shook his head with a helpless smile on his face.
“The army? I don’t have such a big face. You know, the military’s previous promise to Xiao Tang is to completely treat Xiao Tang as their own.”
In the end, Ji Chengtian couldn’t help but smile bitterly.
And when Li Wei heard the words, he gradually recalled it.
The original promise of the military was comparable to that of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Thinking about it, Li Wei couldn’t help shaking his head, feeling a little complicated in his heart.
The current security force
Not to brag, this configuration can completely fight a medium-sized war.
Even unceremoniously, some small countries might not be able to stop it!
Of course, this is the meaning of the military giving Tang Zhenli a platform, but it is not necessarily that the military wants to use this to show off its muscles to all countries in the world.
It’s just that those representatives from various countries will probably be frightened for a while when they come to the meeting.

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