The representative of the Dragon Kingdom comes to power! Target Tang Zhenli? !
Four Saints Research Institute,
The laboratory on the third basement floor, the living area,
Although it was almost noon now,
But on the sofa, Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue were still hugging each other and sleeping soundly.
If Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue have anything in common, it is probably only the fact that they love to sleep late.
Moreover, the sleeping position of the two is even more difficult to look directly at, but from the current situation, Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue are quite a good match. The other side looked like a pair of twin lotus.
At this moment, Wu Shaoying, who was sleeping, seemed to feel something, and her eyelids trembled slightly.
The next moment, the big black eyes opened, looking at Tang Ziyue’s pretty face so close, a look of confusion flashed in his eyes.
As her eyes gradually returned to clarity, Wu Shaoying’s face also showed a bit of urgency.
Oops! The surprise I prepared for Tang Zhenli
Under the anxiety, Wu Shaoying turned her head slightly and looked at the time on the TV table.
I don’t know if I don’t see it, but it’s almost twelve o’clock at noon!
She knew that the meeting started at ten o’clock!
Needless to say, it must be late!
Subconsciously, Wu Shaoying’s lips were shriveled, the formal clothes she had worked so hard to choose for him.
Thinking of this, Wu Shaoying couldn’t help thinking of last night
Immediately, she looked at Tang Ziyue in front of her with bad eyes. If it weren’t for this little girl, she would have to rely on her. After playing so late, she would not have overslept.
After that, Wu Shaoying only felt that the more she thought about it, the more angry she became. She wanted to break free from Tang Ziyue’s tightly hugging hands, but she found that she couldn’t get it out.
For a while, Wu Shaoying was in a hurry, and she directly opened her mouth and bit on the pretty face that could be broken by bullets.
The next moment,
He only heard the scream of “Ah”, and then saw Tang Ziyue covering her right cheek with tears in her eyes, looking at Wu Shaoying in front of her with aggrieved eyes.
Presumably she doesn’t know what happened yet, but she can understand it when she thinks about it.
Anyone who is sleeping soundly and is woken up by such a sudden way will be stunned.
Here, Wu Shaoying ignored Tang Ziyue, who was extremely aggrieved. Instead, she snorted and ran to the bathroom angrily to wash up.
Seeing this, Tang Ziyue immediately understood when she saw the time.
It’s even twelve o’clock!
The formal dress that sister-in-law prepared for brother
After realizing it, Tang Ziyue’s eyes widened, looking really cute.
In desperation, he could only follow Wu Shaoying with a guilty conscience.
After a while, the two women came to the TV for the first time after washing up.
As soon as the TV was turned on, it happened to be the live broadcast of the Global Planetary Defense Conference.
During the camera transition, he looked at Tang Zhenli, the only person on the summit stage, who was wearing casual clothes.
Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue first glanced at each other, then fell silent at the same time.
After a long while, Wu Shaoying looked at Tang Zhenli on TV with bright eyes, a little light flashed in her eyes from time to time.
“Ziyue, why does it feel weird for your brother to wear this dress?”
“Huh? What’s wrong?”
Hear the words, Tang Ziyue tilted her head slightly, looking at her suspiciously.
Seeing this, Wu Shaoying hugged her legs and put her head on her knees, with a nympho-like smile on her face.
“weirdly beautiful”
Tang Ziyue: “”
At this moment, Tang Ziyue only felt a mouthful of old blood stuck in her heart.
An extremely uncomfortable feeling reverberated in his mind, his face was bitter, and his heart was also a little aggrieved.
O sin! Why can’t I keep my mouth shut?
This is completely the kind of dog food that was directly poured into his mouth, or the kind he asked for.
Thinking about it, Tang Ziyue only felt a little unlovable, and she couldn’t help but look at Wu Shaoying with resentment.
Good-natured sister Tianxian, where did you learn these earthy love stories?
Dragon Kingdom Grand Hall,
The Global Planetary Defense Conference is in full swing.
After the Heizhou scholar took the stage, more and more scholars, like crucian carp crossing the river, eagerly wanted to be on the small podium.
In front of the whole world, show your knowledge and ambitions in your mind!
Tang Zhenli, who was sitting in the center of the five leaders, kept his eyes on his desk, listening to the speeches of scholars from all over the world, writing and drawing on paper, and looking up from time to time.
It has to be said that every researcher who devotes himself to academia cannot be underestimated.
Just the speeches of some scholars this morning inspired him.
After all, no matter how strong a person’s brainpower is, there are limitations. In addition, the field at this time is filled with top scientific researchers from all over the world.
The opinions and explanations of the planetary defense plan are naturally not bad, because the level is there.
For now, he has collected all the ideas that are very feasible and look good.
After walking off the stage with the words of a representative from a small country.
I saw one of the representatives of the Long Kingdom stand up and walk towards the stage.
And this move immediately attracted everyone’s attention.
You must know that before the conference representatives from some small countries came to the stage to express their views. No representative of the five superpowers has ever taken the stage to speak.
Now it seems that Long Guo is going to break this routine by 0.6.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli also nodded secretly. He also had an influence on this researcher.
If he remembered correctly, this researcher should be a staff member of Du Wenxuan in the original “Phoenix” project.
To a certain extent, it is also his former subordinate.
He doesn’t look very old, maybe in his thirties or forties
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli was also secretly paying attention, to be able to break out of the ‘bad’ environment in the scientific research community of Longguo and attend the meeting on behalf of Longguo, there must be ink in his stomach.
Then I saw that the representative of the Long Kingdom came to the stage, he first nodded to Tang Zhenli, and then he came to the small podium.

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