The Global Planetary Defense Conference officially begins!
At this moment, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room fell into silence for a short time, but after that, everyone started talking.
“On occasions where the whole world is in the spotlight, everyone wants to dress themselves up very well, and only Academician Xiao Tang doesn’t care about these things.”
“I don’t know what to say anymore. I’m afraid in the eyes of Academician Xiao Tang, the Global Planetary Defense Conference is no different from the conference he held before.”
“Isn’t it? It’s not like you don’t know that Academician Xiao Tang has already experienced the purpose of this meeting.”
“From this point of view, it is indeed the case, but there is one thing to say, this dress is refreshing compared to everyone else.”
“That’s right, what’s the meaning of everyone wearing a suit and tie? This should be specially matched by my sister for Academician Xiao Tang! If you want to do it, you have to be the most beautiful boy in the meeting! (Smiley face)”
“I don’t know why, I can’t accept other people dressed like this for such an important meeting, but it seems that it’s okay to put it on Academician Xiao Tang.”
“What should I say, academician Xiao Tang is also a young man, why is he so mature and stable in that 110?”
“Is this the public’s tolerance towards Academician Xiao Tang? Haha, this is too unified!”
“Compared to the previous work clothes, today’s academician Xiao Tang wears a casual style! I’ve already started to lick the screen (呵勿)”
“Licking the screen +1 (呲向)”
“It’s you again, two female hooligans, go away!”
“You haven’t thought about what if they are men?”
“Hey, fuck off like a boy, okay?”
Amidst the discussions among the netizens, Tang Zhenli moved his footsteps and began to walk slowly towards the interior of the Dragon Country Conference.
And for him, he didn’t need to accept the cumbersome inspection, so he quickly entered the venue.
As for the reason, it is also very simple. After all, the purpose of security for this meeting is for him, and the protected target naturally does not need to be inspected.
With the entry of Tang Zhenli, this also represents the beginning of the first global planetary defense conference.
At the same time, the angles of view in the live broadcast screen are all, the outside screen disappears, and only the inside screen of the Dragon Kingdom Convention is left.
Due to the fact that thousands of people were accommodated, the venue at this time was a bit noisy.
Four of the five seats on the stage have been filled. It can be said that Tang Zhenli is the only thing left for the meeting to officially begin.
Not long after, Tang Zhenli, who stepped into the infield, came to the stage under the leadership of the staff, and sat down in his seat under the watchful eyes of the leading representatives of the other four major nations.
And the moment he appeared, the noisy atmosphere in the venue visibly quieted down, and this quietness gradually spread over time.
Obviously, for everyone in the venue, only Tang Zhenli can lead this meeting.
A few minutes later, the venue was completely silent. This kind of silence can be felt even by the netizens through the screen.
And this huge change was all because of the appearance of Tang Zhenli.
At this time, Tang Zhenli was sitting on the seat, and did not announce the start of the meeting as usual.
Instead, he put some materials and documents he brought on the table, looked down, and turned a deaf ear to the atmosphere in the venue.
Before the meeting starts, he still needs to adjust the order of establishing the planetary defense system.
So far, a strange atmosphere appeared in the venue.
Everyone’s eyes were quietly watching Tang Zhenli in front of him. Even though they didn’t know what Tang Zhenli was doing, they still couldn’t help holding their breath, for fear that they would disturb the young man in charge.
For ordinary people, the general cognition may be that Tang Zhenli is a scientific research scholar with extraordinary status, a hero who saves the world!
For scientific researchers like them, their cognition is more than that. You must know that Tang Zhenli has participated in the scientific research projects and published scientific research results, but every one of them is unmatched by them!
There is a good saying, laymanWatch the excitement, experts watch the way!
To them, Tang Zhenli is the true god of the current human scientific research world!
Even though Tang Zhenli was only a young man at this time, the various halos around Tang Zhenli would always make them subconsciously forget that Tang Zhenli was a young man.
In their eyes, Tang Zhenli is an elder in scientific research who leads the progress of human civilization, so with this kind of thinking, they naturally have a sense of awe towards Tang Zhenli in their hearts.
So it’s reasonable to have such a weird atmosphere now.
But this also led to the fact that in such a quiet atmosphere, the voice of Tang Zhenli flipping through the documents at the front could be clearly conveyed to the ears of every audience.
Unknowingly, the time has passed ten o’clock when the meeting was originally scheduled to start.
In the end, a staff member from Longguo quickly stepped onto the stage, walked to his side, and reminded him in a low voice.
“Academician Tang, it’s time for the meeting to begin”
After the staff’s voice fell, Tang Zhenli’s thinking recovered a little bit, and then he realized that he still needs to lead this global planetary defense conference.
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli’s eyes narrowed slightly, he looked around the crowd, and then without delay, he directly picked up a conversation handle on the table, and said in a calm tone.
Calmly, it seemed that the people sitting in the audience were not representatives of experts from all over the world, but the staff of his project.
“The purpose of this meeting is to finalize the model of the future global planetary defense conference, so as to ensure the fastest construction of the human planetary defense system, so now I announce that the meeting has begun! During the meeting, I hope you can speak freely and contribute to the cause of mankind !”
Tang Zhenli’s gentle voice was heard clearly by everyone.
So far, the first Global Planetary Defense Conference has officially begun!

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