: The Unwholesome Come on Stage!
Sisheng Research Institute, on the third basement floor,
Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue held their breaths on the sofa and looked at Tang Zhenli, who was extremely focused on the desk, for fear that they would disturb him.
Just like that, before I knew it, a night passed.
When the two women woke up on the sofa, they once again found that Tang Zhenli had disappeared from their sight.
At this time, in the Dragon Kingdom Convention Hall,
As on the first day, none of the representatives from the five major countries chose to speak on the stage today.
It seems as Ji Chengtian expected, maybe in the last few days, they will show their fangs!
As the days go by, the global planetary defenseThe first five days of the meeting passed peacefully and steadily.
Until now, the sixth day of the Global Planetary Defense Conference has officially kicked off!
On the live broadcast platform at this time, a large number of live broadcast viewers have gathered.
Because everyone knows that the last two days of the meeting belong to the five major countries!
Everyone is looking forward to watching the live broadcast, looking forward to what kind of sparks will be created in today’s academic collision!
“Here we come! In the last two days, the academic feast for all mankind is about to begin!”
“Before I looked at the official list, the scholars sent by the five major countries are all the top batch in the current human academic world! It is not too much to say that it is the most grand conference in human history!”
“So, it’s cheap for you to watch the live broadcast. If you want to talk about the level of the academic world, professors have to stand when they go in, doctors have to squat when they go in, and graduate students have to kneel when they go in.”
“Who do you look down on? What about undergraduates?”
“Undergraduates! That’s okay, you can’t get in!”
“Who said that, I just knew someone with a professional background and went in!”
“Who? That boss, don’t say it out and worship!”
“Hey, the one in the middle at the front”
“Are you talking nonsense here? Is Academician Xiao Tang’s major a specialist? It’s a special program for college students!!!”
Anyway, amidst the discussions among netizens, the agenda for the penultimate day of the Global Planetary Defense Conference has officially begun!
As everyone expected, at the very beginning, a representative of the Bald Eagle Kingdom got up and walked towards the stage.
From the outside, he looks like a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties. His whole body, especially his hair, is combed meticulously. He looks like a very serious person!
After the representative of the Bald Eagle Kingdom came to the stage, he secretly glanced at Tang Zhenli, who was in the center, with an imperceptible cold light in his eyes, and then walked towards the small podium.
And his appearance on the stage immediately attracted everyone’s attention.
No one expected that as soon as the meeting started, the Bald Eagle Kingdom, a veteran superpower, could not wait to play!
Is this about to have a collision?
For a while, the audience in the live broadcast room were also discussing.
“The Bald Eagle Kingdom was the first to appear on stage! But why do you feel that this representative looks familiar?”
“Mr. Faraday! It turned out to be Mr. Faraday! He was the first to appear on stage!!!”
“Ask if you don’t understand! Who is Mr. Faraday???”
“Let’s put it this way, you know the theory of black hole scattering! It was he who proposed it, and he is known as the founder of contemporary quantum physics! The master of the gods! I haven’t participated in academic exchanges for a long time. I didn’t expect that this time, he actually personally Let’s go!”
“Impossible! I don’t think he is very old. He looks about forty or fifty years old. Is he really as amazing as you say?”
“Forty or fifty years old? Are you kidding me! Mr. Faraday is at least over seventy years old, but he is in good physical condition!”
“Hiss, you can’t tell that you are seventy years old at all? Shouldn’t you be trembling at seventy years old? Is your body in such good condition? I really can’t tell!”
“Hey, although I’m also from the Dragon Kingdom, to be honest, in the field of quantum physics, Mr. Faraday is the unique king!”
“Um, what about Academician Xiao Tang?”
“Where is this all? This is not a comparison in the same field? Of course, let’s not talk about Academician Xiao Tang’s contribution to saving the world. If you want to talk about the achievements and reputation in the scientific research circle, Academician Xiao Tang must be greater! After all, the field of quantum physics It is even more difficult to produce results and achievements.”
“In that case, wouldn’t it be interesting to see what happens next?”
After someone gave such an answer, the audience in the live broadcast room became more and more looking forward to it, and there was a bit of anticipation in the expectation.
Although none of them could understand the communication and speech skills of these scientific researchers.
But for some reason, just looking at the meeting through the screen like this, they have a sense of participation, and then they feel a sense of pride in their hearts.
In the venue of the Dragon Kingdom Convention,
423 After the representative from the Bald Eagle Kingdom came to the stage, the atmosphere off the court suddenly became a little strange.
On the summit stage alone, the representatives of Bald Eagle Country and John Bull Country subconsciously glanced at Tang Zhenli who was sitting in the center.
Here, Faraday is standing by the podium,
What everyone didn’t expect was that he didn’t speak immediately. Instead, he looked around the crowd with a calm expression, and then took out a stack of documents he had prepared in advance.
Then he fiddled with it on the small podium in a leisurely manner.
She didn’t look anxious at all.
Just like that, this state lasted for several minutes, until the atmosphere off the field became a little tense.
he spoke
“It is a great honor for me to represent the Bald Eagle Nation to attend this meeting today. First of all, I would like to explain my point of view. At present, what we are inclined to do is to do our best to build a good human planetary defense system.”
As the words with a strong accent sounded, everyone in the audience looked intently at the stage.
Because the report made by the people on the stage now represents the viewpoint of Bald Eagle Country, one of the five largest countries in the world!

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