May the mountains and rivers prosper, and the Dragon Kingdom lasts forever!
In the live broadcast screen,
I saw a group of nearly 100 people, led by the pre-arranged staff, slowly walked towards the entrance of the Dragon Kingdom Grand Hall.
Not long after, the shocked group had arrived at the entrance of the Dragon Kingdom Grand Hall.
What awaits them next will be a strict search, for which the Dragon Kingdom will still treat them equally.
While queuing up, some familiar country representatives in the crowd could not help but chat, such as the representatives of Java and Annan.
This time, both countries sent only one representative to the meeting.
The representative of Annan looked at the surrounding environment, and after a long sigh, there was sigh in his eyes, and then he said to the representative of Java.
“Dragon Kingdom is worthy of being the strongest country in the world at present. The security force revealed by a conference alone is so terrifying.”
Hearing this, the representative of Java also shook his head helplessly, and said with a wry smile.
“Just the power on the scene is enough to be the king and hegemon in my motherland. I really envy the people of Longguo. The civilization has been inherited to this day, and it has developed rapidly in modern times. In the end, it even overtakes cars in corners, surpassing all countries and reaching the top of the world’s forest. !”
Speaking, the representative of An Nanguo was also taken aback for a moment, and then he lowered his head helplessly.
They are also aware of the situation that the Dragon Kingdom has come in step by step, so at this time, they are also envious of the people of the Dragon Kingdom from the bottom of their hearts!
As a national citizen, why don’t they want their motherland to be strong enough to stand at the top of the world one day?
And it took only a few generations for the people of Longguo to achieve such a great feat as they are today!
In this way, how can they not be envious?
Right at this moment, when everyone was in the queue, a huge shadow passed over their position, causing several shadows to appear on the ground out of thin air.
Subconsciously, the representatives of Java and Annan looked up.
At the same time, representatives of other small countries also looked up.
I don’t know if I don’t see it, but the mood that they had just eased for a while was instantly raised again.
I saw that the dozen or so ‘Sword Handler’ unmanned tactical mechas that were originally guarding the sky at the Dragon Country Arena were slowly gathering in one direction, as if to welcome something.
The representative of the Java country looked horrified and said with a horrified expression.
“What is this?”
Not only him, but the performance of the representatives from other countries was not that much better, and everyone’s expressions changed drastically.
This scene undoubtedly had a great impact on the psychology of the group.
The countries represented here are all small and remote countries, so small that before the announcement of the controllable nuclear fusion technology, many nationals could not afford to eat.
So in their eyes, the sky still belongs to the realm of aircraft, but now they are presented with human-shaped ‘aircraft’!
This has undoubtedly broken their psychological cognition.
For most of them, they have never even heard of the concept of mecha.
In their worldview, the sky belongs to the aircraft, and the space belongs to the air carrier!
They didn’t even dare to think about the latter, because their motherland was still heading towards the realm of the sky.
But now after seeing the unmanned tactical mecha of the ‘Sword Handler’, they have shaken the king of the sky field. Isn’t it just the plane?
For a time, the expressions of nearly a hundred representatives were a little dazed.
At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room also watched everyone’s reaction, and it was also a discussion.
“My God, it’s funny to see their reactions. Haven’t these people even been in contact with mechas?”
“That said, it’s really funny enough to think that this group of people will be discussing with Professor Tang in the same room later, and I think it’s too unrealistic. This perception is too bad.”
“I really want to see their reactions in the meeting. I’m afraid they won’t understand what Professor Tang said.”
At the beginning, netizens from many western countries laughed out loud when they saw the reactions of the representatives of the small countries. They had never even heard of mechas. How backward they came from?
However, contrary to these netizens, Longguo netizens have a different attitude.
“Why didn’t I perceive any funny elements in it? I only saw that the people behind them who can represent the country are heroes, because the things they carry are too heavy, so they are worthy of respect!”
“It’s strange, I see the shadow of our past in them”
“You read that right. A hundred years ago, when we, who were weak, went abroad, why didn’t we react like this?”
“Fortunately, our motherland has finally become stronger! Although I don’t know how many people’s hard work and cost have been paid, in the end, the Dragon Kingdom has returned to the top of the world!”
“At the moment of the prosperous world, we are just the ones who got it. Even if our ancestors have been sleeping in the sea of ​​stars, we must never forget that the Dragon Kingdom is ours, but also theirs!!”
“To be honest, I really want the dead martyrs to see the scene in front of me! Let me just say the last sentence: Your efforts are not in vain, this prosperous world is as you wish!”
“My generation wishes the prosperity of the world to continue, for generations to come, the mountains and rivers are safe, and the country is prosperous and the people are strong 0.2!”
“My generation wishes the prosperity of the world to continue, for generations to come, the mountains and rivers are safe, the country is prosperous and the people are strong!”
“My generation wishes the prosperity of the world to continue, for generations to come, the mountains and rivers are safe, the country is prosperous and the people are strong!”
Obviously, it has now entered the worldThe people of Longguo at the top have not forgotten the struggles of countless people in the past hundred years!
Nor did he lose himself because of his own strength,
Because they clearly know that this prosperous age is not easy to come by, and what they need to maintain is to keep this prosperous age going!
Maintaining the current prosperity of the Dragon Kingdom is the best consolation for the ancestors who have thrown their heads and blood in the past hundred years!

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