Enter, the meeting begins!
Inside the Dragon Kingdom Assembly Hall,
After Tang Zhenli announced the start of the meeting, everyone was looking forward to his next words.
Because in their impression, there is usually a long speech at the beginning of a meeting, let alone a meeting of this scale.
But what is surprising is that after Tang Zhenli finished speaking, he stopped talking and looked at the information in his hand.
For a while, netizens were a little confused.
“Is this all over? I thought there was a long speech!”
“Academician Xiao Tang’s temper is really straightforward, and he doesn’t drag his feet at all.”
“I don’t know why, I don’t want to listen to other people’s long speeches, but now I can’t wait for Academician Xiao Tang to say a few more words!”
“That’s right, that’s right! Academician Xiao Tang’s voice is too gentle, completely different from what I imagined! I thought it looked very capable?”
“If only I could hear Academician Xiao Tang’s voice every day, I really envy the colleagues who can work with Academician Xiao Tang, even if they are scolded, they can accept it.”
“I’m not that demanding. It’s enough to have a word with Academician Xiao Tang in this life.”
“I’ve made up my mind. The goal of the postgraduate entrance examination is Dragon Science and Technology University. I must enter the Four Saints Research Institute!”
“When I think of such a gentle voice, my heart will turn into a super jealous sister of Tianxian.”
“How do you feel that there are more and more female hooligans in the live broadcast room?”
I don’t know if it’s because someone set a precedent before, and the atmosphere of barrage has gradually changed slightly.
the other side,
In the Dragon Kingdom Conference, after Tang Zhenli finished his opening remarks, the huge venue fell into calm again.
Obviously, not only the netizens were a little confused, but everyone sitting off the court was also a little confused.
If you are familiar with Tang Zhenli’s staff on the project, you will know that Tang Zhenli never likes to talk nonsense during meetings, and what stands out is simplicity.
But the representatives of various countries off the field didn’t know Tang Zhenli’s temperament, and Tang Zhenli was used to being so straight to the point, so the atmosphere froze for a while.
But fortunately, the people off the court are not fools.
With a little more active mind, he has already figured it out. It seems that the meeting has already started.
For a while, everyone had a little understanding of Tang Zhenli’s character.
And after realizing this, many people off the field started to move.
In fact, before this, many people came prepared.
The construction of the global planetary defense system has been in their minds for a long time.
They all hope to show their knowledge at this conference that focuses the attention of the whole world, so as to become famous in one fell swoop!
If you can get the appreciation of some of the scientific research leaders in the field, and then join some high-precision and cutting-edge expert teams, then it is unknown from now on.
Of course, most of them are representatives of scientific research scholars from some small countries.
So after realizing this, after another half hour,
Finally, someone couldn’t bear it anymore and raised his hand to signal.
Finally, with the confirmation of the staff, he walked forward quickly.
When he walked to the stage, he nodded to the leading representatives of the five major countries one by one, then turned around and came to the small podium in front of him.
As expected, this scholar came from a small and poor country in Black Continent.
The scholar stood in front of the small podium, facing so many people for the first time. Only then did he realize that the on-field and off-field are simply two worlds!
Just facing the eyes of thousands of people in the audience, his hands trembled uncontrollably.
You know, these are not ordinary people. Everyone sitting in this scene is aFormerly famous scholar in academia!
Due to being too nervous, the long and exhausting articles that I had previously thought about searching the bowels and scraping the stomach were all blocked in my mouth for a while, and I couldn’t say anything.
Gradually, the originally quiet atmosphere in the venue gradually became a little noisy as time passed.
Everyone’s eyes on the stage focused on the scholar from the small country in Heizhou on the stage, showing impatience.
Scholars from other small countries were eager to speak in his place.
Just as the atmosphere was about to get louder, there was a light cough on the summit platform.
I saw Tang Zhenli holding the information in one hand, raised his head and glanced at the people off the field, obviously the noise had affected him.
But in an instant, when the light cough fell, the scene suddenly fell silent.
Obviously, many people are still paying attention to Tang Zhenli at this time.
Then Tang Zhenli turned his eyes and looked at the Heizhou scholar on the small podium.
The Heizhou scholar also noticed the abnormality and turned his head to look. He happened to make eye contact with Tang Zhenli and looked at each other.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli nodded slightly towards him, and signaled that he could start talking.
On the other hand, the Heizhou scholar on the stage felt Tang Zhenli’s gaze, and he couldn’t help feeling inspired.
For some reason, after getting in touch with Tang Zhenli, the Heizhou scholar felt an inexplicable surge of motivation in his heart.
The previous panic disappeared without a trace in an instant, even though Tang Zhenli was just a small action, it was a great encouragement to him!
In his mind, Tang Zhenli is a scientific research scholar standing at the top of the pyramid in the current human world. Compared to him, he is just an unknown representative of a weak and weak country.
This is exactly the difference between Gaoshan and ants, but just now, the Gaoshan he looked up at did not despise him because he was an ant, but instead he saw encouragement in Tang Zhenli’s eyes!
Thinking of this, the Heizhou scholar closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then let it out.
The next moment, his eyes opened, and his eyes were no longer as dazed as before.
Then I saw him walking to the front of the stage firmly, and then the language with a strong accent sounded.
This time, there was no noise off the court, and everyone looked at him intently.

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