Countermeasure? The situation of the Dragon Kingdom!
Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the person in charge,
After thinking of this, Ji Chengtian’s expression relaxed a little.
Suddenly, Ji Chengtian seemed to think of something, and the heart that had just been let go instantly lifted again.
Then he subconsciously looked at Li Wei, only to see that Li Wei was obviously aware of it, and his face was also full of sadness.
If this matter had been placed two months ago, Ji Chengtian would not have even taken it to heart.
Because if you use your brain a little bit, you will know that this Laoshizi “Archangel” is a fake product made by the Bald Eagle Country and the John Bull Country out of a hurry.
Otherwise, it would be impossible to produce an aerospace carrier in half a year.
If we compare the “Phoenix” with the “Archangel”, the “Phoenix” can crush the “Archangel”Eighteen Streets!
Not to mention the ‘Phoenix’ itself, it is a clustered ‘Sword Handler’ unmanned tactical mecha, as well as the ‘Kunpeng’ aerial unmanned fighter, which may surpass the ‘Archangel’ in terms of technology.
That is to say, this ‘Archangel’ sounds like an air carrier, but it is actually just a spacecraft with the appearance of an air carrier. Under the circumstance that the controllable nuclear fusion technology is made public, a spacecraft of this weight will not be built. Not too difficult.
Compared with ordinary spacecraft, it is only larger in size. It is only one-sided to face the ‘Phoenix’ in space. After all, the ‘Phoenix’ is a real aerospace carrier.
But the problem now is that the ‘Phoenix’ was badly damaged in the ‘Reaper’ asteroid crisis, and is now undergoing major repairs!
According to the estimation of the crew of the maintenance crew of the ‘Phoenix’, the time for the return to the factory for overhaul will vary from three months to half a year.
This is also the reason why Ji Chengtian is worried out of thin air.
And more importantly, the time period for the first flight of the ‘Archangel’ is so sensitive, it is during the launch of the Global Planetary Defense Conference!
In other words, above the current low-Earth orbit, the ‘Archangel’ is slowly monitoring the entire earth from above.
It’s hard not to wonder if the Bald Eagle Nation and John Niu Nation did it on purpose!
If it is intentional, the follow-up content of this Planetary Defense Conference is already obvious.
The Bald Eagle Country and John Bull Country are now wearing the same pair of pants, which will definitely make a stumbling block in the dominance of the planetary defense system behind.
This Planetary Defense Conference is definitely not as simple as imagined.
I just don’t know, how far are they ready?
At this moment, Li Wei said in a low voice, with a hesitant tone.
“Lao Ji, do you think we should remind us about this?”
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian shook his head and said thoughtfully.
“No, we don’t know much, even if it’s a reminder, it’s meaningless. After all, what we’ve seen is only what the Bald Eagle Country and John Niuguo want us to see, so we can only take a step by step. ”
Said, Ji Chengtian frowned, far less optimistic than before the meeting.
Here, Li Wei also sighed and shook his head gently.
It seems that this Planetary Defense Conference is definitely not just as simple as academic exchanges
It can be expected that in the last few days of discussions, the Bald Eagle Country and John Niu Country will definitely attack!
Dragon Kingdom Grand Hall,
After a brief refurbishment, the Global Planetary Defense Conference continues.
As in the morning, the representatives of the five major powers at the summit still did not make a statement.
Except for the representative of the Dragon Kingdom at the beginning, none of the subsequent speakers who came to power were from the five major countries.
It can be said that the speeches a few days ago were basically representatives of some small countries.
As for the battle of the great powers, we have to stay behind.
Unconsciously, the first day of the Planetary Defense Conference ended quietly.
After Tang Zhenli announced the end of the meeting, representatives from various countries left the venue one after another and returned to their respective locations.
For them, this day can be described as a fruitful day.
Regardless of the academic level, they heard more fantastic ideas on this day than at any time before.
After the meeting,
The audience who watched the live broadcast for a day also started to discuss in a dazed way.
“As expected, it is indeed the collision of the top human minds. The first day alone really benefited me a lot!”
“Oh? Benefit a lot? Tell me, what did you learn?”
“Uh, I mean I feel learned, but I haven’t fully learned it.”
“Okay! Co-authored and listened to the book every day!”
“Can anyone summarize today’s meeting?”
“It is estimated that there are at least dozens of speeches without the ones on stage today!”
“Let’s not mention anything else, this year’s second year of research, today’s speeches of these bigwigs can be recorded for me to study for a year! I haven’t even heard of many obscure professional terms. If it comes a few days later, I can’t imagine it.”
“If you want to talk about a game, you can also summarize it. How do you summarize this day?”
“To say that the most impressive is the point of view of the representative of Long Guo, it is not a fallacy!”
“Hey! We don’t know what to say in 3.3.”
During the discussion among the audience, the live broadcast of the first day also came to an end with the end of the meeting.
Inside the Four Saints Research Institute,
Immediately after the meeting, Tang Zhenli chose to return to the Four Saints Research Institute.
As the leader of the meeting, he has the right to freely enter and exit the Great Hall of the Dragon Kingdom.
After a while at the laboratory on the third basement floor, Tang Zhenli immediately began to perfect his plan.
Today’s meeting still has some inspiration for him

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