Attack, a collision between great powers!
In the venue of the Dragon Kingdom Convention,
The atmosphere was very quiet, and everyone in the audience watched the speech of the old man on the stage intently.
Obviously, everyone here knows the nameThe status of the old man in the current scientific research circle in the world!
It can be said bluntly that besides Tang Zhenli, he is one of the few people standing at the top of the pyramid in the human scientific research world!
Everyone wants to hear his thoughts on building mankind’s first line of defense against the universe.
“At present, the most important thing for human beings is to establish a complete defense system to face the threats from the universe. If they are only pursuing speed, then sooner or later this will bring great disaster to human beings!”
As he said that, Faraday’s eyes deliberately stayed in the direction of the representatives of Longguo for a while, and the meaning behind his words was already obvious.
As his words fell, everyone in the audience could hear the smell of gunpowder from his words!
Everyone looked at him in surprise. Could it be that the conflict between the Dragon Kingdom and the Bald Eagle Kingdom is about to start?
These words, inside and outside, are aimed at the previous representative of the Dragon Kingdom!
For a while, the atmosphere in the venue was a little quiet.
From time to time, someone looked at Tang Zhenli on the stage and the representative of the Bald Eagle Kingdom beside him.
However, there is still something faintly wrong now, and the matter has not been brought to the surface.
At this moment, Faraday’s voice sounded again.
“In fact, in the last two days of this Global Planetary Defense Conference, I hope to set the main tone of the meeting now, so that the next two days’ meetings can focus on one direction!”
As he said that, Faraday’s eyes froze, and then he looked directly at the representative of the Dragon Kingdom who came to power on the first day, and the purpose was self-evident.
While watching, Faraday’s expression froze slightly, and then he said immediately.
“I suggest that, for the consideration of all mankind, scholars who go against the mainstream views can withdraw from this Global Planetary Defense Conference!”
Speaking of this, everyone immediately understood.
This means that the previous representative of the Dragon Kingdom is clearly kicked out of the meeting. You know, there is only one mainstream view before, which is to do everything possible to build a planetary defense system for mankind.
And there is only one point of view that goes against the mainstream, and that is what was suggested by the representative of the Dragon Kingdom before, that the prototype of the planetary defense system should be built now, and the others can be improved one after another.
In essence, the tendencies of these two viewpoints are quite different!
From the present point of view, if the current mainstream is followed, if nothing else happens, in the future, human beings should try their best to build a stable direction.
And although Faraday’s suggestion is a bit unreasonable in reason, it has to be said that it can indeed improve the efficiency of follow-up meetings.
Of course, it’s impossible to know if there is any selfishness in this.
After realizing this, the representatives from various countries subconsciously looked at the Dragon Country representative with subconscious sympathy. Although he was generally calm at this time, his pale face still betrayed his inner tension.
Apparently he didn’t know that he was being targeted just because he stated his point of view.
If he is really forced to withdraw from the meeting today, his status and reputation in the academic circle will plummet in the future.
Because it sounds nice to say that he quit voluntarily, but everyone knows that he was kicked out.
In front of the small podium,
Faraday’s expression was slightly cold, and he looked at him leisurely. Although he didn’t send a glance, he still felt a heavy pressure approaching.
For a moment, he was at a loss. Under such circumstances, being targeted in this way, he really wanted to go on as Faraday said, but he knew that he couldn’t go on, because he not only represented I, also represent the Dragon Kingdom!
Just like that, the atmosphere in the room gradually froze, as if the meeting would not start until he left the room.
And at this time, there was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.
At this moment, anyone can tell that there is something wrong with the atmosphere.
“The Bald Eagle Kingdom is obviously trying to pick things up?”
“Is the first confrontation between the Bald Eagle Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom about to begin?”
“Although the views of the scholar from the Dragon Kingdom were not right before, I don’t know why I feel a little pity for him now.”
“If you are really forced to leave the stage, you will lose all face in the future.”
“However, looking at the situation, it seems that sooner or later we will leave!”
In the discussion of the audience.
The atmosphere in the Dragon Country Conference gradually became solemn. Faraday stood by the small podium without speaking, just staring at the Dragon Country scholar off the field.
Seeing this, other representatives of the Dragon Kingdom wanted to help, but they were helpless.
For scientific research scholars of Faraday’s level, they should still be scholars with enough weight in the Dragon Kingdom, or else it might be a taunt
After all, the academic circle is very particular about seniority, except for Tang Zhenli and other sudden emergences.
If there was anyone present who could stop Faraday, it would only be Tang Zhenli who was sitting on the summit podium.
After realizing it, most of the participating representatives of Dragon Kingdom looked expectantly at Tang Zhenli on the summit stage.
But to their disappointment, Tang Zhenli still focused on his own affairs with his head down as usual, as if he didn’t know anything about this.
After a while, Faraday on the small podium finally couldn’t bear it anymore.
In fact, this is the first step for the Bald Eagle Kingdom and the John Bull Kingdom to counter the Dragon Kingdom.
While suppressing this Dragon Nation representative, it had the effect of suppressing Dragon Nation.
At that time, as long as this representative is forced to leave the stage, the momentum of the Dragon Kingdom will end here!
At that time, the representatives of various countries present will clearly understandAs a matter of fact, although the current Dragon Kingdom is regarded as the top in the world, it does not occupy absolute dominance!
At least for now, Dragon Kingdom is not the only one!
Thinking about it, a cold smile appeared on the corner of Faraday’s mouth, and then he said loudly, his tone was not as polite as before!
“This is the end of the matter, please leave the venue for irrelevant people, so as not to affect the progress of the meeting!”
After the words fell, Faraday fixed his eyes on the representative of the Dragon Kingdom.
Everyone understands that the Bald Eagle Kingdom is going to get serious!

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