Humans under the ‘high wall’!
Inside the Dragon Kingdom Convention Hall,
As soon as the scientific research representative from Long Guo took the stage, he attracted everyone’s attention.
Not only the scholars off the field, but also the audience in the live broadcast room.
Because they all know that the scientific research representatives from the five superpowers who can be selected to participate in the conference must be the existence of Fengmao water chestnut.
And this representative of the Dragon Kingdom was the first one of the five superpowers to speak up, so it was hard not to get everyone’s attention.
“The representative of the Dragon Kingdom, I didn’t expect that the first one of the five major countries to speak was the representative of the Dragon Kingdom.”
“It looks like it should be level, and those who are not level don’t dare to stand up like this!”
“Speaking of which, you can’t tell whether you have a level or not. Did you understand the speeches of the previous representatives?”
“makes sense”
“Although I don’t understand, it doesn’t prevent me from thinking what they said is very reasonable.”
10 “That’s right, we’re just watching the fun. After all, everyone who can figure it out is sitting off the court.”
“After all, this is also a major event related to human beings. Listening to it will give you a sense of participation.”
“Okay, so I can be considered a participant (happy)”
During the discussion among the netizens, the representative of the Dragon Kingdom who came to power immediately began to expound his views on the current human beings to build a planetary defense system.
Unlike the previous representatives of small countries, this time he did not make a name for himself.
He simply got Tang Zhenli’s appreciation and joined Tang Zhenli’s work team.
This idea was already there when Tang Zhenli brought the ‘Hanguang’ unmanned tactical mecha to the Northwest Aerospace Base for testing alone.
At that time, the R&D team headed by Du Wenxuan was still conceiving the plan of the unmanned tactical mecha in the ‘Heavenly Court Project’.
And Tang Zhenli’s ‘Hanguang’ unmanned tactical mecha appeared in front of them mercilessly, directly shattering their self-confidence.
From that time, he secretly swore that he would definitely join Tang Gong’s team if he had the opportunity in the future. Only by following good people can he become better!
And this idea became more and more intense when Tang Zhenli handed over all the ‘Hanguang’ unmanned tactical mecha plans to their R&D team.
Because for the original ‘Hanguang’ unmanned tactical mecha plan, the R&D team headed by Du Wenxuan was racking their brains to understand it, and wanted to learn something from it.
But after they had penetrated it, they found that as long as they thought of unmanned tactical mecha, the plan of ‘Hanguang’ unmanned tactical mecha would come to mind.
The reason is that Tang Zhenli’sThe design of Hanguang’s unmanned tactical mech is so perfect that every aspect has been considered.
To put it bluntly, this is a perfect solution!
It was so perfect that it restricted their thinking, so that when they thought of mechas, the familiar plan would appear in their minds.
They also thought about making changes, but after testing, even if only one detail is changed, the performance of the mecha will drop significantly.
In other words, they didn’t even dare to change the original plan.
So much so that the final finished product of the ‘Sword Handler’ unmanned tactical mecha is actually a painted version of the ‘Hanguang’ unmanned tactical mecha
Since then, he has left a deep impression in his heart!
Be sure to join Tang Gong’s team!
So today, he is full of confidence on stage, because before that, he has made adequate preparations.
“At present, there are two keys for mankind to establish a planetary defense system, that is, to build it at the fastest speed while ensuring feasibility. As for the rest, you can temporarily put it aside.”
As his clear voice fell, most of the people off the court couldn’t help but move.
You must know that what the representatives of various countries who came to the stage to speak before were eager to try their best to establish a sound and effective planetary defense system.
At this time, what I heard from the representative of the Long Kingdom was some remarks.
If you only care about time and ignore the rest, it would be a bit of a waste of time.
Moreover, what all human beings hope to establish now must be a perfect planetary defense system. If only time is concerned, I am afraid that at the beginning, only the prototype of the global planetary defense system can be built.
But this is a big project that gathers the power of all human beings. If it is made into a prototype, it will be hard to say it, and its function alone may be greatly reduced!
However, because it was the representative of the Dragon Kingdom who spoke on the stage, most of them just had strange expressions on their faces and did not open their mouths to refute.
If these remarks were made by some representatives of small countries before, I’m afraid they would have been kicked out long ago.
With this kind of thought in mind, everyone off the court had to be patient and continue to listen.
On the summit stage,
After hearing his speech, the representatives of the other four countries shook their heads subconsciously.
Obviously, this idea was contrary to what they thought, so after listening to it for a while, I didn’t listen too much to 690.
Only Tang Zhenli stopped his movements at this moment, raised his head, and looked at the person speaking in front of him, his eyes flickering slightly.
Obviously, the name of his former subordinate coincides with his idea.
Unlike representatives from other countries, Tang Zhenli also tends to build a human planetary defense system as soon as possible, focusing on timeliness rather than completeness.
Because now the development of human civilization is only short of time.
As long as human beings are given time, with the current situation, human science and technology will definitely develop at a high speed in a blowout situation.
It would be a bit of a waste of time to concentrate on building a line of defense now.
For the sake of promoting the civilization of all mankind, Tang Zhenli does not want all mankind to spend too much energy on building the defense line of the universe.
Rather than building protective walls, he prefers to explore outwards.
Of course, this is not a complete disregard for the safety of the earth. In his thinking, it is the best way to gradually improve the defense line to protect the earth!
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli listened to the speech of the representative of the Dragon Kingdom on the stage, and there was an inexplicable light in his eyes.

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