The boiling of Longguo netizens! The conference begins!
The Sisheng Research Institute, the living area of ​​the laboratory on the third basement floor,
When Tang Zhenli woke up, he only felt full of energy and full of energy.
Looking at the time, it was exactly eight in the morning, two hours before the meeting started.
After taking a shower, Tang Zhenli stood in front of the closet and had trouble facing the mirror.
In the past, he would definitely not have thought about clothes for so long. Generally, his clothes depended on the one closest to him in the closet.
But today is different. After all, today he does not represent himself, but the entire Dragon Kingdom!
Undoubtedly, the clothes must not be as casual as they used to be.
But to be honest, heThere are so many kinds of clothes, either ordinary casual shirts, or work clothes left over from various projects.
But these are obviously not suitable for this occasion.
For a while, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but feel a bit of a headache. If he knew it earlier, he would have called Qi Lu to help him prepare.
In desperation, Tang Zhenli had no choice but to use the exclusion method. It was obviously impossible to use work clothes for previous projects.
After thinking about 657, Tang Zhenli turned his attention to a fairly formal shirt jacket.
In a hurry, that’s all it can do
In the end, Tang Zhenli, who had changed into a suit, looked at the two sleeping beauties who were still sleeping on the sofa, and shook his head with a laugh.
Immediately, he walked out of the core laboratory.
Tang Zhenli took the elevator all the way to the entrance of the Four Saints Research Institute, and found that there were already many people waiting for him.
However, everyone was stunned when they saw his first reaction. Obviously, Tang Zhenli didn’t expect Tang Zhenli to be dressed like this on such a big occasion.
If they don’t know, I’m afraid no one can think that Tang Zhenli in front of him will be the man who will dominate a meeting that attracts the world’s attention. I’m afraid that he will be regarded as an ordinary student!
After a short while, most of the staff have already reacted, and their expressions have returned to normal, but the thoughts in their hearts are still alive.
For others, this meeting may be very grand and grand. I am afraid that for Academician Xiao Tang, it may be just an ordinary meeting, just a little longer.
While thinking like this, the work of the staff did not fall behind.
After picking up Tang Zhenli, the motorcade under the protection of professionals slowly drove towards the Dragon Kingdom Grand Arena.
Dragon Kingdom Grand Hall,
As a conference hall built during the founding of the Dragon Kingdom, the original intention of the building was to receive foreign guests or hold large-scale meetings.
Up to now, this conference hall has a history of many years.
It can be said that this venue not only witnessed the passage of time, but also witnessed the rise of the Dragon Kingdom step by step.
However, it itself has not experienced vicissitudes because of its long existence.
On the contrary, due to frequent maintenance, the Great Hall of the Dragon Kingdom has been constantly changing with the changes of the times.
From the current point of view, although the Dragon Kingdom Grand Hall has existed for a long time, in terms of appearance, it is not much inferior to the current trendy buildings.
And just today, the Great Hall of the Dragon Kingdom, as a landmark building well-known to all the people of the Dragon Kingdom, this time it attracted not only the people of the Dragon Kingdom.
This time, the world’s eyes are focused on this!
For this Global Planetary Defense Conference, the Dragon Kingdom is 100% attached to it!
Even though there were still several hours before the meeting officially started, the streets around the Dragon Kingdom Grand Hall had already been blocked by martial law.
What’s even more incredible is that the official Dragon Kingdom actually dispatched the army to maintain the order of this global planetary defense conference.
The loud and tidy slogans that come from the streets from time to time show their existence, shocking some ill-intentioned young people!
To put it bluntly, apart from the staff and the military, not a single fly can get out of the current Dragon Country Conference Hall.
At the same time, with the presence of the Longguo General Station press corps, the live broadcast of this meeting was also started normally.
In fact, the Ministry of Science and Technology had been hesitant about whether to start the live broadcast of this conference.
Needless to say, although the level of secrecy of this meeting cannot be regarded as top-level, it can be regarded as a level sufficient for secrecy.
However, after thinking about it, the Ministry of Science and Technology decided to open the live broadcast of the whole meeting.
Because the meeting has already involved representatives from various countries around the world, at the national level, the content of this meeting is open to all countries.
In other words, there is no need for confidentiality!
And most importantly, this conference is a global event.
Even though some technologies may be exposed in the field of vision, from another perspective, for all mankind, the exposure of these technologies can increase everyone’s confidence in the planetary defense system, and also guarantee the right of all mankind to know.
At the same time, under the supervision of all mankind, the fairness and openness of this meeting can also be guaranteed!
After all, the establishment of a planetary defense system depends not only on this meeting, but there is still a lot of work to be done in the future!
During this period, the support of the people must be obtained.
In the end, the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo concluded that the advantages of having a live broadcast throughout the meeting outweighed the disadvantages.
So at this time, the live photo plan is started.
Many Longguo netizens who got the news have been waiting in front of the screen impatiently.
After a while, a sweet and lovely female reporter appeared in the picture, and behind her was the background of the Dragon Kingdom Grand Hall.
“Hello, audience members, I’m Wang Bingbing. Next, we will follow the progress of this Global Planetary Defense Conference.”
After Wang Bingbing’s introduction, the camera in the picture gradually cuts away.
Until all the scenes outside the Longguo Grand Hall caught the eyes of the audience
And the scene of the picture instantly made the netizens of Longguo boil!

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