Outside the Dragon Country Conference!
Obviously, the emotional outburst of the netizens in Longguo was something that netizens from other countries never expected.
They don’t understand at all why the people of the Dragon country can be so emotionally fluctuated in this matter, just like they couldn’t understand the reasons why those representatives of small countries deserve respect.
What they don’t know is that if it wasn’t for the people of the Dragon country, they would never know that the people of the Dragon country have always carried in their hearts since ancient times, and have lasted for thousands of years of family and country feelings!
In the live broadcast, as time goes by,
Representatives of various countries at the entrance entered the venue one after another. Not only that, but also representatives from other countries with slightly stronger national strength also arrived at the Dragon Country Conference with the bus.
And follow the footsteps of the staff to walk to the intersection.
For a while, the crowd at the entrance of the Dragon Kingdom Grand Arena gradually increased.
On such a critical occasion, the representatives of various countries are wearing extremely bright clothes. After all, this time, all human beings are focused on this!
Compared with previous academic exchanges, this Global Planetary Defense Conference can be said to be the most grand and most concerned academic discussion in history!
So at this time, even if the scientific research scholars are no more informal, they are dressed in costumes and look extremely grand!
Maybe, I will have the opportunity to go on stage and have face-to-face exchanges with the top scholars in the world.
Under this idea, how could everyone present dress informally or solemnly?
When the representatives of various countries got out of the car, they discovered the strictness of the defense here, and their hearts were instantly raised, especially after seeing the ‘Sword Handler’ unmanned tactical mecha cruising in the air, all of them were Surprised.
However, compared to the first batch of delegates, their mood swings were not so great.
After counting his breaths, his expression quickly returned to calm, at least on the surface.
As a representative of one’s own country, one should be more or less tolerant. The countries behind these representatives are not weak, but they are not too strong, and they are in an embarrassing position in the international community.
Therefore, on such occasions where the presence of one’s own country can be enhanced, it is natural to do everything possible to enhance the popularity of one’s own country.
Even if it’s just a shot, you can’t lose the aura of your own country
After this batch of delegates entered the venue one after another, the remaining representatives of the five superpowers did not enter the venue.
There is still half an hour before the official start of the meeting.
The live broadcast screen was also cut into two, one was the picture of the outfield Longguo Great Hall, and the other was the infield picture.
The infield of the Longguo Grand Hall is a high-low semi-circular structure, which is distributed in order from high to low.
Generally speaking, the closer to the center of the circle, the higher the natural status.
As for the frontmost stage, there are five slightly scattered desks, and sitting on these five desks will be the leaders of the representatives sent by the five major countries.
On the desk in the center, there was a small sign with three big characters Tang Zhenli written on it.
As the leader of this meeting, Tang Zhenli, the representative of the Dragon Kingdom, naturally ranks at the center.
This is not only the wishes of the Dragon Kingdom, but also the wishes of the whole world!
In front of the five desks, there is a small podium. At that time, researchers who have ideas can take turns on the stage and elaborate their ideas.
At this time, in the Dragon Kingdom Grand Hall, I saw that the outer seats were almost full, and only the most front rows were left hanging there.
Undoubtedly, these positions are definitely the positions of the representatives of the five major countries that have not yet been present.
In the live broadcast room,
A group of netizens looked at the scene in the infield and couldn’t help but look forward to it for a while.
“What about the representatives of the five major countries? Why haven’t they arrived yet? And what about Professor Tang?”
“Yeah, yeah, it’ll start in twenty minutes.”
“Probably still on the way”
“Looking at the outside scene, here we come, five buses!”
At this moment, someone in the barrage said something, which immediately attracted everyone’s attention.
Everyone’s eyes could not help but shift from the infield to the outfield.
Outside the Dragon Country Conference,
I saw five buses traveling at a constant speed appearing in everyone’s field of vision.
Needless to say, the national flag on each bus can tell which country’s representative it is sitting on.
Among them, the leader is naturally the Dragon Kingdom as the host, and a bright red flag is hunting in the front of the car.
Followed by the Bald Eagle Country, the Hairy Bear Country, the John Bull Country and the Gallic Chicken Country
The motorcade representing the five strongest nations of mankind stopped at the main entrance of the Dragon Country Conference, and after that, fifty delegates from each nation got off the bus one after another.
Walk towards the entrance of the Dragon Kingdom Grand Hall.
Compared with the previous representatives of the countries participating in the conference, the scientific research scholars participating in the conference from the five major countries are obviously more extraordinary, and the temperament of the 800 scholars is even more obvious.
Although they were all dressed in the same splendor, compared to the previous glamorous, the representatives of the five major countries at this time revealed a confident glamorous.
This! It is the confidence of the five most powerful countries in the world!
As more than 200 people slowly walked to the Dragon CountryAt the entrance of the Great Hall, as usual, the ‘Sword Handler’ unmanned tactical mecha hangs high above their heads.
It made many delegates look at it, and their expressions were inexplicably more cautious. They also heard a little about this new weapon of the Dragon Kingdom.
But now, seeing the real thing for the first time, it is inevitable that there will be fluctuations in my heart!
However, the representative of Long Kingdom must be excluded from this. After all, the ‘Sword Handler’ unmanned tactical mecha is already an open secret in the scientific research community of Long Kingdom.
When I saw the ‘Sword Handler’ mecha, at most I only showed an interested expression.
In the end, under the complicated thoughts of the representatives of the other four countries, a few minutes later, the group came to the entrance of the Dragon Kingdom Grand Hall, waiting for a routine security check.

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