Target? ! Tang Zhenli’s end!
In the live broadcast room, the audience couldn’t help discussing as they watched the Dragon Kingdom Assembly Hall, which was quite tense at this moment.
As ordinary people, they obviously don’t agree with the disputes among human beings at this time, and they can’t bear to see it at this time.
But after all, they are just ordinary people, and they can’t intervene in the rivalry between countries, let alone the two countries that are currently the strongest in mankind!
“It seems that the representative of Dragon Kingdom is about to be invited out.”
“There’s nothing we can do about it. If you want to blame him, you have to blame his extreme remarks.”
“Ninety-nine percent of the scholars in the field now support the mainstream direction, so the Bald Eagle Kingdom occupies the general trend! There is no way around this.”
“Although individual scholars cannot be promoted to the country, the scholars participating in the conference now represent the country. It seems that this time, the Dragon Kingdom will have to suffer from this dark loss.”
“Although the Dragon Kingdom is powerful now, it is after all countries from all over the world gathered here.”
Under the discussion of the audience, it seemed that the follow-up encounter of the Long 767 scholar was doomed.
The next thing is that they will definitely not be able to stay in the venue anymore, it’s just a matter of how they see the end of the venue.
In the venue of the Dragon Kingdom Convention,
The previous representative of the Dragon Country was completely pale. Even though he was surrounded by encouraging eyes from his colleagues, he still couldn’t withstand the pressure that was placed on him at this time.
The next moment, after he swallowed hard, he slowly tried to stand up, his fists clenched tightly, as if he was suppressing his own trembling.
Getting up this time seems to be more difficult than all the getting ups in his previous life.
“Wait a minute!”
Suddenly, a familiar voice came from the front of the stage.
When everyone heard the voice, they all looked towards the owner of the voice.
Tang Zhenli, who was in the center of the head seat, propped his hands on the table, looked at the representative of the Dragon Kingdom calmly, and then waved to him, motioning him to sit down.
And the Longguo scholar also heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this, as if he was relieved from a heavy burden.
In the end, Tang Zhenli finally spoke up!
However, Faraday’s expression on the small podium did not fluctuate after hearing the voice. On the contrary, there was a slight disdain on his face.
Finally, can’t you bear it anymore?
Thinking about it, Faraday’s evaluation of Tang Zhenli was inexplicably lower.
On such an occasion, Longguo can only abandon this scholar, or this bit of face.
Under the general trend, this is something that must be discarded.
If there are scholars from Longguo who come out to stop them at this time, then he can hold on to them and expel them all at the end.
Because the Bald Eagle Kingdom now occupies the general trend, he is the general trend!
If things get serious, Long Guo will not only lose face, but will also be named as a high hat who does not care about the severity and the consequences of human civilization.
So at this time, in his eyes, the safest thing for Longguo scholars is to keep silent and prepare to deal with their next step.
But Tang Zhenli spoke at this time.
In other words, he couldn’t even understand the current situation!
After this, how can we not let him look down a bit.
It seems that this Tang Zhenli is just a false name.
In other words, he’s just a nerd who only knows how to do research, but he doesn’t understand the big picture at all.
It has to be said that it was a big mistake for Long Guo to choose him as the representative of the meeting this time.
It has to be said that Tang Zhenli’s actions were within his expectations, but also beyond his expectations.
Thinking about it, Faraday turned his eyes, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Tang Zhenli, already planning secretly in his heart.
Although he is a scholar on the surface, you must know that he was a full-fledged politician when he was young!
At that time, it was only because I was tired of those boring political struggles that I abandoned politics and devoted myself to literature.
So in terms of his scheming and strategy, he is not inferior to those sophisticated politicians at all.
After almost a few breaths, Faraday already had a plan in mind.
Tang Zhenli is different from ordinary scholars participating in the conference. He can’t be expelled with him as he thought before, but he can also use this to suppress his reputation.
With this in mind, Faraday subconsciously glanced at some messy papers on Tang Zhenli’s desk.
The contempt in my heart was even worse. It seemed that this person was just playing tricks on the past few days.
At this time, the people off the field were all looking forward to the next confrontation on the field. Although Faraday thought a lot, the reality was that it was only a few breaths of time.
Then, after taking a deep breath, he tried his best to adjust his expression.
After a few breaths, he looked calm and said to Tang Zhenli in a calm tone.
“Professor Tang, what’s wrong?”
After he finished speaking, his sharp eyes looked straight at Tang Zhenli, as if he wanted to put pressure on him in this way.
After all, his aggressive eyesIn the past, it was always unfavorable, and the representative of the Dragon Kingdom not long ago had only seen the coercion in his eyes.
But what surprised him was that he didn’t find any abnormal reaction in Tang Zhenli’s eyes when he made eye contact with Tang Zhenli.
Tang Zhenli’s eyes were still as calm as ever.
That kind of feeling is like ignoring him directly!
In such a situation, he couldn’t help but wonder, is there anything else he can’t do?
But in the next moment, Tang Zhenli shook his head lightly at him, and then said in his usual tone.
“During the progress of the meeting, there is no such thing as quitting halfway.”
Hearing this, Faraday felt relieved, thinking he had any excuse.
Are you really a nerd? Such a lame reason
Thinking about it, he despised Tang Zhenli more and more in his heart.
The next moment, Faraday’s expression was arrogant, and he said a heart-wrenching remark in a slow and unhurried tone.
“Professor Tang, this is being recognized by representatives from all over the world. Is Professor Tang trying to protect him just because he is from the Dragon Kingdom?”
The voice fell, and the audience suddenly fell silent!

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