The security force that shocked everyone’s jaws!
In the live broadcast, the first thing that catches the eye is a row of neat soldiers patrolling vigilantly.
In addition, the Long Kingdom military also dispatched light tanks, explosion-proof vehicles and other large-scale weapons and equipment.
And the most astonishing thing is that at a position dozens of meters above the sky, there are dozens ofThe Swordsman’ unmanned tactical mech is suspended in the air silently on standby.
The razor-sharp section shone with a cold metal light, and even through the screen, all viewers could still feel the deterrent power emanating from it!
So far, the ‘Sword Handler’ unmanned tactical mecha has appeared in front of the world for the first time.
Almost instantly, this fantastic weapon detonated the entire online world!
In addition to the netizens of Longguo, netizens from all over the world were even more shocked!
The live broadcast room was swiped by crazy netizens, and all kinds of shocking remarks were endless.
“My God! My God, what did I see, I actually saw the existence of finished mechas in my lifetime!”
“I originally thought that I could see infantry fighting vehicles, tanks, etc. It was shocking enough, but I didn’t expect it to be beyond my expectations.”
“Unbelievable! This is so dreamy! It makes me think of alien technology! Has the military strength of the Dragon Kingdom reached this level?”
“Don’t talk about you, as a native of the Dragon Kingdom, seeing this is also turbulent in my heart, I just heard about the military mecha serving in the military, and this is the first time I see it!”
“This is a mecha! A mecha that is vividly displayed in our eyes! Mainly, this technology seems to be very mature!”
“If I remember correctly, in the overall plan announced for the ‘Phoenix’ project, I remember that this mecha was called the ‘Sword Bearer’ and it is said that it was developed by Gong Gong.”
“What are you talking about??? This mecha was also invented by Academician Xiao Tang”
“???? By the way, how many things did Academician Xiao Tang do without us?”
“Tang Sang”
“I knew that His Royal Highness Tang Zhenli was the strongest Smecta. In the future, the people will vote for His Highness Tang Zhenli to return to my kingdom of hell!”
“That’s right, Smecta!”
“Forget it, your grandpa is happy today, so he won’t beat the dog for now.”
“With this configuration, the Dragon Kingdom is sure that it is only to protect the safety of this planetary defense conference???”
“I am afraid that 80% of the participating countries today will be trembling when they see this configuration.”
“It is estimated that it is to protect Academician Xiao Tang”
“Makes sense”
“It should be the same, if you think about it, you won’t be able to use the mecha!”
In the heated discussion among the netizens, everyone saw the tip of the iceberg of the comprehensive strength of the Dragon Kingdom from this global planetary defense conference.
Not to mention, the security force of this conference alone has shown everyone a hand!
In fact, this was deliberately done by the Dragon Kingdom’s military, and the deployment of the ‘Sword Handler’ unmanned tactical mecha was not for increasing the security force.
After all, the original intention of the “Sword Bearer” unmanned tactical mech was for space combat.
The purpose of the Dragon Kingdom’s military is self-evident, it is to show off its muscles, fully demonstrate its strength, and indirectly for the Dragon Kingdom to make a big show at this global planetary defense conference!
For now, the original purpose has been achieved!
It was less than an hour before the ten o’clock meeting started.
At present, representatives of some small countries have already taken the bus officially arranged by the Dragon Kingdom. After passing through many barriers, they finally came to the outside of the venue.
For the various arrangements of this conference, Long Guo can be said to have achieved the smallest details.
Although it is necessary to show one’s strength, the proper etiquette is still indispensable. After all, respecting others means respecting oneself, and the Dragon Kingdom has also come from a weak country step by step.
And more importantly, the Dragon Kingdom has been an ancient civilization since ancient times, a state of etiquette, with a profound cultural heritage, and it always follows a humble and courteous style of behavior when dealing with people and things.
Unlike some countries with no history, they behave in an extremely arrogant style and respect strength, but they don’t know that nothing in the world is stable, whether people or countries, no one can always stand at the top!
Sometimes, weakness and ignorance are the obstacles to survival, only arrogance is!
If a country and a civilization want to remain evergreen, they must always have a humble and peaceful mind!
For this point, the top and bottom of the Dragon Kingdom have the same cognition.
At this time, in the live broadcast room, in the eyes of the audience, a series of buses slowly drove to the door of the conference venue.
Since this Global Planetary Defense Conference is a conference based on countries around the world, there are nearly 200 countries in total.
Most of the small countries got only one place to participate in the conference, which is to go through the auditing process.
As for the countries with a large number of places, there are only ten to twenty, and only the five superpowers at the head can have fifty representatives!
After all, these five major countries are the main countries in the construction of the planetary defense system.
And the Dragon Kingdom is more special, with fifty-one people attending the meeting, as for the one with the most, there is no doubt that it is Tang Zhenli.
In general, the scale of this Global Planetary Defense Conference has reached thousands!
At present, most of the people who have come are some small countries with only one place to participate.
As for the other major powers and the five superpowers, naturally they did not arrive so soon.
After the representatives of various small countries got off the bus,
Almost everyone’s expressions froze when they saw the external defense forces of the Dragon Kingdom Grand Arena.
Everyone present was horrified, and under the shock, they had a clearer and deeper understanding of the gap between their motherland and the Dragon Kingdom!
With this kind of thought in mind, under the leadership of the Dragon Kingdom staff, a group of people with complicated emotions walked towards the inside of the conference hall.

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