Contradictions, remarks that do not conform to the general trend!
on the stage,
The representative of the Long Kingdom was talking eloquently in front of the small podium, and he was even more excited when he talked about his happiness.
However, unlike what he expected, most of the scholars off the court looked at him blankly.
This made him feel a little strange. When the representatives of various countries spoke before, their expressions were not like this.
What he didn’t know was that now all mankind hopes to build a line of defense that is reassuring enough.
Time is of the essence, but the vast majority prefer the reliability of planetary defenses.
After all, the catastrophe of the end of the world more than a month ago still lingers in their minds,
Overall, these are two keynotes.
One is the stable tone, which is the current main tone and the one that 99% of people expect to see.
The speeches of the representatives of all countries participating in the conference were based on this tone, so even if their ideas were immature, some people would applaud.
But his tone was different from others from the beginning. The tone he detailed was more inclined to build a planetary defense system hastily, and then gradually improve it in the future.
How can this be accepted by all mankind, who are still in a state of panic?
What if there is another crisis like the “Death” asteroid?
Can the hastily built fortifications stop it?
Not afraid of 10,000, but just in case, even if there is a 1 in 10,000 chance of being unable to stop it, it will be catastrophic to human beings.
You must know that the behind-the-scenes of the asteroid “Reaper” is somewhat unreasonable, and it is not just Tang Zhenli’s deduction.
Not to mention scientific research scholars, some serious astronomy enthusiasts can also deduce the source of the “Death” asteroid, which may contain terrifying secrets!
In other words, events such as the asteroid “Death” that are internally defined as “attacks” rather than “disasters” are likely to happen again in the future!
This is why they think about spending most of the energy of all mankind to build such a line of defense
ThisYes, as his remarks gradually deepened,
Most of the scholars off the field also began to gradually become impatient from expressionless.
This kind of communication that is completely opposite to the mainstream tone is meaningless to the whole conference!
Gradually, some discussions began to sound in the venue, and as the chatter spread, the venue became increasingly noisy.
This is not only the experts and scholars in the venue who feel the atmosphere is wrong.
Even the netizens who watched the live broadcast across the screen felt the atmosphere at this time.
“How do I feel, is what this scholar expounded different from what he said before?”
“It’s really not the same. Didn’t you see that the voices in the venue became a lot louder?”
“Do you understand the popular explanation that brother came out with?”
“Let’s put it this way, to put it simply, no matter what the previous experts and scholars said, the main body invested a lot of time and energy to establish a planetary defense system, but this Dragon Country expert’s idea is to establish a planetary defense system as soon as possible. , but not in the case of investing a lot of manpower and material resources, just short-term pursuit of convenience in time, well, that’s about it.”
“That’s it, I realized it, I wish everyone upstairs to bring paper every time they go to the toilet!”
“I understand too, thank you for understanding brother! I wish your wife’s cheating will be discovered by you!”
“Me too, so do I, I wish my brother and wife cheated, the child must be his own!”
“Don’t say anything else, your mother will definitely reduce the price of groceries! Super discount!”
“Upstairs are some hell blessings”
“Don’t say that some of these are missing. Now, it seems that our scholar’s speech seems a little immature.”
“It’s more than immature! You, a scholar from Longguo, are simply out of your mind, right? You can’t tell the difference between the primary and secondary!!!”
“This may be the so-called expert! (funny)”
“Although I am from the Dragon Kingdom, I am indeed a little speechless. How long has it been since the ‘Death God’ asteroid has passed, and I have already forgotten it? Or can I just sit back and relax?”
“Shouldn’t the eyes of ordinary scientific research scholars be very long-term? Why is this scholar’s vision so short-sighted?”
“To put it bluntly, the scar is healed and the pain is forgotten.”
“I have some doubts about his level. How did this kind of person choose to participate in the conference? He looks so young, so he doesn’t want to be in a relationship, right? Do you want to show a different version of yourself in this conference where all mankind participates? ?”
“Before this, everyone else’s tone was the same, but he did the opposite. To be honest, it’s hard not to suspect that he wanted to show off on purpose.”
Obviously, it is not only the representatives of various countries participating in the meeting who have opinions on these remarks.
Even most of the audience sitting in front of the screen is difficult to understand
From their point of view, human beings have just narrowly escaped disaster, so they naturally have to be prepared for danger and try their best to build the first line of defense for human beings to face the universe.
Only when the parent star is stable can human civilization further explore into space!
Otherwise, the future will be unstable. If something like the “Death” asteroid incident happens again, when the human beings leave the mother planet, they will be nothing more than wanderers in the universe!
You must know that for the wanderers of the universe, the development of civilization has an upper limit!
Actually lift,
This is an instinctive choice of human nature. Before doing everything, risks will be considered first.
This is a kind of gene engraved in the bones. Avoiding risks is the choice of human nature.
Under the influence of this kind of genes, people will not necessarily choose the right side, but will choose the side that is more beneficial to themselves, because it is human nature.
So naturally, everyone was instinctively opposed to the representative of the Dragon Kingdom who was still speaking on the stage.

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